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earnestly the Florentines adhered to their alliances; although he had
previously been opposed to them from his attachment to the Genoese;
and the assistance they had rendered to the king; now evinced a more
amicable disposition; and received their ambassadors with greater
favor than previously。 Lorenzo de' Medici; being made acquainted with
this change of feeling; encouraged it with the utmost solicitude; for
he thought it would be of great advantage; if to the friendship of the
king he could add that of the pontiff。 The pope had a son named
Francesco; upon whom designing to bestow states and attach friends who
might be useful to him after his own death; saw no safer connection in
Italy than Lorenzo's; and therefore induced the latter to give him one
of his daughters in marriage。 Having formed this alliance; the pope
desired the Genoese to concede Serezana to the Florentines; insisting
that they had no right to detain what Agostino had sold; nor was
Agostino justified in making over to the Bank of San Giorgio what was
not his own。 However; his holiness did not succeed with them; for the
Genoese; during these transactions at Rome; armed several vessels;
and; unknown to the Florentines; landed three thousand foot; attacked
Serezanello; situated above Serezana; plundered and burnt the town
near it; and then; directing their artillery against the fortress;
fired upon it with their utmost energy。 This assault was new and
unexpected by the Florentines; who immediately assembled their forces
under Virginio Orsino; at Pisa; and complained to the pope; that while
he was endeavoring to establish peace; the Genoese had renewed their
attack upon them。 They then sent Piero Corsini to Lucca; that by his
presence he might keep the city faithful; and Pagolantonio Soderini to
Venice; to learn how that republic was disposed。 They demanded
assistance of the king and of Signor Lodovico; but obtained it from
neither; for the king expressed apprehensions of the Turkish fleet;
and Lodovico made excuses; but sent no aid。 Thus the Florentines in
their own wars are almost always obliged to stand alone; and find no
friends to assist them with the same readiness they practice toward
others。 Nor did they; on this desertion of their allies (it being
nothing new to them) give way to despondency; for having assembled a
large army under Jacopo Guicciardini and Pietro Vettori; they sent it
against the enemy; who had encamped upon the river Magra; at the same
time pressing Serezanello with mines and every species of attack。 The
commissaries being resolved to relieve the place; an engagement
ensued; when the Genoese were routed; and Lodovico dal Fiesco; with
several other principal men; made prisoners。 The Serezanesi were not
so depressed at their defeat as to be willing to surrender; but
obstinately prepared for their defense; while the Florentine
commissaries proceeded with their operations; and instances of valor
occurred on both sides。 The siege being protracted by a variety of
fortune; Lorenzo de' Medici resolved to go to the camp; and on his
arrival the troops acquired fresh courage; while that of the enemy
seemed to fail; for perceiving the obstinacy of the Florentines'
attack; and the delay of the Genoese in coming to their relief; they
surrendered to Lorenzo; without asking conditions; and none were
treated with severity except two or three who were leaders of the
rebellion。 During the siege; Lodovico had sent troops to Pontremoli;
as if with an intention of assisting the Florentines; but having
secret correspondence in Genoa; a party was raised there; who; by the
aid of these forces; gave the city to the duke of Milan。
At this time the Dutch made war upon the Venetians; and Boccolino of
Osimo; in the Marca; caused that place to revolt from the pope; and
assumed the sovereignty。 After a variety of fortune; he was induced to
restore the city to the pontiff and come to Florence; where; under the
protection of Lorenzo de' Medici; by whose advice he had been
prevailed upon to submit; he lived long and respected。 He afterward
went to Milan; but did not experience such generous treatment; for
Lodovico caused him to be put to death。 The Venetians were routed by
the Dutch; near the city of Trento; and Roberto da S。 Severino; their
captain; was slain。 After this defeat; the Venetians; with their usual
good fortune; made peace with the Dutch; not as vanquished; but as
conquerors; so honorable were the terms they obtained。
About this time; there arose serious troubles in Romagna。 Francesco
d'Orso; of Furli; was a man of great authority in that city; and
became suspected by the count Girolamo; who often threatened him。 He
consequently; living under great apprehensions; was advised by his
friends to provide for his own safety; by the immediate adoption of
such a course as would relieve him from all further fear of the count。
Having considered the matter and resolved to attempt it; they fixed
upon the market day; at Furli; as most suitable for their purpose; for
many of their friends being sure to come from the country; they might
make use of their services without having to bring them expressly for
the occasion。 It was the month of May; when most Italians take supper
by daylight。 The conspirators thought the most convenient hour would
be after the count had finished his repast; for his household being
then at their meal; he would remain in the chamber almost alone。
Having fixed upon the hour; Francesco went to the count's residence;
left his companions in the hall; proceeded to his apartment; and
desired an attendant to say he wished for an interview。 He was
admitted; and after a few words of pretended communication; slew him;
and calling to his associates; killed the attendant。 The governor of
the place coming by accident to speak with the count; and entering the
apartment with a few of his people; was also slain。 After this
slaughter; and in the midst of a great tumult; the count's body was
thrown from the window; and with the cry of 〃church and liberty;〃 they
roused the people (who hated the avarice and cruelty of the count) to
arms; and having plundered his house; made the Countess Caterina and
her children prisoners。 The fortress alone had to be taken to bring
the enterprise to a successful issue; but the Castellan would not
consent to its surrender。 They begged the countess would desire him to
comply with their wish; which she promised to do; if they would allow
her to go into the fortress; leaving her children as security for the
performance of her promise。 The conspirators trusted her; and
permitted her to enter; but as soon as she was within; she threatened
them with death and every kind of torture in revenge for the murder of
her husband; and upon their menacing her with the death of her
children; she said she had the means of getting more。 Finding they
were not supported by the pope; and that Lodovico Sforza; uncle to the
countess; had sent forces to her assistance; the conspirators became
terrified; and taking with them whatever property they could carry
off; they fled to Citta di Castello。 The countess recovered the state;
and avenged the death of her husband with the utmost cruelty。 The
Florentines hearing of the count's death; took occasion to recover the
fortress of Piancaldoli; of which he had formerly deprived them; and;
on sending some forces; captured it; but Cecco; the famous engineer;
lost his life during the siege。
To this disturbance in Romagna; another in that province; no less
important; has to be added。 Galeotto; lord of Faenza; had married the
daughter of Giovanni Bentivogli; prince of Bologna。 She; either
through jealousy or ill treatment by her husband; or from the
depravity of her own nature; hated him to such a degree; that she
determined to deprive him of his possessions and his life; and
pretending sickness; she took to her bed; where; having induced
Galeotto to visit her; he was slain by assassins; whom she had
concealed for that purpose in the apartment。 She had acquainted her
father with her design; and he hoped; on his son…in…law's death; to
become lord of Faenza。 A great tumult arose as soon as the murder was
known; the widow; with an infant son; fled into the fortress; the
people took up arms; Giovanni Bentivogli; with a condottiere of the
duke of Milan; named Bergamino; engaged for the occasion; entered
Faenza with a considerable force; and Antonio Boscoli; the Florentine
commissary; was also there。 These leaders being together; and
discoursing of the government of the place; the men of Val di Lamona;
who had risen unanimously upon learning what had occurred; attacked
Giovanni and Bergamino; the latter of whom they slew; made the former
prisoner; and raising the cry of 〃Astorre and the Florentines;〃
offered the city to the commissary。 These events being known at
Florence; gave general offense; however; they set Giovanni and his