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while; and Pyrrhus; being formerly enstructed; in the directions which
she had given him; thus shee spake; some…what faintly。 Pyrrhus; I have
a kinde of longing desire upon a sodaine; to taste of these Peares:
Wherefore; climbe up into the Tree; and cast me downe one or two;
which instantly hee did。 Being aloft in the Tree; and throwing downe
some of the best and ripest Peares; at length (according to his
premeditated Lesson) looking downe; he said。
Forbeare my Lord; Do you not see; in how weake and feeble
condition my Ladie is; being shaken with so violent a sicknesse? And
you Madam; how kinde and loving soever you are to my Lord; Are you
so little carefull of your health; being but now come forth of your
sicke Chamber; to be ruffled and tumbled in such rough manner?
Though such dalliances are not amisse in you both; being fitter for
the private Chamber; then an open garden; and in the presence of a
servant: yet time and place should alwaies bee respectively
considered; for the avoiding of ill example; and better testimonie
of your owne Wisedomes; which ever should be like your selves。 But
if so soone; and even in the heate of a yet turbulent sicknesse;
your equall love can admit these kisses and embraces: your private
Lodginges were much more convenient; where no Servants eye can see
such Wantonnesse; nor you be reproved of indiscretion; for being too
publique in your Familiaritie。 Madame Lydia; sodainely starting; and
turning unto her Husband; sayde。 What doth Pyrrhus prate? Is he well
in his wittes? Or is he franticke? No Madame; replyed Pyrrhus; I am
not franticke。 Are you so fond as to thinke that I do not see your
folly? Nicostratus wondering at his Words; presently answered。 Now
trust me Pyrrhus; I think thou dreamest。 No my Lord; replyed
Pyrrhus; I dreame not a jot; neither do you; or my Ladie: but if
this Tree could affoord the like kindnesse to me; as you do to her;
there would not a Peare bee left uppon it。 How now Pyrrhus? (quoth
Lydia) this language goeth beyond our understanding; it seemeth thou
knowest not what thou saist。 Beleeve me husband; if I were as well
as ever I have bin; I would climb this tree; to see those idle wonders
which hee talketh of: for; while he continueth thus above; it
appeareth; hee can finde no other prattle; albeit he taketh his
marke amisse。
Heereupon; he commanded Pyrrhus to come downe; and being on the
ground: Now Pyrrhus (quoth he) tell me what thou saydst。 Pyrrhus;
pretending an alteration into much amazement; straungely looking about
him; saide; I know not verie well (my Lord) what answere I should make
you; fearing least my sight hath bin abused by error: for when I was
aloft in that Tree; it seemed manifestly to me: that you embraced my
Lady (though somewhat rudely; in regard of her perillous sicknesse;
yet lovingly) and as youthfully as in your yonger dales; with infinite
kisses; and wanton dalliances; such as (indeede) deserved a far more
private place in my poore opinion。 But in my descending downe; mee
thought you gave over that amorous familiaritie; and I found you
seated as I left you。 Now trust mee Pyrrhus; answered Nicostratus; Thy
tongue and wit have very strangely wandred; both from reason and all
reall apprehension: because we never stirred from hence; since thou
didst climbe up into the Tree; neither mooved otherwise; then as now
thou seest us。 Alas my Lord (saide Pyrrhus) I humbly crave pardon
for my presumption; in reprooving you for medling with your owne:
which shal make me hereafter better advised; in any thing what
soever I heare or see。
Mervaile and amazement; encreased in Nicostratus far greater then
before; hearing him to avouch still so constantly what he had seene;
no contradiction being able to alter him; which made him rashly sweare
and say。 I will see my selfe; whether this Peare…tree bee enchanted;
or no: and such wonders to be seene when a man is up in it; as thou
wouldst have us to beleeve。 And being mounted up so hy; that they were
safe from his sodaine comming on them; Lydia had soone forgotten her
sicknes; and the promised kisse cost her above twenty more; beside
verie kinde and hearty embraces; as lovingly respected and entertained
by Pyrrhus。 Which Nicostratus beholding aloft in the tree; cryed out
to her; saying。 Wicked woman; What doest thou meane? And thou
villain Pyrrhus; Darst thou abuse thy Lord; who hath reposed so much
trust in thee? So; descending in haste downe againe; yet crying so
to them still: Lydia replyed; Alas my Lord; Why do you raile and
rave in such sort? So; he( found her seated as before; and Pyrrhus
waiting with dutiful reverence; even as when he climbed up the Tree:
but yet he thought his sight not deceyved; for all their demure and
formall behaviour; which made him walke up and downe; extreamely
fuming and fretting unto himselfe; and which in some milder manner
to qualifie; Pyrrhus spake thus to him。
I deny not (my good Lord) but freely confesse; that even as your
selfe; so I; being above in the Tree; had my sight most falsely
deluded: which is so apparantly confirmed by you; and in the same
sort; as there needeth no doubt of both our beguiling; in one and
the same suspitious nature。 In which case to be the more assuredly
resolved; nothing can be questioned; but whether your beleefe do so
farre misleade you; as to thinke; that my Ladie (who hath alwayes bene
most wise; loyall; and vertuous;) would so shamefullie wrong you: yea;
and to performe it before your face; wherein I dare gadge my life to
the contrary。 Concerning my selfe; it is not fit for mee; to argue
or contest in mine owne commendation: you that have ever knowne the
sincerity of my service; are best able to speake in my behalfe: and
rather wold I be drawne in peeces with foure wilde horses; then bee
such an injurious slave to my Lord and Master。
Now then; it can be no otherwise; but we must needs rest
certainely perswaded; that the guile and offence of this false
appearance; was occasioned by thee onely。 For all the world could
not make me otherwise beleeve; but that I saw you kisse and most
kindely imbrace my Lady: if your owne eyes had not credited the like
behaviour in me to her; of which sinne; I never conceived so much as a
thought。 The Lady (on the other side) seeming to be very angerly
incensed; starting faintly up on her feet; yet supporting her selfe by
the tree; said。 It appeareth Sir; that you have entertained a goodly
opinion of me; as; if I were so lewde and lasciviously disposed; or
addicted to the very least desire of wantonnesse: that I would bee
so forgetfull of mine owne honour; as to adventure it in your sight;
and with a servant of my house? Oh Sir; such women as are so
familiarly affected; need learne no wit of men in amourous matters;
their private Chambers shall be better trusted; then an open blabing
and tell…tale Garden。
Nicostratus; who verily beleeved what they had both said; and that
neither of them would adventure such familiarity before his face:
would talke no more of the matter; but rather studyed of the rarity of
such a miracle; not seene; but in the height of the tree; and changing
againe up on the descent。 But Lydia; containing still her
collourable kinde of impatience; and angerly frowning upon
Nicostratus; stearnely saide。 If I may have my will; this villanous
and deceiving tree; shall never more shame me; or any other woman: and
therefore Pyrrhus; runne for an Axe; and by felling it to the
ground; in an instant; revenge both thy wrong and mine。 Doest not thou
serve a worthy Lord? And have not I a wise Husband; who; without any
consideration; will suffer the eye of his understanding to be so
dazeled; with a foolish imagination beyond all possibility? For;
although his eyes did apprehend such a folly; and it seemed to be a
truth indeed: yet; in the depth of setled judgement; all the world
should not perswade him; that it was so。
Pyrrhus had quickely brought the Axe; and hewing downe the tree;
so soone as the Lady saw it fall; turning her selfe to Nicostratus;
she said。 Now that I have seene mine honour and honesties enemy laid
along; mine anger is past; and Husband; I freely pardon you:
intreating you heartily henceforward; not to presume or imagine;
that my love eyther is; or can bee altred from you。
Thus the mocked and derided Nicostratus; returned in againe with his
Lady and Pyrrhus; where perhaps (although the Peare…tree was cut
downe) they could find as cunning meanes to over…reach him。
Two Citizens of Siena; the one named Tingoccio Mini; and the other
Meucio di Tura; affected both one woman; called Monna Mita; to whom
the one of them was a Gossip。 The Gossip dyed; and appeared
afterward to his companion; according as he had formerly promised
him to doe; and tolde him what strange wonders he had seene in the
other world。
Now there remained none but the King himselfe; last of all to
recount his Novell; who; after hee heard the Ladies c