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a book of scoundrels-第6章

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a stolen advantage。

Abroad a craftsman; he carried into the closet the skill and energy which distinguished him when the moon was on the heath。  Though not born to the arts of peace; he was determined to prove his respect for letters; and his masterpiece is no less pompous in manner than it is estimable in tone and sound in reflection。  He handled slang as one who knew its limits and possibilities; employing it not for the sake of eccentricity; but to give the proper colour and sparkle to his page; indeed; his intimate acquaintance with the vagabonds of speech enabled him to compile a dictionary of Pedlar's French; which has been pilfered by a whole battalion of imitators。  Moreover; there was none of the proverbs of the pavement; those first cousins of slang; that escaped him; and he assumed all the licence of the gentleman… collector in the treatment of his love…passages。

Captain Smith took the justest view of his subject。 For him robbery; in the street as on the highway; was the finest of the arts; and he always revered it for its own sake rather than for vulgar profit。  Though; to deceive the public; he abhorred villainy in word; he never concealed his admiration in deed of a ‘highwayman who robs like a gentleman。'  ‘There is a beauty in all the works of nature;' he observes in one of his wittiest exordia; ‘which we are unable to define; though all the world is convinced of its existence: so in every action and station of life there is a grace to be attained; which will make a man pleasing to all about him and serene in his own mind。'  Some there are; he continues; who have placed ‘this beauty in vice itself; otherwise it is hardly probable that they could commit so many irregularities with a strong gust and an appearance of satisfaction。'  Notwithstanding that the word ‘vice' is used in its conventional sense; we have here the key to Captain Smith's position。  He judged his heroes' achievements with the intelligent impartiality of a connoisseur; and he permitted no other prejudice than an unfailing loyalty to interrupt his opinion。

Though he loved good English as he loved good wine; he was never so happy as when (in imagination) he was tying the legs of a Regicide under the belly of an ass。  And when in the manner of a bookseller's hack he compiled a Comical and Tragical History of the Lives and Adventures of the most noted Bayliffs; adoration of the Royalists persuaded him to miss his chance。  So brave a spirit as himself should not have looked complacently upon the officers of the law; but he saw in the glorification of the bayliff another chance of castigating the Roundheads; and thus he set an honorific crown upon the brow of man's natural enemy。  ‘These unsanctified rascals;' wrote he; ‘would run into any man's debt without paying him; and if their creditors were Cavaliers they thought they had as much right to cheat 'em; as the Israelites had to spoil the Egyptians of their ear…rings and jewels。'  Alas! the boot was ever on the other leg; and yet you cannot but admire the Captain's valiant determination to sacrifice probability to his legitimate hate。

Of his declining years and death there is no record。  One likes to think of him released from care; and surrounded by books; flowers; and the good things of this earth。  Now and again; maybe; he would muse on the stirring deeds of his youth; and more often he would put away the memory of action to delight in the masterpiece which made him immortal。  He would recall with pleasure; no doubt; the ready praise of Richard Steele; his most appreciative critic; and smile contemptuously at the baseness of his friend and successor; Captain Charles Johnson。  Now; this ingenious writer was wont to boast; when the ale of Fleet Street had empurpled his nose; that he was the most intrepid highwayman of them all。  ‘Once upon a time;' he would shout; with an arrogant gesture; ‘I was known from Blackheath to Hounslow; from Ware to Shooter's Hill。'  And the truth is; the only ‘crime' he ever committed was plagiarism。  The self…assumed title of Captain should have deceived nobody; for the braggart never stole anything more difficult of acquisition than another man's words。  He picked brains; not pockets; he committed the greater sin and ran no risk。  He helped himself to the admirable inventions of Captain Smith without apology or acknowledgment; and; as though to lighten the dead…weight of his sin; he never skipped an opportunity of maligning his victim。  Again and again in the very act to steal he will declare vaingloriously that Captain Smith's stories are ‘barefaced inventions。'  But doubt was no check to the habit of plunder; and you knew that at every reproach; expressed (so to say) in self…defence; he plied the scissors with the greater energy。  The most cunning theft is the tag which adorns the title…page of his book:

     Little villains oft submit to fate      That great ones may enjoy the world in state。

Thus he quotes from Gay; and you applaud the aptness of the quotation; until you discover that already it was used by Steele in his appreciation of the heroic Smith!  However; Johnson has his uses; and those to whom the masterpiece of Captain Alexander is inaccessible will turn with pleasure to the General History of the lives and adventures of the most Famous Highwaymen; Murderers; Street…Robbers; &c。; and will feel no regret that for once they are receiving stolen goods。

Though Johnson fell immeasurably below his predecessor in talent; he manifestly excelled him in scholarship。  A sojourn at the University had supplied him with a fine assortment of Latin tags; and he delighted to prove his erudition by the citation of the Chronicles。  Had he possessed a sense of humour; he might have smiled at the irony of committing a theft upon the historian of thieves。  But he was too vain and too pompous to smile at his own weakness; and thus he would pretend himself a venturesome highwayman; a brave writer; and a profound scholar。  Indeed; so far did his pride carry him; that he would have the world believe him the same Charles Johnson; who wrote The Gentleman Cully and The Successful Pyrate。  Thus with a boastful chuckle he would quote:

     Johnson; who now to sense; now nonsense leaning;      Means not; but blunders round about a meaning

Thus; ignoring the insult; he would plume himself after his drunken fashion that he; too; was an enemy of Pope。

     Yet Johnson has remained an example。  For the literature of scoundrelism is as persistent in its form as in its folk…lore。  As Harman's Caveat; which first saw the light in 1566; serves as a model to an unbroken series of such books; as The London Spy; so from Johnson in due course were developed the Newgate Calendar; and those innumerable records; which the latter half of the Eighteenth Century furnished us forth。  The celebrated Calendar was in its origin nothing more than a list of prisoners printed in a folio slip。  But thereafter it became the Malefactor's Bloody Register; which we know。  Its plan and purpose were to improve the occasion。  The thief is no longer esteemed for an artist or appraised upon his merits: he is the awful warning; which shall lead the sinner to repentance。  ‘Here;' says the preface; ‘the giddy thoughtless youth may see as in a mirror the fatal consequences of deviating from virtue'; here he may tremble at the discovery that ‘often the best talents are prostituted to the basest purposes。'  But in spite of ‘the proper reflections of the whole affair;' the famous Calendar deserved the praise of Borrow。  There is a directness in the narration; which captures all those for whom life and literature are something better than psychologic formul。  Moreover; the motives which drive the brigand to his doom are brutal in their simplicity; and withal as genuine and sincere as greed; vanity; and lust can make them。  The true amateur takes pleasure even in the pious exhortations; because he knows that they crawl into their place; lest the hypocrite be scandalised。  But with years the Newgate Calendar also declined; and at last it has followed other dead literatures into the night。

Meanwhile the broadside had enjoyed an unbroken and prosperous career。  Up and down London; up and down England; hurried the Patterer or Flying Stationer。  There was no murder; no theft; no conspiracy; which did not tempt the Gutter Muse to doggerel。  But it was not until James Catnach came up from Alnwick to London (in 1813); that the trade reached the top of its prosperity。  The vast sheets; which he published with their scurvy couplets; and the admirable picture; serving in its time for a hundred executions; have not lost their power to fascinate。  Theirs is the aspect of the early woodcut; the coarse type and the catchpenny headlines are a perpetual delight; as you unfold them; your care keeps pace with your admiration; and you cannot feel them crackle beneath your hand without enthusiasm and without regret。  He was no pedantJemmy Catnach; and the image of his ruffians was commonly as far from portraiture; as his verses were remote from poetry。  But he put together in a roughly artistic shape the last murder; robbery; or scandal of the day。  His masterpieces were far too popular to live; and if they knew so vast a c
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