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the decameron(十日谈)-第144章

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wishing all other (of her minde) might alwaies be so served。 Then
the Queene; smiling on Pamphilus; commaunded him to follow next:
whereupon; thus he began。
  I can tell you (faire Ladies) a short Novell; against such as are
continually offensive to us; yet we being no way able to offend him;
at least; in the same manner as they do injurie us。 And for your
better understanding what and who they be; they are our lusty Priests;
who advance their Standard; and make their publike predications
against our wives; winning such advantage over them; that they can
pardon them both of the sinne and punnishment; whensoever they are
once subjected unto theyr perswasions; even as if they brought the
Soldane bound and captived; from Alexandria to Avignon。 Which
imperious power; we (poore soules) cannot exercise on them;
considering; we have neither heart nor courage; to do our devoire in
just revenge on their Mothers; Sisters; Daughters; and Friends; with
the like spirit as they rise in armes against our wives。 And
therefore; I meane to tell you a tale of a Country mans wife; more
to make you laugh at the conclusion thereof; then for any
singularity of words or matter: yet this benefite you may gaine
thereby; of an apparant proofe; that such Sinamon; amorous and
perswading Priests; are not alwayes to be credited on their words or
  Let me then tell you; that at Varlungo; which you know to bee not
farre distant hence; there dwelt an youthfull Priest; lustie; gallant;
and proper of person (especially for Womens service) commonly called
by the name of sweet Sir Simon。 Now; albeit he was a man of slender
reading; yet notwithstanding; he had store of Latine sentences by
heart; some true; but twice so many maimed and false; Saint…like
shewes; holy speeches; and ghostly admonitions; which hee would preach
under an Oake in the fields; when he had congregated his
Parishioners together。 When women lay in childebed; hee was their
daily comfortable visitant; and would man them from their houses; when
they had any occasion to walke abroad: carrying alwaies a bottle of
holy water about him; wherewith he would sprinkle them by the way;
peeces of halowed Candles; and Chrisome Cakes; which pleased women
extraordinarily; and all the Country affoorded not such another
frolicke Priest; as this our nimble and active sweet Sir Simon。
  Among many other of his feminine Parishioners; all of them being
hansome and comely Women: yet there was one more pleasing in his
wanton eye; then any of the rest; named Monna Belcolore; and wife to a
plaine mecanicke man; called Bentivegna del Mazzo。 And; to speake
uprightly; few Countrey Villages yeelded a Woman; more fresh and
lovely of complexion; although not admirable for beauty; yet sweete
Sir Simon thoght her a Saint; and faine would be offering at her
shrine。 Divers prety pleasing qualities she had; as sounding the
Cymball; playing artificially on the Timbrill; and singing thereto
as it had beene a Nightingale; dancing also so dexteriously; as
happy was the man that could dance in her company。 All which so
enflamed sweet Sir Simon; that he lost his wonted sprightly behaviour;
walked sullen; sad and melancholly; as if he had melted all his
mettall; because hee could hardly have a sight of her。 But on the
Sonday morning; when hee heard or knew that she was in the Church; hee
would tickle it with a Kyrie and a Sancsingular skill in singing; when
it had beene as good to heare an Asse bray。 Whereas on the contrary;
when she came not to Church Masse; and all else were quicklie shaken
uppe; as if his devotion waited onely on her presence。 Yet he was so
cunning in the carriage of his amorous businesse; both for her credite
and his owne; as Bentivegna her husband could not perceive it; or
any neighbor so much as suspect it。
  But; to compaise more familiar acquaintance with Belcolore; hee sent
her sundry gifts and presents; day by day; as sometime a bunch of
dainty greene Garlicke; whereof he had plenty growing in his Garden;
which he manured with his owne hands; and better then all the countrey
yeelded; otherwhiles a small basket of Pease or Benes; and Onyons or
Scallions; as the season served。 But when he could come in place where
she was; then he darted amourous wincks and glances at her; with
becks; nods; and blushes; Loves private Ambassadours; which shee
(being but countrey…bred) seeming by outward appearance; not to see;
retorted disdainefully; and forthwith would absent her selfe; so
that sweet Sir Simon laboured still in vaine; and could not compasse
what he coveted。
  It came to passe within a while after; that on a time; (about high
noone) Sir Simon being walking abroad; chanced to meete with
Bentivegna; driving an Asse before him; laden with divers commodities;
and demaunding of him; whither he went; Bentivegna; thus answered。
In troth Sir Simon; I am going to the City; about some especiall
businesse of mine owne; and I carry these things to Signior
Bonacorci da Ginestreto; because he should helpe me before the
Judge; when I shall be called in question concerning my patrimony。 Sir
Simon looking merily on him; said。 Thou doest well Bentivegna; to make
a friend sure before thou need him; goe; take my blessing with thee;
and returne againe with good successe。 But if thou meet with Laguccio;
or Naldino; forget not to tell them; that they must bring me my
shooe…tyes before Sunday。 Bentivegna said; hee would discharge his
errand; and so parted from him; driving his Asse on towards Florence。
  Now began Sir Simon to shrug; and scratch his head; thinking this to
be a fit convenient time; for him to goe visite Belcolore; and to make
triall of his fortune: wherefore; setting aside all other businesse;
he stayed no where till he came to the house; whereinto being
entred; he saide: All happinesse be to them that dwell heere。
Belcolore being then above in the Chamber; when she heard his
tongue; replyed。 Sweet Sir Simon! you are heartely welcome; whether
are you walking; if the question may bee demaunded? Beleeve me
dainty Ducke; answered Sir Simon; I am come to sit a while with
thee; because I met thy Husband going to the Citie。 By this time;
Belcolore was descended downe the stayres; and having once againe
given welcome to Sir Simon; she sate downe by him; cleansing of
Colewort seeds from such other course chaffe; which her Husband had
prepared before his departure。
  Sir Simon hugging her in his armes; and fetching a vehement sigh;
said。 My Belcolore; how long shall I pine and languish for thy love?
How now Sir Simon? answered she; is this behaviour fitting for an holy
man? Holy…men Belcolore; (quoth Sir Simon) are made of the same matter
as others be; they have the same affections; and therefore subject
to their infirmities。 Santa Maria; answered Belcolore; Dare Priests
doe such things as you talke of? Yes Belcolore (quoth he) and much
better then other men can; because they are made for the very best
businesse; in which regard they are restrained from marriage。 True
(quoth Belcolore) but much more from medling with other mens wives。
Touch not that Text Belcolore; replyed Sir Simon; it is somewhat above
your capacity: talke of that I come for; namely thy love; my Ducke;
and my Dove; Sir Simon is thine; I pray thee be mine。
  Belcolore observing his smirking behaviour; his proper person;
pretty talke; and queint insinuating; felt a motion to female frailty;
which yet she would withstand so long as she could; and not be
over…hasty in her yeelding。 Sir Simon promiseth her a new paire of
shoes; garters; ribbands; girdles; or what else she would request。 Sir
Simon (quoth she) all these things which you talke of; are fit for
women: but if your love to mee be such as you make choice of;
fulfill what I will motion to you; and then (perhaps) I shall tell you
more。 Sir Simons heate made him hasty to promise whatsoever she
would desire; whereupon; thus shee replyed。 On Saturday; said she; I
must goe to Florence; to carry home such yarne as was sent me to
spinne; and to amend my spinning wheele: if you will lend mee ten
Florines; wherewith I know you are alwayes furnished; I shall
redeeme from the Usurer my best peticote; and my wedding gowne (both
well neere lost for lacke of repaiment) without which I cannot be
seene at Church; or in any other good place else; and then afterward
other matters may be accomplished。
  Alas sweete Belcolore answered Sir Simon; I never beare any such sum
about me; for men of our profession; doe seldome carry any money at
all: but beleeve me on my word; before Saturday come; I will not faile
to bring them hither。 Oh Sir (quoth Belcolore) you men are quicke
promisers; but slow performers。 Doe you thinke to use me; as poore
Billezza was; who trusted to as faire words; and found her selfe
deceived? Now Sir Simon; her example in being made scandall to the
world; is a sufficient warning for me: if you be not so provided;
goe and make use of your friend; for I am not otherwise to be moved。
Nay Belcolore (quoth he) I hope you will not serve me so; but my
word shall be of better worth with you。 Consider the conveniency of
time; wee being so privately here alone: whereas at my returnin
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