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the decameron(十日谈)-第148章

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said; being well neere ready to burst with laughter; considering;
how confidently he stood upon it; that he had found the wonderful
stone; and lost it by his wives speaking onely to him。 But when they
saw him rise in fury once more; with intent to beat her againe: then
they stept betweene them; affirming; That the woman had no way
offended in this case; but rather he himself: who knowing that women
cause all things to lose their vertue; had not therefore expresly
commanded her; not to be seene in his presence all that day; untill he
had made full proofe of the stones vertue。 And questionles; the
consideration of a matter so availeable and important; was quite taken
from him; because such an especiall happinesse; should not belong to
him only; but (in part) to his friends; whom he had acquainted
therewith; drew them to the plaine with him in companie; where they
tooke as much paines in serch of the stone; as possibly he did; or
could; and yet (dishonestly) he would deceive them; and beare it
away covetously; for his owne private benefit。
  After many other; as wise and wholesome perswasions; which he
constantly credited; because they spake them; they reconciled him to
his wife; and she to him: but not without some difficulty in him;
who falling into wonderfull greefe and melancholy; for losse of such
an admirable precious stone; was in danger to have dyed; within
lesse then a month after。

                    THE EIGHT DAY; THE FOURTH NOVELL


  The Provost belonging to the Cathedrall Church of Fiesola; fell in
love with a Gentlewoman; being a widdow; and named Piccarda; who hated
him as much as he loved her。 He imagining; that he lay with her: by
the Gentlewomans Bretheren; and the Byshop under whom he served; was
taken in bed with her Mayde; an ugly; foule; deformed Slut。

  Ladie Eliza having concluded her Novell; not without infinite
commendations of the whole company: the Queen turning her lookes to
Madame Aimillia; gave her such an expresse signe; as she must needs
follow next after Madame Eliza; whereupon she began in this manner。
  Vertuous Ladies; I very well remember (by divers Novels formerly
related) that sufficient hath beene sayde; concerning Priests and
Religious persons; and all other carrying shaven Crownes; in their
luxurious appetites and desires。 But because no one can at any time
say so much; as thereto no more may be added: beside them alreadie
spoken of; I wil tel you another concerning the Provost of a Cathedral
Church; who would needes (in despight of all the world) love a
Gentlewoman whether she would or no: and therefore; in due
chastisement both unto his age and folly; she gave him such
entertainment as he justly deserved。
  It is not unknowne unto you all; that the Cittie of Fieosola; the
mountaine whereof we may very easily hither discerne; hath bene (in
times past) a very great and most ancient City: although at this day
it is wellneere all ruined: yet neverthelesse; it alwaies was; and yet
is a Byshops See; albeit not of the wealthiest。 In the same Citie; and
no long while since; neere unto the Cathedrall Church; there dwelt a
Gentlewoman; being a Widdow; and commonlie there stiled by the name of
Madame Piccarda; whose house and inheritance was but small;
wherewith yet she lived very contentedly (having no wandering eye;
or wanton desires) and no company but her two Brethren; Gentlemen of
especiall honest and gracious disposition。
  This Gentlewoman; being yet in the flourishing condition of her
time; did ordinarily resort to the Cathedrall Church in holie zeale;
and religious devotion; where the Provost of the place; became so
enamored of her; as nothing (but the sight of her) yeelded him any
contentment。 Which fond affection of his; was forwarded with such an
audacious and bold carriage; as hee dared to acquaint her with his
love; requiring her enterchange of affection; and the like opinion
of him; as he had of her。 True it is; that he was very farre entred
into yeares; but yong and lustie in his own proud conceite;
presuming strangely beyond his capacity; and thinking as well of his
abilitie; as the youthfullest gallant in the World could doe。
Whereas (in verie deede) his person was utterly displeasing; his
behaviour immodest and scandaious; and his usuall Language;
savouring of such sensualitie; as; very fewe or none cared for his
company。 And if any Woman seemed respective of him; it was in regard
of his outside and profession; and more for feare; then the least
affection; and alwayes as welcome to them; as the head…ake。
  His fond and foolish carriage stil continuing to this Gentlewoman;
she being wise and vertuously advised; spake thus unto him。 Holy
Sir; if you love me according as you protest; and manifest by your
outward behaviour: I am the more to thanke you for it; being bound
in dutie to love you likewise。 But if your Love have any harshe or
unsavourie taste; which mine is no way able to endure; neyther dare
entertaine in anie kinde whatsoever: you must and shall hold mee
excused; because I am made of no such temper。 You are my ghostly and
spirituall Father; an Holy Priest。 Moreover; yeares have made you
honorably aged; all which severall weighty considerations; ought to
confirme you in continency and chastity。 Remember withall (good sir)
that I am but a child to you in years; and were I bent to any wanton
appetites; you shold justly correct me by fatherly counsell; such as
most beautifieth your sacred profession。 Beside; I am a Widdow; and
you are not ignorant; how requisite a thing honestie is in widdowes。
Wherefore; pardon mee (Holy Father:) for; in such manner as you make
the motion: I desire you not to love mee; because I neither can or
will at any time so affect you。
  The Provoste gaining no other grace at this time; would not so
give over for this first repulse; but pursuing her still with
unbeseeming importunity; many private meanes he used to her by
Letters; tokens; and insinuating ambassages; yea; whensoever shee came
to the Church; he never ceased his wearisome solicitings。 Whereat
she growing greatly offended; and perceyving no likelyhood of his
desisting; became so tyred with his tedious suite; that she considered
with her selfe; how she might dispatch him as he deserved; because she
saw no other remedy。 Yet shee would not attempte anie thing in this
case; without acquainting her Bretheren first therwith。 And having
tolde them; how much shee was importuned by the Provost; and also what
course she meant to take (wherin they both counselled and encouraged
her:) within a few daies after; shee went to Church as she was wont to
do; where so soone as the Provost espyed her: forthwith he came to
her; and according to his continued course; he fell into his amorous
courting。 She looking upon him with a smiling countenance; and walking
aside with him out of any hearing: after he had spent many impertinent
speeches; shee (venting foorth manie a vehement sighe) at length
returned him this answer。
  Reverend Father; I have often heard it saide: That there is not
any Fort or Castle; how strongly munited soever it bee; but by
continuall assayling; at length (of necessity) it must and will be
surprized。 Which comparison; I may full well allude to my selfe。
For; you having so long time solicited me; one while with affable
language; then againe with tokens and entisements; of such
prevailing power: as have broken the verie barricado of my former
deliberation; and yeelded mee uppe as your prisoner; to be commanded
at your pleasure for now I am onely devoted yours。
  Well may you (Gentle Ladies) imagine; that this answere was not a
little welcome to the Provost; who; shrugging with conceyte of joy;
presently thus replyed。 I thanke you Madame Piccarda; and to tell
you true; I held it almost as that you could stand upon such long
resistance; considering; it never so fortuned to mee with anie
other。 And I have many times saide to my selfe; that if women were
made of silver; they hardly could be worth a pennie; because there can
scarsely one be found of so good allay; as to endure the test and
essay。 But let us breake off this frivolous conference; and resolve
upon a conclusion; How; when and where we may safely meete together。
Worthy Sir; answered Piccarda; your selfe may appoint the time
whensoever you please; because I have no Husband; to whom I should
render any account of my absence; or presence: but I am not provided
of any place。
  A pretty while the Provoste stood musing; and at last saide。 A place
Madame? where can be more privacie; then in your owne house? Alas
Sir (quoth she) you know that I have two Gentlemen my brethren; who
continually are with me; and other of their friends beside: My house
also is not great; wherefore it is impossible to be there; except
you could be like a dumbe man; without speaking one word; or making
the very least noyse; beside; to remaine in darkenesse; as if you were
blinde; and who can be able to endure all these? And yet (without
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