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the complete plays-第140章

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PATIENCE  But; Reginald; how long will this last?

BUN。  With occasional intervals for rest and refreshment; as long

as I do。

PATIENCE  Oh; Reginald; I'm so happy!  Oh; dear; dear Reginald; I

cannot express the joy I feel at this change。  It will no longer

be a duty to love you; but a pleasure  a rapture  an ecstasy!

BUN。  My darling!  'embracing her'

PATIENCE  But  oh; horror!  'recoiling from him'

BUN。  What's the matter?

PATIENCE  Is it quite certain that you have absolutely reformed …

… that you are henceforth a perfect being  utterly free from

defect of any kind?

BUN。  It is quite certain。  I have sworn it。

PATIENCE  Then I never can be yours!  'crossing to R。C。'

BUN。  Why not?

PATIENCE  Love; to be pure; must be absolutely unselfish; and

there can be nothing unselfish in loving so perfect a being as

you have now become!

BUN。  But; stop a bit。  I don't want to change  I'll relapse 

I'll be as I was  interrupted!

'Enter GROSVENOR; L。U。E。; followed by all the young LADIES; who

     are followed by Chorus of DRAGOONS。  He has had his hair

     cut; and is dressed in an ordinary suit and a bowler hat。 

     They all dance cheerfully round the stage in marked contrast

     to their former languor。'

             No。 19。 I'm a Waterloo House young man

                       (Solo and Chorus)

                     Grosvenor and Maidens

GROSVENOR I'm a Waterloo House young man;

          A Sewell & Cross young man;

     A steady and stolidy; jolly Bank…holiday;

          Everyday young man。

MAIDENS   We're Swears & Wells young girls;

          We're Madame Louise young girls;

     We're prettily pattering; cheerily chattering;

          Every…day young girls。

BUN。 'C。'  Angela  Ella  Saphir  what  what does this


ANGELA 'R。'  It means that Archibald the All…Right cannot be all…

wrong; and if the All…Right chooses to discard aestheticism; it

proves that aestheticism ought to be discarded。

PATIENCE  Oh; Archibald!  Archibald!  I'm shocked  surprised 


GROS。 'L。C。'  I can't help it。  I'm not a free agent。  I do it on


PATIENCE  This is terrible。  Go!  I shall never set eyes on you

again。  But  oh; joy!

GROS。'L。C。'  What is the matter?

PATIENCE 'R。C。'  Is it quite; quite certain that you will always

be a commonplace young man?

GROS。  Always  I've sworn it。

PATIENCE  Why; then; there's nothing to prevent my loving you

with all the fervour at my command!

GROS。  Why; that's true。

PATIENCE 'crossing to him'  My Archibald!

GROS。  My Patience!  'They embrace。'

BUN。  Crushed again!

'Enter JANE; L。'

JANE 'who is still aesthetic'  Cheer up!  I am still here。  I

have never left you; and I never will!

BUN。  Thank you; Jane。  After all; there is no denying it; you're

a fine figure of a woman!

JANE  My Reginald!

BUN。  My Jane!  'They embrace。'


'Enter; R。; COLONEL; MAJOR; and DUKE。  They are again in


COLONEL  Ladies; the Duke has at length determined to select a



                      'General excitement'

DUKE 'R。'  I have a great gift to bestow。  Approach; such of you

as are truly lovely。  'All the MAIDENS come forward; bashfully;

except JANE and PATIENCE。'  In personal appearance you have all

that is necessary to make a woman happy。  In common fairness; I

think I ought to choose the only one among you who has the

misfortune to be distinctly plain。  'Girls retire disappointed。' 


JANE 'leaving BUNTHORNE's arms'  Duke!  'JANE and DUKE embrace。 

BUNTHORNE is utterly disgusted。'

BUN。  Crushed again!

              No。  20。 After much debate internal

                       (Finale of Act II)


DUKE 'R。C。'    After much debate internal;

                    I on Lady Jane decide;

               Saphir now may take the Col'nel;

                    Angry be the Major's bride!

'SAPHIR pairs off with COLONEL; R。; ANGELA with MAJOR; L。C。; 

     ELLA with SOLICITOR; L。'

BUNTHORNE 'C。' In that case unprecedented;

                    Single I must live and die

               I shall have to be contented

                    With a tulip or li…ly!

'BUNTHORNE; C。; takes a lily from buttonhole and gazes

     affectionately at it。'




COLONEL        He will have to be contented

                    With a tulip or li…ly!

ALL            In that case unprecedented;

                    Single he/I must live and die

               He will/I shall have to be contented

                    With a tulip or li…ly!

               Greatly pleased with one another;

                    To get married we/they decide。

               Each of us/them will wed the other;

                    Nobody be Bunthorne's Bride!


                          End of Opera

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