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the decameron(十日谈)-第158章

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warme beames of the Sunne; will be too hot and scorching for your nice
bodie to endure: remember the extreame cold which you caused mee to
feele; and if you can intermixe some part of that cold with the
present heat; I dare assure you; the Sun (in his highest heate) will
be far more temperate for your feeling。
  The disconsolate Lady perceiving; that the Schollers wordes savoured
of no mercy; but rather as coveting her desperate ending; with the
teares streaming downe her cheekes; thus she replied。 Wel Sir;
seeing there is no matter of worth in me; whereby to derive any
compassion from you: yet for that Ladies sake; whom you have elected
worthy to enjoy your love; and so farre excelleth mee in Wisedome;
vouchsafe to pardon mee; and suffer my garments to be brought me;
wherewith to cover my nakednesse; and so to descend downe from this
Tower; if it may stand with your gentle Nature to admit it。
  Now beganne Reniero to laughe very heartily; and perceiving how
swiftly the day ran on in his course; he saide unto her。 Beleeve me
Madame Helena; you have so conjured me by mine endeered Ladie and
Mistresse; that I am no longer able to deny you; wherefore; tell me
where your garments are; and I will bring them to you; that you may
come downe from the Turret。 She beleeving his promise; tolde him where
she had hid them; and Reniero departing from the Tower; commanded
his servant; not to stirre thence: but to abide still so neere it;
as none might get entrance there till his returning。 Which charge
was no sooner given to his man; but hee went to the house of a neere
neighboring friend; where he dined well; and afterward laid him
downe to sleepe。
  In the meane while; Madame Helena remaining still on the Tower;
began to comfort her selfe with a little vaine hope; yet sighing and
weeping incessantly; seating her selfe so well as shee could; where
any small shelter might yeelde the least shade; in expectation of
the Schollers returning: one while weeping; then againe hoping; but
most of all despairing; by his so long tarrying away with her
Garments; so that beeing over…wearied with anguish and long
watching; she fell into a little slumbering。 But the Sunne was so
extreamly hot; the houre of noone being already past; that it meerly
parched her delicate body; and burnt her bare head so violently: as
not onely it seared all the flesh it touched; but also cleft and
chinkt it strangely; beside blisters and other painfull scorchings
in the flesh which hindred her sleeping; to help her self (by all
possible means) waking。 And the Turret being covered with Lead; gave
the greater addition to her torment; for; as she removed from one
place to another; it yeelded no mitigation to the burning heate; but
parched and wrinkled the flesh extraordinarily; even as when a piece
of parchment is throwne into the fire; and recovered out againe; can
never be extended to his former forme。
  Moreover; she was so grievously payned with the head…ake; as it
seemed to split in a thousand pieces; whereat there needed no great
the Lead of the Turret being so exceedingly hot; that it affoorded not
the least defence against it; or any repose to qualifie the torment:
but drove her still from one place to another; in hope of ease; but
none was there to be found。
  Nor was there any winde at all stirring; whereby to asswage the
Sunnes violent scalding; or keepe away huge swarmes of Waspes;
Hornets; and terrible byting Flyes; which vexed her extreamely;
feeding on those parts of her body; that were rifte and chinkt; like
crannies in a mortered wall; and pained her like so many points of
pricking Needles; labouring still with her hands to beate them away;
but yet they fastned on one place or other; and afflicted her in
grievous manner; causing her to curse her owne life; hir amorous
friend; but (most of all) the Scholler; that promised to bring her
Garments; and as yet returned not。 Now began she to gaze upon every
side about her; to espy some labouring Husbandmen in the fields; to
whom she might call or cry out for helpe; not fearing to discover
her desperate condition: but Fortune therein also was adverse to
her; because the heats extreamity; had driven all the village out of
the fields; causing them to feede their Cattle about theyr owne
houses; or in remote and shadie Valleyes: so that shee could see no
other creatures to comfort her; but Swannes swimming in the River of
Arno; and wishing her selfe there a thousand times with them; for to
coole the extreamity of her thirst; which so much the more
encreased; onely by the sight thereof; and utterly disabled of
having any。
  She saw beside in many places about her; goodly Woods; fayre coole
shades; and Country houses here and there dispersed; which added the
greater violence to hir affliction; that her desires (in all these)
could no way be accomplished。 What shall I say more concerning this
disastrous Lady? The parching beames of the Sunne above her; the
scalding heat of the Lead beneath her; the Hornets and Flyes everie
way stinging her; had made such an alteration of her beautifull bodie:
that; as it checkt and controlled the precedent nights darkenesse;
it was now so metamorphosed with rednesse; yea; and blood issuing
forth in infinite places; as she seemed (almost) loathsome to looke
on; continuing still in this agonie of torment; quite voyde of all
hope; and rather expecting death; then any other comfort。
  Reniero; when some three houres of the afternoone were overpast;
awaked from sleeping: and remembring Madame Helena; he went to see
in what estate she was; as also to send his servant unto dinner;
because he had fasted all that day。 She perceyving his arrivall; being
altogether weake; faint; and wonderously over…wearied; she crept on
her knees to a corner of the Turret; and calling to him; spake in this
manner。 Reniero; thy revenge exceedeth al manhoode and respect: For;
if thou wast almost frozen in my Court; thou hast roasted me all day
long on this Tower; yea; meerly broyled my poore naked bodie; beside
starving mee thorough want of Food and drinke。 Be now then so
mercifull (for manhoods sake) as to come uppe hither; and inflict that
on me; which mine owne hands are not strong enough to do; I meane
the ending of my loathed and wearisome life; for I desire it beyond
all comfort else; and I shall honour thee in the performance of it。 If
thou deny me this gracious favour; at least send me uppe a glasse of
Water; onely to moisten my mouth; which my teares (being all meerly
dried up) are not able to doe; so extreame is the violence of the
Sunnes burning heate。
  Well perceived the Scholler; by the weaknesse of her voyce; and
scorching of her body by the Suns parching beames; that shee was
brought now to great extremity: which sight; as also her humble
intercession; began to touch him with some compassion; nevertheles;
thus he replied。 Wicked woman; my hands shal be no means of thy death;
but make use of thine owne; if thou be so desirous to have it: and
as much water shalt thou get of me to asswage thy thirst; as thou
gavest me fire to comfort my freezing; when thou wast in the luxurious
heat of thy immodest desires; and I wel…neere frozen to death with
extremity of cold。 Pray that the Evening may raine downe Rosewater
on thee; because that in the River of Arno is not good enough for
thee: for as little pitty doe I take on thee now; as thou didst extend
compassion to me then。
  Miserable Woman that I am; answered Helena; Why did the heavens
bestow beautie on mee; which others have admired and honoured; and yet
(by thee) is utterly despised? More cruell art thou then any savage
Beast; thus to vexe and torment mee in such mercilesse manner。 What
greater extreamity couldst thou inflict on me; if I had bin the
destruction of all thy Kindred; and lefte no one man living of thy
race? I am verily perswaded; that more cruelty cannot be used
against a Traitor; who was the subversion of an whole Cittie; then
this tyranny of thine; roasting me thus in the beames of the Sun;
and suffering my body to be devoured with Flies; without so small a
mercie; as to give mee a little coole water; which murtherers are
permitted to have; being condemned by justice; and led to execution:
yea Wine also; if they request it。
  But; seeing thou art so constant in thy pernitious resolve; as
neither thine owne good Nature; nor this lamentable sufferance in
me; are able to alter thee: I will prepare my self for death
patiently; to the end; that Heaven may be mercifull to my soul; and
reward thee justly; according to thy cruelty。 Which words being ended;
she withdrew her selfe towards the middest of the Tarras; despairing
of escaping (with life)
  from the heates violence; and not once onely; but infinite times
beside (among her other grievous extreamities) she was ready to dye
with drought; bemoaning incessantly her dolorous condition。
  By this time the day was well neere spent; and night beganne to
hasten on apace: when the Scholler (immagining that he afflicted her
sufficiently) tooke her Garments; and wrapping them up in his mans
Cloake; went thence to the Ladies house; where he found Ancilla the
Waiting…woman sitting at
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