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the decameron(十日谈)-第126章

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ignorant woman; a house Dove; sildome going out of my doore: have sold
it already for twelve Gigliatoes; to a very honest man; who (even a
little before thy comming home) came to me; we agreed on the bargaine;
and he is now underneath the Fat; to see whether it be sound or no。
When credulous Lazaro heard this; he was better contented then ever;
and went to him that taried at the doore; saying。 Good man; you may
goe your way; for; whereas you offered me but ten Gigliatoes for the
Fat; my loving wife hath sold it for twelve; and I must maintaine what
shee hath done: so the man departed; and the variance ended。
  Peronella then saide to her husband。 Seeing thou art come home so
luckily; helpe me to lift up the Fat; that the man may come foorth;
and then you two end the bargaine together。 Striguario; who thogh he
was mewed up under the tubbe; had his eares open enough; and hearing
the witty excuse of Peronella; tooke himselfe free from future
feare: and being come from under the Fat; pretending also; as if he
had herd nothing; nor saw Lazaro; looking round about him; said。 Where
is this good woman? Lazaro stepping forth boldly like a man;
replyed: Heere am I; what would you have Sir? Thou? quoth
Striguario; what art thou? I ask for the good wife; with whom I made
my match for the Fat。 Honest Gentleman (answered Lazaro) I am that
honest Womans Husband; for lacke of a better; and I will maintaine
whatsoever my Wife hath done。
  I crie you mercie Sir; replyed Striguario; I bargained with your
Wife for this brewing Fat; which I finde to be whole and sound: only
it is uncleane within; hard crusted with some dry soile upon it; which
I know not well how to get off; if you will be the meanes of making it
cleane; I have the money heere ready for it。 For that Sir (quoth
Peronella) take you no care; although no match at all had beene
made; what serves my Husband for; but to make it cleane? Yes
forsooth Sir; answered sily Lazaro; you shall have it neate and cleane
before you pay the mony。
  So; stripping himselfe into his shirt lighting a Candle; and
taking tooles fit for the purpose; the Fat was whelmed over him; and
he being within it; wrought untill he sweated; with scraping and
scrubbing。 So that these poore Lovers; what they could not
accomplish as they wold; necessity enforced them to performe as they
might。 And Peronella; looking in at the vent…hole; where the Liquor
runneth forth for the meshing; seemed to instruct her husband in the
businesse; as espying those parts where the Fat was fowlest; saying:
There; there Lazaro; tickle it there; the Gentleman payes well for it;
and is worthy to have it: but see thou do thy selfe no harme good
Husband。 I warrant thee Wife; answered Lazaro; hurt not your selfe
with leaning your stomacke on the Fat; and leave the cleansing of it
to me。 To be breefe; the Brewing Fat was neatly cleansed; Peronella
and Striguario both well pleased; the money paide; and honest
meaning Lazaro not discontented。



  Friar Reynard; falling in love with a Gentlewoman; Wife to a man
of good account; found the meanes to become her Gossip。 Afterward;
he being conferring closely with her in her Chamber; and her Husband
coming sodainly thither: she made him beleeve; that he came thither
for no other end; but to cure his God…sonne by a charme; of a
dangerous disease which he had by Wormes。

  Philostratus told not this Tale so covertly; concerning Lazaros
simplicity; and Peronellaes witty policy; but the Ladies found a
knot in the rush; and laughed not a little; at his queint manner of
discoursing it。 But upon the conclusion; the King looking upon Madam
Eliza; willed her to succeede next; which as willingly she granted;
and thus began。 Pleasant Ladies; the charme or conjuration wherwith
Madam Aemillia laid her night…walking Spirit; maketh me remember a
Novell of another enchantment; which although it carrieth not
commendation equall to the other; yet I intend to report it; because
it suteth with our present purpose; and I cannot sodainly be
furnisht with another; answerable thereto in nature。
  You are to understand then; that there lived in Siena; a proper yong
man; of good birth and well friended; being named Reynard。 Earnestly
he affected his neere dwelling neighbour; a beautifull Gentlewoman;
and wife to a man of good esteeme: of whom hee grew halfe perswaded;
that if he could (without suspition) compasse private conference
with her; he should reach the height of his amorous desires。 Yet
seeing no likely meanes wherewith to further his hope; and shee
being great with childe; he resolved to become a Godfather to the
childe; at such time as it should be brought to Christening。 And being
inwardly acquainted with her Husband; who was named Credulano; such
familiar intercourses passed betweene them; both of Reynards kinde
offer; and Credulanoes as courteous acceptance; that hee was set downe
for a Gossippe。
  Reynard being thus embraced for Madam Agnesiaes Gossip; and this
proving the onely colourable meanes; for his safer permission of
speech with her; to let her now understand by word of mouth; what long
before she collected by his lookes and behaviour: it fell out no way
beneficiall to him; albeit Agnesia seemed not nice or scrupulous in
hearing; yet she had a more precious care of her honor。 It came to
passe; within a while after (whether by seeing his labour vainly
spent; or some other urgent occasion moving him thereto; I know not)
Reynard would needs enter into Religion; and whatsoever strictnesse or
austeritie hee found to be in that kinde of life; yet he determined to
persevere therein; whether it were for his good or ill。 And although
within a short space; after he was thus become a Religious Monke;
hee seemed to forget the former love which he bare to his gossip
Agnesia; and divers other enormous vanities beside: yet let me tell
you; successe of time tutord him in them again(!; and; without any
respect to his poore ho habite; but rather in contempt thereof (as
it were) he tooke an especiall delight; in wearing garments of much
richer esteeme; yet favoured by the same Monasticall profession;
appearing (in all respects) like a Court…Minion or Favourite; of a
sprightly and Poeticall disposition; for composing Verses; Sonnets;
and Canzons; singing them to sundry excellent instruments; and yet not
greatly curious of his company; so they were some of the best; and
Madame Agnesia one; his former Gossip。
  But why doe I trouble my selfe; in talking thus of our so lately
converted Friar; holy Father Reynard; when they of longer standing;
and reputed meerely for Saints in life; are rather much more vile then
hee? Such is the wretched condition of this world; that they shame not
(fat; foggie; and nastie Abbey…lubbers) to shew how full…fedde they
live in their Cloysters; with cherry cheekes; and smooth shining
lookes; gay and gaudy garments; far from the least expression of
humility; not walking in the streets like Doves: but high…crested like
Cockes; with well cramd gorges。 Nay; which is worse; if you did but
see their Chambers furnished with Gally…pots of Electuaries;
precious Unguents; Apothecary Boxes; filled with various
Confections; Conserves; excellent Perfumes; and other goodly Glasses
of artificiall Oyles and Waters: beside Rundlets and small Barrels
full of Greeke Wine; Muscatella; Lachrime Christi; and other such like
most precious Wines; so that (to such as see them) they seeme not to
bee Chambers of Religious men; but rather Apothecaries Shoppes; or
appertaining to Druggists; Grocers; or Perfumers。
  It is no disgrace to them to be Gowty; because when other men know
it not; they alledge; that strict fasting; feeding on grosse Meates
(though never so little;) continuall studying; and such like
restraints from the bodies freer exercise; maketh them subject to many
infirmities。 And yet; when any one of them chanceth to fall sicke; the
Physitian must minister no such counsell to them; as Chastity;
Abstinence from voluptuous meats; Discipline of the body; or any of
those matters appertaining to a modest religious life。 For; concerning
the plaine; vulgar; and Plebeian people; these holy Fathers are
perswaded; that they know nothing really belonging to a
sanctimonious life; as long watching; praying; discipline and fasting;
which (in themselves) are not able; to make men look leane;
wretched; and pale。 Because Saint Dominicke; Saint Fraunces; and
divers other holy Saints beside; observed the selfesame religious
orders and constitutions; as now their carefull successors do。
Moreover; in example of those fore…named Saints; who went wel
cloathed; though they had not three Garments for one; nor made of
the finest Woollen excellent cloath: but rather of the very coarsest
of all other; and of the common ordinary colour; to expell cold onely;
but not to appear brave or gallant; deceyving thereby infinite
simple credulous soules; whose purses (neverthel
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