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not knowing what I should say or do; I realized that everything upon a few
sentences spoken within the next minute or two。 Believe me; this
experience to a man who does not know where his next meal is coming
from; nor where he is to spend the night; is well worth having。 It is a
marvellous sharpener of the facts。
I knew; of course; just how these people of the cottage would
ordinarily regard an intruder whose bag and clothing must infallibly class
him as a follower of the road。 And so many followers of the road are
As I came nearer; the man and woman stopped rocking; but said
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nothing。 An old dog that had been sleeping on the top step rose slowly and
stood there。
〃As I passed your garden;〃 I said; grasping desperately for a way of
approach; 〃I saw your beautiful specimen of the magnolia treethe one
still in blossom。 I myself have tried to grow magnoliasbut with small
successand I'm making bold to inquire what variety you are so successful
It was a shot in the airbut I knew from what I had seen that they must
be enthusiastic gardeners。 The man glanced around at the magnolia with
evident pride; and was about to answer when the woman rose and with a
pleasant; quiet cordiality said:
〃Won't you step up and have a chair?〃
I swung my bag from my shoulder and took the proffered seat。 As I did
so I saw; on the table just behind me a number magazines and books
books of unusual sizes and shapes; indicating that they were not mere
summer novels。
〃They like books!〃 I said to myself; with a sudden rise of spirits。
〃I have tried magnolias; too;〃 said the man; 〃but this is the only one
that has been really successful。 It is a Chinese white magnolia。〃
〃The one Downing describes?〃 I asked。
This was also a random shot; but I conjectured that if they loved both
books gardens they would know DowningBible of the gardener。 And if
they did; we belonged to the same church。
〃The very same;〃 exclaimed the woman; 〃it was Downing's
enthusiasm for the Chinese magnolia which led us first to try it。〃
With that; like true disciples; we fell into great talk of Downing; at first
all in praise of him; and laterfor may not the faithful be permitted
latitude in their comments so long as it is all within the cloister?we
indulged in a bit of higher criticism。
〃It won't do;〃 said the man; 〃to follow too slavishly every detail of
practice as recommended by Downing。 We have learned a good many
things since the forties。〃
〃The fact is;〃 I said; 〃no literal…minded man should be trusted with
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〃Any more than with the Holy Scriptures;〃 exclaimed the woman。
〃Exactly!〃 I responded with the greatest enthusiasm; 〃exactly! We go
to him for inspiration; for fundamental teachings; for the great literature
and poetry of the art。 Do you remember;〃 I asked; 〃that passage in which
Downing quotes from some old Chinaman upon the true secret of the
pleasures of a garden?〃
〃Do we?〃 exclaimed the man; jumping up instantly; 〃do we? Just let
me get the book〃
With that he went into the house and came back immediately bringing
a lamp in one handfor it had grown pretty darkand a familiar; portly;
blue…bound book in the other。 While he was gone the woman said:
〃You have touched Mr。 Vedder in his weakest spot。〃
〃I know of no combination in this world;〃 said I; 〃so certain to produce
a happy heart as good books and a farm or garden。〃
Mr。 Vedder; having returned; slipped on his spectacles; sat forward on
the edge of his rocking…chair; and opened the book with pious hands。
〃I'll find it;〃 he said。 〃I can put my finger right on it。〃
〃You'll find it;〃 said Mrs。 Vedder; 〃in the chapter on 'Hedges。'〃
〃You are wrong; my dear;〃 he responded; 〃it is in 'Mistakes of Citizens
in Country Life。〃
He turned the leaves eagerly。
〃No;〃 he said; 〃here it is in 'Rural Taste。' Let me read you the passage;
〃Mr。 Grayson。 The Chinaman's name was Lieu…tscheu。 'What is it;'
asks this old Chinaman; 'that we seek in the pleasure of a garden? It has
always been agreed that these plantations should make men amends for
living at a distance from what would be their more congenial and
agreeable dwelling…placein the midst of nature; free and unrestrained。'〃
〃That's it;〃 I exclaimed; 〃and the old Chinaman was right! A garden
excuses civilization。〃
〃It's what brought us here;〃 said Mrs。 Vedder。
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With that we fell into the liveliest discussion of gardening and farming
and country life in all their phases; resolving that while there were bugs
and blights; and droughts and floods; yet upon the whole there was no life
so completely satisfying as life in which one may watch daily the
unfolding of natural life。
A hundred things we talked about freely that had often risen dimly in
my own mind almost to the pointbut not quiteof spilling over into
articulate form。 The marvellous thing about good conversation is that it
brings to birth so many half…realized thoughts of our ownbesides sowing
the seed of innumerable other thought…plants。 How they enjoyed their
garden; those two; and not only the garden itself; but all the lore and
poetry of gardening!
We had been talking thus an hour or more when; quite unexpectedly; I
had what was certainly one of the most amusing adventures of my whole
life。 I can scarcely think of it now without a thrill of pleasure。 I have had
pay for my work in many but never such a reward as this。
〃By the way;〃 said Mr。 Vedder; 〃I have recently come across a book
which is full of the spirit of the garden as we have long known it; although
the author is not treating directly of gardens; but of farming and of human
〃It is really all one subject;〃 I interrupted。
〃Certainly;〃 said Mr。 Vedder; 〃but many gardeners are nothing but
gardeners。 Well; the book to which I refer is called 'Adventures in
Contentment;' and is byWhy; a man of your own name!〃
With that Mr。 Vedder reached for a booka familiar…looking bookon
the table; but Mrs。 Vedder looked at me。 I give you my word; my heart
turned entirely over; and in a most remarkable way righted itself again;
and I saw Roman candles and Fourth of July rockets in front of my eyes。
Never in all my experience was I so completely bowled over。 I felt like a
small boy who has been caught in the pantry with one hand in the jam…pot…
…and plenty of jam on his nose。 And like that small boy I enjoyed the jam;
but did not like being caught at it。
Mr。 Vedder had no sooner got the book in his hand than I saw Mrs。
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Vedder rising as though she had seen a spectre; and pointing dramatically
at me; she exclaimed:
〃You are David Grayson!〃
I can say truthfully now that I know how the prisoner at the bar must
feel when the judge; leaning over his desk; looks at him sternly and says:
〃I declare you guilty of the offence as charged; and sentence you〃
and so on; and so on。
Mr。 Vedder stiffened up; and I can see him yet looking at me through
his glasses。 I must have looked as foolishly guilty as any man ever looked;
for Mr。 Vedder said promptly:
〃Let me take you by the hand; sir。 We know you; and have known you
for a long time。〃
I shall not attempt to relate the conversation which followed; nor tell
of the keen joy I had in itafter the first cold plunge。 We found that we
had a thousand common interests and enthusiasms。 I had to tell them of
my farm; and why I had left it temporarily; and of the experiences on the
road。 No sooner had I related what