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is stated that; on being led to the scaffold; she thought she was
entering a carriage to pay visits and so told her son。〃 … Ibid。; 471。
After Thermidor; the judges of the Orange commission having been put
on trial; the jury declared that 〃 they refused to hear testimony for
the defense and did not allow the accused even informal lawyers to
defend them。〃
'27' Camille Boursier;〃 La Terreur en Anjou;〃 p。228。 (Deposition of
Widow Edin。) 〃La Persac; a nun ill and infirm; was ready to take the
oath。 Nicolas; Vacheron's agent; assisted by several other persons;
dragged her out of bed and put her on a cart; from ninety to ninety…
four others were shot along with her。〃
'28' Berryat Saint…Prix; p。 161。 The following are samples of these
warrants: 〃S。 (shot); Germinal 13; Widow Menard; seventy…two years
old; an old aristocrat; liking nobody; habitually living by herself。〃
… Warrant of the Marseilles committee; Germinal 28; year II。;
condemning one Cousinéri for having continually strayed off as if to
escape popular vengeance; to which he was liable on account of his
conduct and for having detested the Revolution。〃 … Camille Boursier;
p。72; Floréal 15; year II。; execution of 〃Gerard; guilty of having
scorned to assist at the planting of a Liberty…pole; in the commune of
Vouille; Sep。; 1792; and inducing several municipal officers to join
him in his insolent and liberticide contempt。〃
'29' Wallon; 〃Histoire du Tribunal Révolutionnaire de Paris; V。; 145。
'30' Ibid。; v。; 109。 (Deposition of Madame de Maillé。) … V。; 189。
(Deposition of Lhullier。) … Cf。 Campardon; in the same affairs。
'31' Campardon; II。; 189; 190; 193; 197。 (Depositions of Beaulieu;
Duclos; Tirard; Ducray; etc。)
'32' Berryat Saint…Prix; 395。 (Letter of Representative Moyse Bayle;)
… Ibid。; 216。 (Words of Representative Lecarpentier at Saint…Malo。)
〃Why such delays? Of what use are these eternal examinations? What
need is there of going so deep into this matter? The name; profession
and the upshot; and the trial is over。〃 … He publicly stated to the
informers: You don't know what facts you require to denounce the
Moderates? Well; a gesture; one single gesture; suffices。〃
'33' Letter of Payan to Roman Formosa; judge at Orange: 〃In the
commissions charged with punishing the conspirators; no formalities
should exist; the conscience of the judge is there as a substitute for
these。 。 。 The commissions must serve as political courts; they
must remember that all the men who have not been on the side of the
Revolution are against it; since they have done nothing for the
country。 。 。 I say to all judges; in the name of the country; do
not risk saving a guilty man。〃 … Robespierre made the same declaration
in the Jacobin Club。 Frimaire 19; year II。: 〃We judge; in politics;
with the suspicions of an enlightened patriotism。〃
'34' 〃Mémoires de Fréron〃 and on Fréron; (collection Barrière et
Berville;) p。364。 Letter of Fréron; Toulon; Niv?se 16。 〃More than
eight hundred Toulonese have already been shot。〃
'35' Lallier; p。90。 (The eleven distinct drownings ascertained by M。
Lallier extend up to Pluvi?se 12; year II。)
'36' Moniteur; XXII。; 227。 (Official documents read in the
Convention; Vent?se 21; year III。) These documents authenticate an
ulterior drowning。 Vent?se 9; year II。; by order of Lefévre; adjutant
general; forty…one persons were drowned; among whom were two men
seventy…eight years of age and blind; twelve women; twelve young
girls; fifteen children; of which ten were between six and ten years
old; and five at the breast。 The drowning took place in the Bourgneuf
bay。…Carrier says in the Convention; (Moniteur; XXII。; p。578); in
relation to the drowning of pregnant women: 〃At Laval; Angers; Saumur;
Chaban…Gontier; everywhere the same things took place as at Nantes。〃
'37' Camille Boursier; p。159。
'38' Ibid。; 203。 Representative Francastel announces 〃the firm
determination to purge; to bleed freely this Vendean question。〃 This
same Francastel wrote to General Grignon: 〃Make those brigands
tremble! Give them no quarter! The prisons in Vendée are overflowing
with prisoners! 。 。 。 The conversion of this country into a desert
must be completed。 Show no weakness and no mercy。 。 。 These are
the views of the Convention。 。 。 。 I swear that Vendée shall be
'39' Granier de Cassagnac; 〃His。 du Directoire;〃 II。; 241。 … (Letter
of General Hoche to the Minister of the Interior; Feb。 2; 1796。)
〃Only one out of five remains of the population of 1789。〃
'40' Campardon; II。; 247; 249; 251; 261; 321。 (Examination of
Fouquier…Tinville; Cambon's words。)
'41' Article by Guffroy; in his journal Le Rougiff: 〃Down with the
nobles; and so much the worse for the good ones; if there are any! Let
the guillotine stand permanently throughout the Republic。 Five
millions of inhabitants are enough for France!〃 … Berryat Saint…Prix;
445。 (Letter of Fauvety; Orange; Prairial 14; year II。) 〃We have but
two confined in our arrondissement。 What a trifle!〃 … Ibid。; 447。
(Letter of the Orange Committee to the Committee of Public Safety;
Messidor 3。) As soon as the Committee gets fully agoing it is to try
all the priests; rich merchants and ex…nobles。〃 … (Letter of Juge;
Messidor 2。) 〃Judging by appearances more than three thousand heads
will fall in the department。〃 … Ibid。; 311。 At Bordeaux; a huge
scaffold is put up; authorized by the Military Committee; with seven
doors; two of which are large and like barn…doors; called a four…
bladed guillotine; so as to work faster and do more。 The warrant and
orders for its construction bear date Thermidor 3 and 8; year II。 …
Berryat Saint…Prix; 285。 Letter of Representative Blutel; on mission
at Rochefort; after Thermidor: 〃A few men; sunk in debauchery and
crime; dared proscribe (here) virtues; patriotism; because it was not
associated with their sanguinary excitement: the tree of Liberty; they
said; required for its roots ten feet of human gore。〃
'42' 〃Recueil de Pièces Authentiques; concernant le Revolution à
Strasbourg;〃 I。; 174; 178。 Examples of revolutionary taxes。 … Orders
of Representatives Milhaud; Ruamps; Guyadin; approving of the
following contributions; Brumaire 20; year II。
On 3 individuals of Stutzheim。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。150;000 livres。
〃 3 〃 Offenheim。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。30;000 〃
〃21 〃 Molsheim 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。367;000 〃
〃 17 〃 Oberenheim。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。402;000 〃
〃 84 〃 Rosheim。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。503;000 〃
〃 10 〃 Mutzig。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。114;000 〃
Another order by Daum and Tisseraud; members of the committee who
temporarily replace the district administrators: 〃Whereas; it is owing
to the county aristocrats that the Republic supports the war;〃 they
approve of the following taxes:
On the aristocrats of Geispolzheim; 400;000 livres。
ditto of Obersch?ffolsheim 200;000 〃
ditto of Düttlenheim 150;000 〃
ditto of Duppigheim 100;000 〃
ditto of Achenheim 100;000 〃
List of contributions raised in the rural communes of the district of
Strasbourg; according to an assessment made by Stamm; procureur pro
tem。 of the district; amounting to three millions one hundred and
ninety…six thousand one hundred livres。
'43' 〃Recueil des Pieces Authentiques;〃 etc。; I。; 23。 By order of the
representatives under date of Brumaire 25; year II。 〃The municipality
of Strasbourg stripped the whole commune of shoes in twenty…four
hours; sending for them from house to house。〃 … Ibid。。 p。32。 Orders
of Representatives Lemaire and Baudot; Frimaire I; year II。; declaring
that kitchen…utensils; boilers; sauce…pans; stew…pans; kettles and
other copper and lead vessels; as well as copper and lead not worked…
up; found at Strasbourg and in the departments; be levied on。〃 …
Archives Nationales; AF。; I。; 92。 (Orders of Taillefer; Brumaire 3;
year II。 Villefranche 1'Avergnon。) Formation of a Committee of ten
persons directed to make domiciliary visits; and authorized to take
possession of all the iron; lead; steel and copper found in the houses
of 〃suspects;〃 all of which kitchen utensils; are to be turned into
cannon。 … Mallet…Dupan; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 15。
'44' Moniteur; XXV。; 188。 (Speech by Blutels; July 9; 1795。)
'45' 〃Recueil du Pièces Authentiques;〃 etc。; I。; 24。 … Grégoire;
reports on Vandalism; Fructidor 14; year II。; and Brumaire 14; year
III。 (Moniteur; XXII。; 86 and 751。) … Ibid。; Letter of December 24;
1796: 〃Not millions; but billions have been destroyed。〃 … Ibid。;;
〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 334: 〃It is incalculable; the loss of religious;
scientific and literary objects。 The district administrations of
Blanc (Indre) notified me that