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Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes
by Robert Louis Stevenson。
My Dear Sidney Colvin;
The journey which this little book is to describe was very
agreeable and fortunate for me。 After an uncouth beginning; I had
the best of luck to the end。 But we are all travellers in what
John Bunyan calls the wilderness of this world … all; too;
travellers with a donkey: and the best that we find in our travels
is an honest friend。 He is a fortunate voyager who finds many。 We
travel; indeed; to find them。 They are the end and the reward of
life。 They keep us worthy of ourselves; and when we are alone; we
are only nearer to the absent。
Every book is; in an intimate sense; a circular letter to the
friends of him who writes it。 They alone take his meaning; they
find private messages; assurances of love; and expressions of
gratitude; dropped for them in every corner。 The public is but a
generous patron who defrays the postage。 Yet through the letter is
directed to all; we have an old and kindly custom of addressing it
on the outside to one。 Of what shall a man be proud; if he is not
proud of his friends? And so; my dear Sidney Colvin; it is with
pride that I sign myself affectionately yours;
R。 L。 S。
Many are the mighty things; and nought is more mighty than man。 。 。
。 。 He masters by his devices the tenant of the fields。
Who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass?
IN a little place called Le Monastier; in a pleasant highland
valley fifteen miles from Le Puy; I spent about a month of fine
days。 Monastier is notable for the making of lace; for
drunkenness; for freedom of language; and for unparalleled
political dissension。 There are adherents of each of the four
French parties … Legitimists; Orleanists; Imperialists; and
Republicans … in this little mountain…town; and they all hate;
loathe; decry; and calumniate each other。 Except for business
purposes; or to give each other the lie in a tavern brawl; they
have laid aside even the civility of speech。 'Tis a mere mountain
Poland。 In the midst of this Babylon I found myself a rallying…
point; every one was anxious to be kind and helpful to the
stranger。 This was not merely from the natural hospitality of
mountain people; nor even from the surprise with which I was
regarded as a man living of his own free will in Le Monastier; when
he might just as well have lived anywhere else in this big world;
it arose a good deal from my projected excursion southward through
the Cevennes。 A traveller of my sort was a thing hitherto unheard
of in that district。 I was looked upon with contempt; like a man
who should project a journey to the moon; but yet with a respectful
interest; like one setting forth for the inclement Pole。 All were
ready to help in my preparations; a crowd of sympathisers supported
me at the critical moment of a bargain; not a step was taken but
was heralded by glasses round and celebrated by a dinner or a
It was already hard upon October before I was ready to set forth;
and at the high altitudes over which my road lay there was no
Indian summer to be looked for。 I was determined; if not to camp
out; at least to have the means of camping out in my possession;
for there is nothing more harassing to an easy mind than the
necessity of reaching shelter by dusk; and the hospitality of a
village inn is not always to be reckoned sure by those who trudge
on foot。 A tent; above all for a solitary traveller; is
troublesome to pitch; and troublesome to strike again; and even on
the march it forms a conspicuous feature in your baggage。 A
sleeping…sack; on the other hand; is always ready … you have only
to get into it; it serves a double purpose … a bed by night; a
portmanteau by day; and it does not advertise your intention of
camping out to every curious passer…by。 This is a huge point。 If
a camp is not secret; it is but a troubled resting…place; you
become a public character; the convivial rustic visits your bedside
after an early supper; and you must sleep with one eye open; and be
up before the day。 I decided on a sleeping…sack; and after
repeated visits to Le Puy; and a deal of high living for myself and
my advisers; a sleeping…sack was designed; constructed; and
triumphantly brought home。
This child of my invention was nearly six feet square; exclusive of
two triangular flaps to serve as a pillow by night and as the top
and bottom of the sack by day。 I call it 'the sack;' but it was
never a sack by more than courtesy: only a sort of long roll or
sausage; green waterproof cart…cloth without and blue sheep's fur
within。 It was commodious as a valise; warm and dry for a bed。
There was luxurious turning room for one; and at a pinch the thing
might serve for two。 I could bury myself in it up to the neck; for
my head I trusted to a fur cap; with a hood to fold down over my
ears and a band to pass under my nose like a respirator; and in
case of heavy rain I proposed to make myself a little tent; or
tentlet; with my waterproof coat; three stones; and a bent branch。
It will readily be conceived that I could not carry this huge
package on my own; merely human; shoulders。 It remained to choose
a beast of burden。 Now; a horse is a fine lady among animals;
flighty; timid; delicate in eating; of tender health; he is too
valuable and too restive to be left alone; so that you are chained
to your brute as to a fellow galley…slave; a dangerous road puts
him out of his wits; in short; he's an uncertain and exacting ally;
and adds thirty…fold to the troubles of the voyager。 What I
required was something cheap and small and hardy; and of a stolid
and peaceful temper; and all these requisites pointed to a donkey。
There dwelt an old man in Monastier; of rather unsound intellect
according to some; much followed by street…boys; and known to fame
as Father Adam。 Father Adam had a cart; and to draw the cart a
diminutive she…ass; not much bigger than a dog; the colour of a
mouse; with a kindly eye and a determined under…jaw。 There was
something neat and high…bred; a quakerish elegance; about the rogue
that hit my fancy on the spot。 Our first interview was in
Monastier market…place。 To prove her good temper; one child after
another was set upon her back to ride; and one after another went
head over heels into the air; until a want of confidence began to
reign in youthful bosoms; and the experiment was discontinued from
a dearth of subjects。 I was already backed by a deputation of my
friends; but as if this were not enough; all the buyers and sellers
came round and helped me in the bargain; and the ass and I and
Father Adam were the centre of a hubbub for near half an hour。 At
length she passed into my service for the consideration of sixty…
five francs and a glass of brandy。 The sack had already cost
eighty francs and two glasses of beer; so that Modestine; as I
instantly baptized her; was upon all accounts the cheaper article。
Indeed; that was as it should be; for she was only an appurtenance
of my mattress; or self…acting bedstead on four castors。
I had a last interview with Father Adam in a billiard…room at the
witching hour of dawn; when I administered the brandy。 He
professed himself greatly touched by the separation; and declared
he had often bought white bread for the donkey when he had been
content with black bread for himself; but this; according to the
best authorities; must have been a flight of fancy。 He had a name
in the village for brutally misusing the ass; yet it is certain
that he shed a tear; and the tear made a clean mark down one cheek。
By the advice of a fallacious local saddler; a leather pad was made
for me with rings to fasten on my bundle; and I thoughtfully
completed my kit and arranged my toilette。 By way of armoury and
utensils; I took a revolver; a little spirit…lamp and pan; a
lantern and some halfpenny candles; a jack…knife and a large
leather flask。 The main cargo consisted of two entire changes of
warm clothing … besides my travelling wear of country velveteen;
pilot…coat; and knitted spencer … some books; and my railway…rug;
which; being also in the form of a bag; made me a double castle for
cold nights。 The permanent larder was represented by cakes of
chocolate and tins of Bologna sausage。 All this; except what I
carried about my person; was easily stowed into the sheepskin bag;
and by good fortune I threw in my empty knapsack; rather for
convenience of carriage than from any thought that I should want it
on my journey。 For more immediate needs I took a leg of cold
mutton; a bottle of Beaujolais; an empty bottle to carry milk; an