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the decameron(十日谈)-第107章

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as also kinde compassion to the unfortunate woman; out of which
compassion; sprung an earnest desire; to deliver her (if he could)
from a death so full of anguish and horror: but seeing himselfe to
be without Armes; he ran and pluckt up the plant of a Tree; which
handling as if it had bene a staffe; he opposed himselfe against the
Dogges and the Knight; who seeing him comming; cryed out in this
manner to him。 Anastasio; put not thy selfe in any opposition; but
referre to my Hounds and me; to punish this wicked woman as she hath
justly deserved。 And in speaking these words; the Hounds tooke fast
hold on her body; so staying her; untill the Knight was come neerer to
her; and alighted from his horse: when Anastasio (after some other
angry speeches) spake thus unto him: I cannot tell what or who thou
art; albeit thou takest such knowledge of me; yet I must say; that
it is meere cowardize in a Knight; being armed as thou art; to offer
to kill a naked woman; and make thy dogges thus to seize on her; as if
she were a savage beast; therefore beleeve me; I will defend her so
farre as I am able。
  Anastasio; answered the Knight; I am of the same City as thou art;
and do well remember; that thou wast a little Ladde; when I (who was
then named Guido Anastasio; and thine Unckle) became as intirely in
love with this woman; as now thou art of Paulo Traversarioes daughter。
But through her coy disdaine and cruelty; such was my heavy fate; that
desperately I slew my selfe with this short sword which thou beholdest
in mine hand: for which rash sinfull deede; I was; and am condemned to
eternall punishment。 This wicked woman; rejoycing immeasurably in mine
unhappy death; remained no long time alive after me; and for her
mercilesse sinne of cruelty; and taking pleasure in my oppressing
torments; dying unrepentant; and in pride of her scorne; she had the
like sentence of condemnation pronounced on her; and sent to the
same place where I was tormented。
  There the three impartiall judges; imposed this further infliction
on us both; namely; that she should flye in this manner before me; and
I (who loved her so deerely while I lived) must pursue her as my
deadly enemy; not like a woman that had a taste of love in her。 And so
often as I can overtake her; I am to kill her with this sword; the
same Weapon wherewith I slew my selfe。 Then am I enjoyned; therewith
to open her accursed body; and teare out her hard and frozen heart;
with her other inwards; as now thou seest me doe; which I give unto my
Hounds to feede on。 Afterward; such is the appointment of the supreame
powers; that she re…assumeth life againe; even as if she had not
bene dead at all; and falling to the same kinde of flight; I with my
Hounds am still to follow her; without any respite or intermission。
Every Friday; and just at this houre; our course is this way; where
she suffereth the just punishment inflicted on her。 Nor do we rest any
of the other dayes; but are appointed unto other places; where she
cruelly executed her malice against me; being now (of her deare
affectionate friend) ordained to be her endlesse enemy; and to
pursue her in this manner for so many yeares; as she exercised moneths
of cruelty; towards me。 Hinder me not then; in being the executioner
of divine justice; for all thy interposition is but in vaine; in
seeking to crosse the appointment of supreame powers。
  Anastasio having attentively heard all this discourse; his haire
stood upright like Porcupines quils; and his soule was so shaken
with the terror; that he stept backe to suffer the Knight to do what
he was enjoyned; looking yet with milde commisseration on the poore
woman。 Who kneeling Most humbly before the Knight; and stearnely
seized on by the two blood…hounds; he opened her brest with his
weapon; drawing foorth her heart and bowels; which instantly he
threw to the dogges; and they devoured them very greedily。 Soone
after; the Damosell (as if none of this punishment had bene
inflicted on her) started up sodainly; running amaine towards the
Sea shore; and the Hounds swiftly following her; as the Knight did the
like; after he had taken his sword; and was mounted on horsebacke;
so that Anastasio had soone lost all sight of them; and could not
gesse what was become of them。
  After he had heard and observed all these things; he stoode a
while as confounded with feare and pitty; like a simple silly man;
hoodwinkt with his owne passions; not knowing the subtle enemies
cunning illusions in offering false suggestions to the sight; to worke
his owne ends thereby; and encrease the number of his deceived
servants。 Forthwith he perswaded himselfe; that he might make good use
of this womans tormenting; so justly imposed on the Knight to
prosecute; if thus it should continue still every Friday。 Wherefore;
setting a good note or marke upon the place; he returned backe to
his owne people; and at such time as he thought convenient; sent for
divers of his kindred and friends from Ravenna; who being present with
him; thus he spake to them。
  Deare Kinsmen and Friends; ye have a long while importuned me; to
discontinue my over…doating love to her; whom you all thinke; and I
find to be my mortall enemy: as also; to give over my lavish expences;
wherein I confesse my selfe too prodigall; both which requests of
yours; I will condiscend to; provided; that you will performe one
gracious favour for me; Namely; that on Friday next; Signior Paulo
Traversario; his wife; daughter; with all other women linked in linage
to them; and such beside onely as you shall please to appoint; will
vouchsafe to accept a dinner heere with wi me; as for the reason
thereto mooving me; you shall then more at large be acquainted
withall。 This appeared no difficult matter for them to accomplish:
wherefore; being returned to Ravenna; and as they found the time
answerable to their purpose; they invited such as Anastasio had
appointed them。 And although they found it some…what an hard matter;
to gaine her company whom he so deerely affected; yet notwithstanding;
the other women won her along with them。
  A most magnificent dinner had Anastasio provided; and the tables
were covered under the Pine…trees; where he saw the cruell Lady so
pursued and slaine: directing the guests so in their seating; that the
yong Gentlewoman his unkinde Mistresse; sate with her face opposite
unto the place; where the dismall spectacle was to be seene。 About the
closing up of dinner; they beganne to heare the noise of the poore
prosecuted Woman; which drove them all to much admiration; desiring to
know what it was; and no one resolving them; they arose from the
Tables; and looking directly as the noise came to them; they espyed
the wofull Woman; the Dogges eagerly pursuing her; and the armed
Knight on horsebacke; gallopping fiercely after them with his drawne
weapon; and came very nere unto the company; who cryed out with lowd
exclaimes against the dogs and the Knight; stepping forth in
assistance of the injured woman。
  The Knight spake unto them; as formerly he had done to Anastasio;
(which made them draw backe; possessed with feare and admiration)
acting the same cruelty as he did the Friday before; not differing
in the least degree。 Most of the Gentlewomen there present; being
neere allyed to the unfortunate Woman; and likewise to the Knight;
remembring well both his love and death; did shed teares as
plentifully; as if it had bin to the very persons themselves; in
usuall performance of the action indeede。 Which tragicall Sceene being
passed over; and the Woman and Knight gone out of their sight: all
that had seene this straunge accident; fell into diversity of confused
opinions; yet not daring to disclose them; as doubting some further
danger to ensue thereon。
  But beyond all the rest; none could compare in feare and
astonishment with the cruell yong Maide affected by Anastasio; who
both saw and observed all with a more inward apprehension; knowing
very well; that the morall of this dismall spectacle; carried a much
neerer application to her then any other in all the company。 For now
she could call to mind; how unkinde and cruell she had shewne her
selfe to Anastasio; even as the other Gentlewoman formerly did to
her Lover; still flying from him in great contempt and scorne: for
which; she thought the Blood…hounds also pursued her at the heeles
already; and a sword of vengeance to mangle her body。 This feare
grew so powerfull in her; that to prevent the like heavy doome from
falling on her; she studied (by all her best and commendable meanes;
and therein bestowed all the night season) how to change her hatred
into kinde love; which at the length she fully obtained; and then
purposed to prosecute in this manner。
  Secretly she sent a faithfull Chambermaide of her owne; to greete
Anastasio on her behalfe; humbly entreating him te come see her:
because now she was absolutely determined; to give him satisfaction in
all which (with honour) he could request of her。 Whereto Anastasio
answered; that he accepted her message thankfully; and desired no
other favour at her hand; but that which stood with her owne offer;
namely; to be his Wife in honourable marriag
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