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the decameron(十日谈)-第24章

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occasion to talke of them; so often do they awake and quicken our
understandings; avouching; that it is no easie matter to depend upon
her flatteries。 And I am of opinion; that to heare them recounted;
ought not any way to offend us; be it of men wretched; or fortunate;
because; as they instruct the one with good advice; so they animate
the other with comfort。 And therefore; although great occasions have
beene already related; yet I purpose to tell a Tale; no lesse true
then lamentable; which albeit it sorted to a successefull ending;
yet notwithstanding; such and so many were the bitter thwartings; as
hardly can I beleeve; that ever any sorrow was more joyfully sweetned。
  You must understand then (most gracious Ladies) that after the death
of Fredericke the second Emperour; one named Manfred; was crowned King
of Sicily; about whom; lived in great account and authority; a
Neapolitane Gentleman; called Henriet Capece; who had to Wife a
beautifull Gentlewoman; and a Neapolitane also; named Madam Beritola
Caracalla。 This Henriet held the government of the Kingdome of Sicily;
and understanding that King Charles the first; had wonne the battle at
Beneventum; and slaine King Manfred; the whole Kingdome revolting also
to his devotion; and little trust to be reposed in the Sicillians;
or he willing to subject himselfe to his Lordes enemie; provided for
his secret flight from thence。 But this being discovered to the
Sicillians; he and many more; who had beene loyall servants to King
Manfred; were suddenly taken and imprisoned by King Charles; and the
sole possession of the Iland confirmed to him。
  Madam Beritola not knowing (in so sudden and strange an alteration
of State affaires) what was become of her Husband; fearing also
greatly before; those inconveniences which afterward followed; being
overcome with many passionate considerations; having left and forsaken
all her goods; going aboord a small Barke with a Sonne of hers; aged
about some eight yeeres; named Geoffrey; and growne great with child
with another; she fled thence to Lapary; where she was brought to
bed of another Sonne; whom she named (answerable both to his and her
hard fortune;) The poore expelled。
  Having provided her selfe of a Nurse; they altogether went aboard
againe; setting sayle for Naples to visit her Parents; but it
chanced quite contrary to her expectation; because by stormie windes
and weather; the vessell being bound for Naples; was hurried to the
Ile of Ponzo; where entring into a small Port of the Sea; they
concluded to make their aboade; till a time more furtherous should
favour their voyage。
  As the rest; so did Madam Beritola goe on shore in the Iland;
where having found a separate and solitary place; fit for her silent
and sad meditations; secretly by her selfe; shee sorrowed for the
absence of her husband。 Resorting daily to this her sad exercise;
and continuing there her complaints; unseene by any of the
Marriners; or whosoever else: there arrived suddenly a Galley of
Pyrates; who seazing on the small Barke; carried it and all the rest
in it away with them。 When Beritola had finished het wofull
complaints; as daily shee was accustomed to doe; shee returned backe
to her children againe; but find no person there remayning; whereat
she wondered not a little: immediately (suspecting what had happened
indeede) she lent her lookes on the Sea; and saw the Galley; which
as yet had not gone farre; drawing the smaller vessell after her。
Hereby plainly she perceyved; that now she had lost her children; as
formerly shee had done her husband; being left there poore;
forsaken; and miserable; not knowing when; where; or how to finde
any of them againe; and calling for her Husband and Children; shee
fell downe in a swound uppon the shore。
  Now was not any body neere; with coole water or any other remedy
to helpe the recovery of her lost powers; wherefore her spirits
might the more freely wander at their owne pleasure: but after they
were returned backe againe; and had won their wonted offices in her
body; drowned in teares; and wringing her hands; she did nothing but
call for her children and husband; straying all about in hope to finde
them; seeking in caves; dens; and every where else; that presented the
verie least glimpse of comfort。 But when she saw all her paines sort
to no purpose; and darke night drawing swiftly on; hope and dismay
raising infinite perturbations; made her yet to be somewhat respective
of her selfe; and therefore departing from the sea…shore; she returned
to the solitary place; where she used to sigh and mourne alone by
her selfe。
  The night being over…past with infinite feares and afrights; and
bright day saluting the world againe; with the expence of nine
houres and more; she fell to her former fruitlesse travailes。 Being
somewhat sharply bitten with hunger; because the former day and
night shee had not tasted any foode: shee made therefore a benefit
of necessity; and fed on the greene hearbes so well as she could;
not without any piercing afflictions; what should become of her in
this extraordinary misery。 As shee walked in these pensive
meditations; she saw a Goate enter into a Cave; and (within a while
after) come forth againe; wandring along thorow the woods。 Whereupon
she stayed; and entred where she saw the beast issue foorth; where she
found two young Kids; yeaned (as it seemed) the selfesame day; which
sight was very pleasing to her; and nothing in that distresse could
more content her。
  As yet; she had milke freshly running in both her brests; by
reason of her so late delivery in child bed; wherefore shee lay
downe unto the two yong Kids; and taking them tenderly in her armes;
suffered each of them to sucke a teate; whereof they made not any
refusall; but tooke them as lovingly as their dammes; and from that
time forward; they made no distinguishing betweene their damme and
her。 Thus this unfortunate Lady; having found some company in this
solitary desart; fed on herbes and roots; drinking faire running
water; and weeping silently to her selfe; so often as she remembred
her husband; children; and former dayes past in much better manner。
Heere she resolved now to live and dye; being at last deprived both of
the damme and yonger Kids also; by theyr wandering further into the
neere adjoyning Woods; according to their naturall inclinations;
whereby the poore distressed Ladie became more savage and wilde in her
daily conditions; then otherwise shee would have bene。
  After many monthes were over…passed; at the very same place where
she tooke landing; by chance; there arrived another small vessell of
certaine Pisans; which remained there divers daies。 In this Barke
was a Gentleman; named Conrado de Marchesi Malespini; with his holy
and vertuous wife; who were returned backe from a Pilgrimage; having
visited all the sanctified places that then were in the kingdome of
Apulia; and now were bound homeward to their owne abiding。 This
Gentleman; for the expelling of melancholly perturbations; one
especiall day amongst other; with his wife; servants; and wainting
hounds; wandred up into the Iland not far from the place of Madam
Beritolaes desert dwelling。 The hounds questing after game; at last
happened on the two Kids where they were feeding; and (by this time)
had attained to indifferent growth; and finding themselves thus
pursued by the hounds; fled to no other part of the wood; then to
the cave where Beritola remained; and seeming as if they sought to
be rescued only by her; she sodainly caught up a staffe; and forced
the hounds thence to flight。
  By this time; Conrado and his wife; who had followed closely after
the hounds; was come thither; and seeing what had hapned; looking on
the Lady; who was become blacke; swarthy; meager; and hairy; they
wondered not a little at her; and she a great deale more at them。 When
(uppon her request) Conrado had checkt backe his hounds; they
prevailed so much by earnest intreaties; to know what she was; and the
reason of her living there; that she intirely related her quality;
unfortunate accidents; and strange determination for living there。
Which when the Gentleman had heard; who very well knew her husband;
compassion forced teares from his eyes; and earnestly he laboured by
kinde perswasions; to alter so cruell a deliberation; making an
honourable offer; for conducting her home to his owne dwelling;
where shee should remaine with him in noble respect; as if she were
his owne sister; without parting from him; till Fortune should smile
as fairely on her; as ever she had done before。
  When these gentle offers could not prevaile with her; the
Gentleman left his wife in her company; saying; that he would go fetch
some foode for her; and because her garments were all rent and
torne; hee would bring her other of his wives; not doubting but to
winne her thence with them。 His wife abode there with Beritola;
verie much bemoaning her great disasters: and when both viands and
garments were brought; by extremitie of intercession; they caused
her to put them on; and also to feede with them; albeit shee
protested; that shee would not part thence into any place; where any
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