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three dialogues-第6章

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the motions perceived are both really in the object) it is
possible one and the same body shall be really moved the same way
at once; both very swift and very slow。 How is this consistent
either with common sense; or with what you just now granted?

     。 I have nothing to say to it。

     。 Then as for ; either you do not mean any
sensible quality by that word; and so it is beside our inquiry:
or if you do; it must be either hardness or resistance。 But both
the one and the other are plainly relative to our senses: it
being evident that what seems hard to one animal may appear soft
to another; who hath greater force and firmness of limbs。 Nor is
it less plain that the resistance I feel is not in the body。

     。 I own the very  of resistance; which is
all you immediately perceive; is not in the body; but the 
of that sensation is。

     。 But the causes of our sensations are not things
immediately perceived; and therefore are not sensible。 This point
I thought had been already determined。

     。 I own it was; but you will pardon me if I seem a
little embarrassed: I know not how to quit my old notions。

     。 To help you out; do but consider that if 
be once acknowledged to have no existence without the mind; the
same must necessarily be granted of motion; solidity; and
gravity; since they all evidently suppose extension。 It is
therefore superfluous to inquire particularly concerning each of
them。 In denying extension; you have denied them all to have any
real existence。

     。 I wonder; Philonous; if what you say be true; why
those philosophers who deny the Secondary Qualities any real
existence should yet attribute it to the Primary。 If there is no
difference between them; how can this be accounted for?

     。 It is not my business to account for every opinion
of the philosophers。 But; among other reasons which may be
assigned for this; it seems probable that pleasure and pain being
rather annexed to the former than the latter may be one。 Heat and
cold; tastes and smells; have something more vividly pleasing or
disagreeable than the ideas of extension; figure; and motion
affect us with。 And; it being too visibly absurd to hold that
pain or pleasure can be in an unperceiving substance; men are
more easily weaned from believing the external existence of the
Secondary than the Primary Qualities。 You will be satisfied there
is something in this; if you recollect the difference you made
between an intense and more moderate degree of heat; allowing the
one a real existence; while you denied it to the other。 But;
after all; there is no rational ground for that distinction; for;
surely an indifferent sensation is as {191} truly 
as one more pleasing or painful; and consequently should not any
more than they be supposed to exist in an unthinking subject。

     。 It is just come into my head; Philonous; that I have
somewhere heard of a distinction between absolute and sensible
extension。 Now; though it be acknowledged that  and
; consisting merely in the relation which other extended
beings have to the parts of our own bodies; do not really inhere
in the substances themselves; yet nothing obliges us to hold the
same with regard to ; which is something
abstracted from  and ; from this or that particular
magnitude or figure。 So likewise as to motion;  and 
are altogether relative to the succession of ideas in our own
minds。 But; it doth not follow; because those modifications of
motion exist not without the mind; that therefore absolute motion
abstracted from them doth not。

     。 Pray what is it that distinguishes one motion; or
one part of extension; from another? Is it not something
sensible; as some degree of swiftness or slowness; some certain
magnitude or figure peculiar to each?

     。 I think so。

     。 These qualities; therefore; stripped of all sensible
properties; are without all specific and numerical differences;
as the schools call them。

     。 They are。

     。 That is to say; they are extension in general; and
motion in general。

     。 Let it be so。

     。 But it is a universally received maxim that
。 How then can motion in
general; or extension in general; exist in any corporeal
substance? {193}

     。 I will take time to solve your difficulty。

     。 But I think the point may be speedily decided。
Without doubt you can tell whether you are able to frame this or
that idea。 Now I am content to put our dispute on this issue。 If
you can frame in your thoughts a distinct  of
motion or extension; divested of all those sensible modes; as
swift and slow; great and small; round and square; and the like;
which are acknowledged to exist only in the mind; I will then
yield the point you contend for。 But if you cannot; it will be
unreasonable on your side to insist any longer upon what you have
no notion of。

     。 To confess ingenuously; I cannot。

     。 Can you even separate the ideas of extension and
motion from the ideas of all those qualities which they who make
the distinction term ?

     。 What! is it not an easy matter to consider extension
and motion by themselves; abstracted from all other sensible
qualities? Pray how do the mathematicians treat of them?

     。 I acknowledge; Hylas; it is not difficult to form
general propositions and reasonings about those qualities;
without mentioning any other; and; in this sense; to consider or
treat of them abstractedly。 But; how doth it follow that; because
I can pronounce the word  by itself; I can form the idea
of it in my mind exclusive of body? or; because theorems may be
made of extension and figures; without any mention of  or
; or any other sensible mode or quality; that therefore it
is possible such an abstract idea of extension; without any
particular size or figure; or sensible quality;'3 ' 'should be
distinctly formed; and apprehended by the mind? Mathematicians
treat of quantity; without regarding what other sensible。
qualities it is attended with; as being altogether indifferent to
their demonstrations。 But; when laying aside the words; they
contemplate the bare ideas; I believe you will find; they are not
the pure abstracted ideas of extension。

     。 But what say you to ? May not
abstracted ideas be framed by that faculty?

     。 Since I cannot frame abstract ideas at all; it is
plain I cannot frame them by the help of ; {194}
whatsoever faculty you understand by those words。 Besides; not to
inquire into the nature of pure intellect and its spiritual
objects; as ; ; ; or the like; thus much
seems manifest  that sensible things are only to be perceived
by sense; or represented by the imagination。 Figures; therefore;
and extension; being originally perceived by sense; do not belong
to pure intellect: but; for your farther satisfaction; try if you
can frame the idea of any figure; abstracted from all
particularities of size; or even from other sensible qualities。

     。 Let me think a little  I do not find that I can。

     。 And can you think it possible that should really
exist in nature which implies a repugnancy in its conception?

     。 By no means。

     。 Since therefore it is impossible even for the mind
to disunite the ideas of extension and motion from all other
sensible qualities; doth it not follow; that where the one exist
there necessarily the other exist likewise?

     。 It should seem so。

     。 Consequently; the very same arguments which you
admitted as conclusive against the Secondary Qualities are;
without any farther application of force; against the Primary
too。 Besides; if you will trust your senses; is it not plain all
sensible qualities coexist; or to them appear as being in the
same place? Do they ever represent a motion; or figure; as being
divested of all other visible and tangible qualities?

     。 You need say no more on this head。 I am free to own;
if there be no secret error or oversight in our proceedings
hitherto; that all sensible qualities are alike to be denied
existence without the mind。 But; my fear is that I have been too
liberal in my former concessions; or overlooked some fallacy or
other。 In short; I did not take time to think。

     。 For that matter; Hylas; you may take what time you
please in reviewing the progress of our inquiry。 You are at
liberty to recover any slips you might have made; or offer
whatever you have omitted which makes for your first opinion。

     。 One great oversight I take to be this  that I did
not sufficiently distinguish the  from the 。
Now; though this latter may not exist without the mind; yet it
will not thence follow that the former cannot。

     。 What object do you mean? the object of the senses?

     。 The same。

     。 It is t
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