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the decameron(十日谈)-第34章

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suffice then that I have said so much; as (both by the reports; and
mine owne understanding) may give you faithfull assurance; to make
your Royall vaunt; of having the fairest; most vertuous; and honest
Lady to your daughter; of any King or Prince whatsoever。
  The Soldane was joyfull beyond all measure; welcomming both him
and the rest in most stately manner; oftentimes entreating the Gods
very heartily; that he might live to requite them with equall
recompence; who had so graciously honored his daughter: but above
all the rest; the King of Cyprus; who sent her home so Majestically。
And having bestowne great gifts on Antigonus; within a few dayes
after; hee gave him leave to returne to Cyprus: with thankfull favours
to the King as well by Letters; as also by Ambassadours expressely
sent; both from himselfe and his Daughter。
  When as this businesse was fully finished; the Soldane; desiring
to accomplish what formerly was intended and begun; namely; that she
might be wife to the King of Colchos; hee gave him intelligence of all
that had happened; writing moreover to him; that (if he were so
pleased) he wold yet send her in Royall manner to him。 The King of
Colchos was exceeding joyfull of these glad tydings; and dispatching a
worthy traine to fetch her; she was conveyed thither very pompously;
and she who had bene imbraced by so many; was received by him as an
honest Virgin; living long time after with him in much joy and
felicity。 And therefore it hath bene saide as a common Proverbe: The
mouth well kist comes not short of good Fortune; but is still
renewed like the Moone。


                             GREATER HONOUR

  The Count D'Angiers being falsly accused; was banished out of
France; and left his two children in England in divers places。
Returning afterward (unknowne) thorow Scotland; hee found them
advanced unto great dignitie。 Then; repayring in the habite of a
Servitour; into the King of France his Armie; and his innocencie
made publiquely knowne; hee was reseated in his former honourable

  The Ladies sighed verie often; hearing the variety of wofull
miseries happening to Alathiella: but who knoweth; what occasion
mooved them to those sighes? Perhappes there were some among them; who
rather sighed they could not be so often maried as she was; rather
then for any other compassion they had of her disasters。 But leaving
that to their owne construction; they smiled merrily at the last
speeches of Pamphilus: and the Queene perceyving the Novell to be
ended; shee fixed her eye upon Madame Eliza; as signifying thereby;
that she was next to succeed in order; which shee joyfully
embracing; spake as followeth。 The field is very large and spacious;
wherein all this day we have walked; and there is not any one here
so wearied with running the former races; but nimbly would adventure
on as many more; so copious are the alterations of Fortune; in sad
repetition of her wonderfull changes: and among the infinity of her
various courses; I must make addition of another; which I trust;
will no way discontent you。
  When the Romaine Empire was translated from the French to the
Germaines; mighty dissentions grew betweene both the Nations;
insomuch; that it drew a dismall and a lingering warre。 In which
respect; as well for the safety of his owne Kingdome; as to annoy
and disturbe his enemies; the King of France and one of his sonnes;
having congregated the forces of their owne Dominions; as also of
their friends and confederates; they resolved manfully to encounter
their enemies。 But before they would adventure any rash proceeding;
they held it as the cheefest part of policy and royall providence; not
to leave the State without a Chiefe or Governour。 And having had
good experience of Gualtier; Count D'Angiers; to be a wise and
worthy Lord; singularly expert in military discipline and faithfull in
all affaires of the Kingdome (yet fitter for ease and pleasure; then
laborious toyle and travalle:) he was elected Lieutenant Governour
in their sted; over the whole kingdom of France; and then they went on
in their enterprize。
  Now began the Count to execute the office committed to his trust; by
orderly proceeding; and with great discretion; yet not entering into
any businesse; without consent of the Queene and her faire daughter in
Law: who although they were left under his care and custodie; yet
(notwithstanding) he honoured them as his superiours; and as the
dignity of their quality required。 Here you are to observe; concerning
Count Gualtier himselfe; that he was a most compleate person; aged
litle above forty yeeres; as affable and singularly conditioned; as
any Nobleman possibly could be; nor did those times affoord a
Gentleman; that equalled him in all respects。 It fortuned; that the
King and his sonne being busy in the aforenamed war; the wife and Lady
of Count Gualtier died in the mean while; leaving him onely a sonne
and a daughter very yong; and of tender yeeres; which made his owne
home the lesse welcom to him; having lost his deere Love; and second
  Heereupon; he resorted to the Court of the said Ladies the more
frequently; often conferring with them; about the waighty affaires
of the Kingdome: in which time of so serious interparlance; the
Kings sonnes wife; threw many affectionate regards upon him; convaying
such conspiring passions to her heart (in regard of his person and
vertues) that her love exceeded all capacity of governement。 Her
desires out…stepping al compasse of modesty; or the dignity of her
Princely condition; throwes off all regard of civill and sober
thoughts; and guides her into a Labyrinth of wanton imaginations。 For;
she regards not now the eminency of his high Authority; his gravity of
yeares; and those parts that are the true conducts to honour: but
lookes upon her owne loose and lascivious appetite; her young;
gallant; and over…ready yeelding nature; comparing them with his
want of a wife; and likely hope thereby of her sooner prevailing;
supposing; that nothing could be her hindrance; but onely bashfull
shamefastnesse; which she rather chose utterly to forsake and set
aside; then to faile of her hot enflarned affection; and therefore she
would needs be the discoverer of her owne disgrace。
  Upon a day; being alone by her selfe; and the time seeming
suteable to her intention: shee sent for the Count; under colour of
some other important conference with him。 The Count D'Aongiers;
whose thoughts were quite contrary to hers: immediately went to her;
where they both sitting downe together on a beds side in her
Chamber; according as formerly shee had plotted her purpose; twice hee
demaunded of her; upon what occasion she had thus sent for him。 She
sitting a long while silent; as if she had no answere to make him;
pressed by the violence of her amorous passions; a Vermillion tincture
leaping up into her face; yet shame enforcing teares from her eyes;
with words broken and halfe confused; at last she began to deliver her
minde in this manner。
  Honourable Lord; and my deerely respected Friend; being so wise a
man as you are; it is no difficult matter for you to know; what a
frayle condition is imposed both on men and women; yet (for divers
occasions) much more upon the one; then the other。 Wherefore
desertfully; in the censure of a just and upright judge; a fault of
divers conditions (in respect of the person) ought not to bee censured
with one and the same punnishment。 Beside; who will not say; that a
man or woman of poore and meane estate; having no other helpe for
maintainance; but laborious travaile of their bodies; should
worthily receive more sharpe reprehension; in yeelding to amorous
desires; or such passions as are incited by love; then a wealthy
Lady whose living relieth not on her pains or cares; neither wanteth
any thing that she can wish to have: I dare presume; that you your
selfe will allow this to be equall and just。 In which respect; I am of
the minde; that the fore…named allegations; ought to serve as a
sufficient excuse; yea; and to the advantage of her who is so
possessed; if the passions of love should over…reach her: alwayes
provided; that shee can pleade in her owne defence; the choice of a
wise and vertuous friend; answerable to her owne condition and
quality; and no way to be taxt with a servile or vile election。
  These two speciall observations; allowable in my judgement; and
living now in mee; seizing on my youthfull blood and yeeres; have
found no mean inducement to love; in regard of my husbands far
distance from me; medling in the rude uncivill actions of warre;
when he should rather be at home in more sweet imployment。 You see
Sir; that these Oratours advance themselves here in your presence;
to acquaint you with the extremity of my over…commanding agony: and if
the same power hath dominion in you; which your discretion
(questionlesse) cannot be voide of; then let me entreate such advice
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