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regular sittings); as to guard the state; correct the insolence of the
powerful; and ameliorate those laws by the influence of which the
republic was being ruined; he had carefully attended to both these
duties; and to his utmost ability provided for them; but found the
perversity of some so much opposed to his just designs as to deprive
him of all opportunity of doing good; and them not only of the means
of assisting him with their counsel; but even hearing him。 Therefore
finding he no longer contributed either to the benefit of the republic
or of the people generally; he could not perceive any reason for his
longer holding the magistracy; of which he was either undeserving; or
others thought him so; and would therefore retire to his house; that
the people might appoint another in his stead; who would either have
greater virtue or better fortune than himself。〃 And having said this;
he left the room as if to return home。
Those of the council who were in the secret; and others desirous of
novelty; raised a tumult; at which the Signory and the Colleagues came
together; and finding the Gonfalonier leaving them; entreatingly and
authoritatively detained him; and obliged him to return to the council
room; which was now full of confusion。 Many of the noble citizens were
threatened in opprobrious language; and an artificer seized Carlo
Strozzi by the throat; and would undoubtedly have murdered him; but
was with difficulty prevented by those around。 He who made the
greatest disturbance; and incited the city to violence; was Benedetto
degli Alberti; who; from a window of the palace; loudly called the
people to arms; and presently the courtyards were filled with armed
men; and the Colleagues granted to threats; what they had refused to
entreaty。 The Capitani di Parte had at the same time drawn together a
great number of citizens to their hall to consult upon the means of
defending themselves against the orders of the Signors; but when they
heard the tumult that was raised; and were informed of the course the
Councils had adopted; each took refuge in his own house。
Let no one; when raising popular commotions; imagine he can afterward
control them at his pleasure; or restrain them from proceeding to the
commission of violence。 Salvestro intended to enact his law; and
compose the city; but it happened otherwise; for the feelings of all
had become so excited; that they shut up the shops; the citizens
fortified themselves in their houses; many conveyed their valuable
property into the churches and monasteries; and everyone seemed to
apprehend something terrible at hand。 The companies of the Arts met;
and each appointed an additional officer or Syndic; upon which the
Priors summoned their Colleagues and these Syndics; and consulted a
whole day how the city might be appeased with satisfaction to the
different parties; but much difference of opinion prevailed; and no
conclusion was come to。 On the following day the Arts brought forth
their banners; which the Signory understanding; and being apprehensive
of evil; called the Council together to consider what course to adopt。
But scarcely were they met; when the uproar recommenced; and soon the
ensigns of the Arts; surrounded by vast numbers of armed men; occupied
the courts。 Upon this the Council; to give the Arts and the people
hope of redress; and free themselves as much as possible from the
charge of causing the mischief; gave a general power; which in
Florence is called /Balia/; to the Signors; the Colleagues; the Eight;
the Capitani di Parte; and to the Syndics of the Arts; to reform the
government of the city; for the common benefit of all。 While this was
being arranged; a few of the ensigns of the Arts and some of the mob;
desirous of avenging themselves for the recent injuries they had
received from the Guelphs; separated themselves from the rest; and
sacked and burnt the house of Lapo da Castiglionchio; who; when he
learned the proceedings of the Signory against the Guelphs; and saw
the people in arms; having no other resource but concealment or
flight; first took refuge in Santa Croce; and afterward; being
disguised as a monk; fled into the Casentino; where he was often heard
to blame himself for having consented to wait till St。 John's day;
before they had made themselves sure of the government。 Piero degli
Albizzi and Carlo Strozzi hid themselves upon the first outbreak of
the tumult; trusting that when it was over; by the interest of their
numerous friends and relations; they might remain safely in Florence。
The house of Lapo being burnt; as mischief begins with difficulty but
easily increases; many other houses; either through public hatred; or
private malice; shared the same fate; and the rioters; that they might
have companions more eager than themselves to assist them in their
work of plunder; broke open the public prisons; and then sacked the
monastery of the Agnoli and the convent of S。 Spirito; whither many
citizens had taken their most valuable goods for safety。 Nor would the
public chambers have escaped these destroyers' hands; except out of
reverence for one of the Signors; who on horseback; and followed by
many citizens in arms; opposed the rage of the mob。
Contrary measures adopted by the magistrates to effect a
pacificationLuigi Guicciardini the Gonfalonier entreats the
magistrates of the Arts to endeavor to pacify the peopleSerious
riot caused by the plebeiansThe woolen ArtThe plebeians
assembleThe speech of a seditious plebeianTheir resolution
thereuponThe Signory discover the designs of the plebeians
Measures adopted to counteract them。
This popular fury being abated by the authority of the Signors and the
approach of night; on the following day; the Balia relieved the
admonished; on condition that they should not for three years be
capable of holding any magistracy。 They annulled the laws made by the
Guelphs to the prejudice of the citizens; declared Lapo da
Castiglionchio and his companions; rebels; and with them many others;
who were the objects of universal detestation。 After these
resolutions; the new Signory were drawn for; and Luigi Guicciardini
appointed Gonfalonier; which gave hope that the tumults would soon be
appeased; for everyone thought them to be peaceable men and lovers of
order。 Still the shops were not opened; nor did the citizens lay down
their arms; but continued to patrol the city in great numbers; so that
the Signory did not assume the magistracy with the usual pomp; but
merely assembled within the palace; omitting all ceremony。
This Signory; considering nothing more advisable in the beginning of
their magistracy than to restore peace; caused a relinquishment of
arms; ordered the shops to be opened; and the strangers who had been
called to their aid; to return to their homes。 They appointed guards
in many parts of the city; so that if the admonished would only have
remained quiet; order would soon have been re…established。 But they
were not satisfied to wait three years for the recovery of their
honours; so that to gratify them the Arts again met; and demanded of
the Signory; that for the benefit and quiet of the city; they would
ordain that no citizens should at any time; whether Signor; Colleague;
Capitano di Parte; or Consul of any art whatever; be admonished as a
Ghibelline; and further; that new ballots of the Guelphic party should
be made; and the old ones burned。 These demands were at once acceded
to; not only by the Signors; but by all the Councils; and thus it was
hoped the tumults newly excited would be settled。
But since men are not satisfied with recovering what is their own; but
wish to possess the property of others and to revenge themselves;
those who were in hopes of benefiting by these disorders persuaded the
artificers that they would never be safe; if several of their enemies
were not expelled from the city or destroyed。 This terrible doctrine
coming to the knowledge of the Signory; they caused the magistrates of
the Arts and their Syndics to be brought before them; and Luigi
Guicciardini; the Gonfalonier; addressed them in the following words:
〃If these Signors; and I with them; had not long been acquainted with
the fate of this city; that as soon as external wars have ceased the
internal commence; we should have been more surprised; and our
displeasure would have been greater。 But as evils to which we are
accustomed are less annoying; we have endured past disturbances
patiently; they having arisen for the most part without our fault; and
we hoped that; like former troubles; they would soon have an end;
after the many and great concessions we had made at your suggestion。
But finding that you are yet unsettled; that you contemplate the
commission of new crimes against your fellow…citizens; and are
desirous of making new exiles; our displeasure increases in proportion
to your misco