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three dialogues-第19章

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     。 I shall insist no longer on that point。 Do you think;
however; you shall persuade me that the natural philosophers have
been dreaming all this while? Pray what becomes of all their
hypotheses and explications of the phenomena; which suppose the
existence of Matter?

     。 What mean you; Hylas; by the ?

     。 I mean the appearances which I perceive by my senses。

     。 And the appearances perceived by sense; are they not

     。 I have told you so a hundred times。

     。 Therefore; to explain the phenomena; is; to shew how
we come to be affected with ideas; in that manner and order
wherein they are imprinted on our senses。 Is it not?

     。 It is。

     。 Now; if you can prove that any philosopher has
explained the production of any one idea in our minds by the help
of ; I shall for ever acquiesce; and look on all that
hath been said against it as nothing; but; if you cannot; it is
vain to urge the explication of phenomena。 That a Being endowed
with knowledge and will should produce or exhibit ideas is easily
understood。 But that a Being which is utterly destitute of these
faculties should be able to produce ideas; or in any sort to
affect an intelligence; this I can never understand。 This I say;
though {243} we had some positive conception of Matter; though we
knew its qualities; and could comprehend its existence; would yet
be so far from explaining things; that it is itself the most
inexplicable thing in the world。 And yet; for all this; it will
not follow that philosophers have been doing nothing; for; by
observing and reasoning upon the connexion of ideas; they
discover the laws and methods of nature; which is a part of
knowledge both useful and entertaining。

     。 After all; can it be supposed God would deceive all
mankind? Do you imagine He would have induced the whole world to
believe the being of Matter; if there was no such thing?

     。 That every epidemical opinion; arising from
prejudice; or passion; or thoughtlessness; may be imputed to God;
as the Author of it; I believe you will not affirm。 Whatsoever
opinion we father ' on Him; it must be either because He has
discovered it to us by supernatural revelation; or because it is
so evident to our natural faculties; which were framed and given
us by God; that it is impossible we should withhold our assent
from it。 But where is the revelation? or where is the evidence
that extorts the belief of Matter? Nay; how does it appear; that
Matter; ; is thought to exist by all mankind; or indeed; by
any except a few philosophers; who do not know what they would be
at? Your question supposes these points are clear; and; when you
have cleared them; I shall think myself obliged to give you
another answer。 In the meantime; let it suffice that I tell you;
I do not suppose God has deceived mankind at all。

     。 But the novelty; Philonous; the novelty! There lies
the danger。 New notions should always be discountenanced; they
unsettle men's minds; and nobody knows where they will end。

     。 Why the rejecting a notion that has no foundation;
either in sense; or in reason; or in Divine authority; should be
thought to unsettle the belief of such opinions as are grounded
on all or any of these; I cannot imagine。 That innovations in
government and religion are dangerous; and ought to be
discountenanced; I freely own。 But is there the like reason why
they should be discouraged in philosophy? The making anything
known which was unknown before is an innovation in knowledge:
and; if all such innovations had been forbidden; {244} men would
have made a notable progress in the arts and sciences。 But it is
none of my business to plead for novelties and paradoxes。 That
the qualities we perceive are not on the objects: that we must
not believe our senses: that we know nothing of the real nature
of things; and can never be assured even of their existence: that
real colours and sounds are nothing but certain unknown figures
and motions: that motions are in themselves neither swift nor
slow: that there are in bodies absolute extensions; without any
particular magnitude or figure: that a thing stupid; thoughtless;
and inactive; operates on a spirit: that the least particle of a
body contains innumerable extended parts:  these are the
novelties; these are the strange notions which shock the genuine
uncorrupted judgment of all mankind; and being once admitted;
embarrass the mind with endless doubts and difficulties。 And it
is against these and the like innovations I endeavour to
vindicate Common Sense。 It is true; in doing this; I may perhaps
be obliged to use some ; and ways of speech not common。
But; if my notions are once thoroughly understood; that which is
most singular in them will; in effect; be found to amount to no
more than this。  that it is absolutely impossible; and a plain
contradiction; to suppose any unthinking Being should exist
without being perceived by a Mind。 And; if this notion be
singular; it is a shame it should be so; at this time of day; and
in a Christian country。

     。 As for the difficulties other opinions may be liable
to;。 those are out of the question。 It is your business to defend
your own opinion。 Can anything be plainer than that you are for
changing all things into ideas? You; I say; who are not ashamed
to charge me 。 This is so plain; there is no
denying it。

     。 You mistake me。 I am not for changing things into
ideas; but rather ideas into things; since those immediate
objects of perception; which; according to you; are only
appearances of things; I take to be the real things themselves。

     。 Things! You may pretend what you please; but it is
certain you leave us nothing but the empty forms of things; the
outside only which strikes the senses。

     。 What you call the empty forms and outside of things
seem to me the very things themselves。 Nor are they empty or
incomplete; otherwise than upon your supposition  that Matter
{245} is an essential part of all corporeal things。 We both;
therefore; agree in this; that we perceive only sensible forms:
but herein we differ  you will have them to be empty
appearances; I; real beings。 In short; you do not trust your
senses; I do。

     。 You say you believe your senses; and seem to applaud
yourself that in this you agree with the vulgar。 According to
you; therefore; the true nature of a thing is discovered by the
senses。 If so; whence comes that disagreement? Why is not the
same figure; and other sensible qualities; perceived all manner
of ways? and why should we use a microscope the better to
discover the true nature of a body; if it were discoverable to
the naked eye?

     。 Strictly speaking; Hylas; we do not see the same
object that we feel; neither is the same object perceived by the
microscope which was by the naked eye。 But; in case every
variation was thought sufficient to constitute a new kind of
individual; the endless number of confusion of names would render
language impracticable。 Therefore; to avoid this; as well as
other inconveniences which are obvious upon a little thought; men
combine together several ideas; apprehended by divers senses; or
by the same sense at different times; or in different
circumstances; but observed; however; to have some connexion in
nature; either with respect to co…existence or succession; all
which they refer to one name; and consider as one thing。 Hence it
follows that when I examine; by my other senses; a thing I have
seen; it is not in order to understand better the same object
which I had perceived by sight; the object of one sense not being
perceived by the other senses。 And; when I look through a
microscope; it is not that I may perceive more clearly what I
perceived already with my bare eyes; the object perceived by the
glass being quite different from the former。 But; in both cases;
my aim is only to know what ideas are connected together; and the
more a man knows of the connexion of ideas; the more he is said
to know of the nature of things。 What; therefore; if our ideas
are variable; what if our senses are not in all circumstances
affected with the same appearances。 It will not thence follow
they are not to be trusted; or that they are inconsistent either
with themselves or anything else: except it be with your
preconceived notion of (I know not what) one single; unchanged;
unperceivable; real Nature; marked by each name。 Which prejudice
seems to have taken its rise from not rightly {246} understanding
the common language of men; speaking of several distinct ideas as
united into one thing by the mind。 And; indeed; there is cause to
suspect several erroneous conceits of the philosophers are owing
to the same original: while they began to build their schemes not
so much on notions as on words; which were framed by the vulgar;
merely for conveniency and dispatch in the common actions of
life; without any regard to speculation。

     。 Methinks I apprehend your meaning。

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