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along the hillside; scattering shadows and sparkles; and the day
had come completely。
I hastened to prepare my pack; and tackle the steep ascent that lay
before me; but I had something on my mind。 It was only a fancy;
yet a fancy will sometimes be importunate。 I had been most
hospitably received and punctually served in my green caravanserai。
The room was airy; the water excellent; and the dawn had called me
to a moment。 I say nothing of the tapestries or the inimitable
ceiling; nor yet of the view which I commanded from the windows;
but I felt I was in some one's debt for all this liberal
entertainment。 And so it pleased me; in a half…laughing way; to
leave pieces of money on the turf as I went along; until I had left
enough for my night's lodging。 I trust they did not fall to some
rich and churlish drover。
We travelled in the print of olden wars;
Yet all the land was green;
And love we found; and peace;
Where fire and war had been。
They pass and smile; the children of the sword …
No more the sword they wield;
And O; how deep the corn
Along the battlefield!
THE track that I had followed in the evening soon died out; and I
continued to follow over a bald turf ascent a row of stone pillars;
such as had conducted me across the Goulet。 It was already warm。
I tied my jacket on the pack; and walked in my knitted waistcoat。
Modestine herself was in high spirits; and broke of her own accord;
for the first time in my experience; into a jolting trot that set
the oats swashing in the pocket of my coat。 The view; back upon
the northern Gevaudan; extended with every step; scarce a tree;
scarce a house; appeared upon the fields of wild hill that ran
north; east; and west; all blue and gold in the haze and sunlight
of the morning。 A multitude of little birds kept sweeping and
twittering about my path; they perched on the stone pillars; they
pecked and strutted on the turf; and I saw them circle in volleys
in the blue air; and show; from time to time; translucent
flickering wings between the sun and me。
Almost from the first moment of my march; a faint large noise; like
a distant surf; had filled my ears。 Sometimes I was tempted to
think it the voice of a neighbouring waterfall; and sometimes a
subjective result of the utter stillness of the hill。 But as I
continued to advance; the noise increased; and became like the
hissing of an enormous tea…urn; and at the same time breaths of
cool air began to reach me from the direction of the summit。 At
length I understood。 It was blowing stiffly from the south upon
the other slope of the Lozere; and every step that I took I was
drawing nearer to the wind。
Although it had been long desired; it was quite unexpectedly at
last that my eyes rose above the summit。 A step that seemed no way
more decisive than many other steps that had preceded it … and;
'like stout Cortez when; with eagle eyes; he stared on the
Pacific;' I took possession; in my own name; of a new quarter of
the world。 For behold; instead of the gross turf rampart I had
been mounting for so long; a view into the hazy air of heaven; and
a land of intricate blue hills below my feet。
The Lozere lies nearly east and west; cutting Gevaudan into two
unequal parts; its highest point; this Pic de Finiels; on which I
was then standing; rises upwards of five thousand six hundred feet
above the sea; and in clear weather commands a view over all lower
Languedoc to the Mediterranean Sea。 I have spoken with people who
either pretended or believed that they had seen; from the Pie de
Finiels; white ships sailing by Montpellier and Cette。 Behind was
the upland northern country through which my way had lain; peopled
by a dull race; without wood; without much grandeur of hill…form;
and famous in the past for little beside wolves。 But in front of
me; half veiled in sunny haze; lay a new Gevaudan; rich;
picturesque; illustrious for stirring events。 Speaking largely; I
was in the Cevennes at Monastier; and during all my journey; but
there is a strict and local sense in which only this confused and
shaggy country at my feet has any title to the name; and in this
sense the peasantry employ the word。 These are the Cevennes with
an emphasis: the Cevennes of the Cevennes。 In that undecipherable
labyrinth of hills; a war of bandits; a war of wild beasts; raged
for two years between the Grand Monarch with all his troops and
marshals on the one hand; and a few thousand Protestant
mountaineers upon the other。 A hundred and eighty years ago; the
Camisards held a station even on the Lozere; where I stood; they
had an organisation; arsenals; a military and religious hierarchy;
their affairs were 'the discourse of every coffee…house' in London;
England sent fleets in their support; their leaders prophesied and
murdered; with colours and drums; and the singing of old French
psalms; their bands sometimes affronted daylight; marched before
walled cities; and dispersed the generals of the king; and
sometimes at night; or in masquerade; possessed themselves of
strong castles; and avenged treachery upon their allies and cruelty
upon their foes。 There; a hundred and eighty years ago; was the
chivalrous Roland; 'Count and Lord Roland; generalissimo of the
Protestants in France;' grave; silent; imperious; pock…marked ex…
dragoon; whom a lady followed in his wanderings out of love。 There
was Cavalier; a baker's apprentice with a genius for war; elected
brigadier of Camisards at seventeen; to die at fifty…five the
English governor of Jersey。 There again was Castanet; a partisan
leader in a voluminous peruke and with a taste for controversial
divinity。 Strange generals; who moved apart to take counsel with
the God of Hosts; and fled or offered battle; set sentinels or
slept in an unguarded camp; as the Spirit whispered to their
hearts! And there; to follow these and other leaders; was the rank
and file of prophets and disciples; bold; patient; indefatigable;
hardy to run upon the mountains; cheering their rough life with
psalms; eager to fight; eager to pray; listening devoutly to the
oracles of brain…sick children; and mystically putting a grain of
wheat among the pewter balls with which they charged their muskets。
I had travelled hitherto through a dull district; and in the track
of nothing more notable than the child…eating beast of Gevaudan;
the Napoleon Bonaparte of wolves。 But now I was to go down into
the scene of a romantic chapter … or; better; a romantic footnote
in the history of the world。 What was left of all this bygone dust
and heroism? I was told that Protestantism still survived in this
head seat of Protestant resistance; so much the priest himself had
told me in the monastery parlour。 But I had yet to learn if it
were a bare survival; or a lively and generous tradition。 Again;
if in the northern Cevennes the people are narrow in religious
judgments; and more filled with zeal than charity; what was I to
look for in this land of persecution and reprisal … in a land where
the tyranny of the Church produced the Camisard rebellion; and the
terror of the Camisards threw the Catholic peasantry into legalised
revolt upon the other side; so that Camisard and Florentin skulked
for each other's lives among the mountains?
Just on the brow of the hill; where I paused to look before me; the
series of stone pillars came abruptly to an end; and only a little
below; a sort of track appeared and began to go down a break…neck
slope; turning like a corkscrew as it went。 It led into a valley
between falling hills; stubbly with rocks like a reaped field of
corn; and floored farther down with green meadows。 I followed the
track with precipitation; the steepness of the slope; the continual
agile turning of the line of the descent; and the old unwearied
hope of finding something new in a new country; all conspired to
lend me wings。 Yet a little lower and a stream began; collecting
itself together out of many fountains; and soon making a glad noise
among the hills。 Sometimes it would cross the track in a bit of
waterfall; with a pool; in which Modestine refreshed her feet。
The whole descent is like a dream to me; so rapidly was it
accomplished。 I had scarcely left the summit ere the valley had
closed round my path; and the sun beat upon me; walking in a
stagnant lowland atmosphere。 The track became a road; and went up
and down in easy undulations。 I passed cabin after cabin; but all
seemed deserted; and I saw not a human creature; nor heard any
sound except that of the stream。 I was; however; in a different
country from the day before。 The stony skelet