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madame bovary-第73章

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〃No; I don't blame you now。〃

He even added a fine phrase; the only one he ever made

〃It is the fault of fatality!〃

Rodolphe; who had managed the fatality; thought the remark very
offhand from a man in his position; comic even; and a little

The next day Charles went to sit down on the seat in the arbour。
Rays of light were straying through the trellis; the vine leaves
threw their shadows on the sand; the jasmines perfumed the air;
the heavens were blue; Spanish flies buzzed round the lilies in
bloom; and Charles was suffocating like a youth beneath the vague
love influences that filled his aching heart。

At seven o'clock little Berthe; who had not seen him all the
afternoon; went to fetch him to dinner。

His head was thrown back against the wall; his eyes closed; his
mouth open; and in his hand was a long tress of black hair。

〃Come along; papa;〃 she said。

And thinking he wanted to play; she pushed him gently。 He fell to
the ground。 He was dead。

Thirty…six hours after; at the druggist's request; Monsieur
Canivet came thither。 He made a post…mortem and found nothing。

When everything had been sold; twelve francs seventy…five
centimes remained; that served to pay for Mademoiselle Bovary's
going to her grandmother。 The good woman died the same year; old
Rouault was paralysed; and it was an aunt who took charge of her。
She is poor; and sends her to a cotton…factory to earn a living。

Since Bovary's death three doctors have followed one another at
Yonville without any success; so severely did Homais attack them。
He has an enormous practice; the authorities treat him with
consideration; and public opinion protects him。

He has just received the cross of the Legion of Honour。

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