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the birds-第10章

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  PITHETAERUS (to MANES; who is bringing in another basket)

    Oh! by the kestrels! I can keep my hands off you no longer; you

are too slow and lazy altogether。

    (He hits MANES; who runs away。 A young PARRICIDE enters。)

  PARRICIDE (singing)

    Oh! might I but become an eagle; who soars in the skies! Oh! might

I fly above the azure waves of the barren sea!


    Ha! it would seem the news was true; I hear someone coming who

talks of wings。


    Nothing is more charming than to fly; I am bird…mad and fly

towards you; for I want to live with you and to obey your laws。


    Which laws? The birds have many laws。


    All of them; but the one that pleases me most is that among the

birds it is considered a fine thing to peck and strangle one's father。


    Yes; by Zeus! according to us; he who dares to strike his

father; while still a chick; is a brave fellow。


    And therefore I want to dwell here; for I want to strangle my

father and inherit his wealth。


    But we have also an ancient law written in the code of the storks;

which runs thus; 〃When the stork father has reared his young and has

taught them to fly; the young must in their turn support the father。〃

  PARRICIDE (petulantly)

    It's hardly worth while coming all this distance to be compelled

to keep my father!


    No; no; young friend; since you have come to us with such

willingness; I am going to give you these black wings; as though you

were an orphan bird; furthermore; some good advice; that I received

myself in infancy。 Don't strike your father; but take these wings in

one hand and these spurs in the other; imagine you have a cock's crest

on your head and go and mount guard and fight; live on your pay and

respect your father's life。 You're a gallant fellow! Very well;

then! Fly to Thrace and fight。


    By Bacchus! You're right; I will follow your counsel。


    It's acting wisely; by Zeus。

    (The PARRICIDE departs; and the dithyrambic poet CINESIAS


  CINESIAS (singing)

    〃On my light pinions I soar off to Olympus; in its capricious

flight my Muse flutters along the thousand paths of poetry in turn。。。〃


    This is a fellow will need a whole shipload of wings。

  CINESIAS (singing)

    〃。。。and being fearless and vigorous; it is seeking fresh outlet。〃


    Welcome; Cinesias; you lime…wood man! Why have you come here

twisting your game leg in circles?

  CINESIAS (singing)

    〃I want to become a bird; a tuneful nightingale。〃


    Enough of that sort of ditty。 Tell me what you want。


    Give me wings and I will fly into the topmost airs to gather fresh

songs in the clouds; in the midst of the vapours and the fleecy snow。


    Gather songs in the clouds?


    'Tis on them the whole of our latter…day art depends。 The most

brilliant dithyrambs are those that flap their wings in empty space

and are clothed in mist and dense obscurity。 To appreciate this;

just listen。


    Oh! no; no; no!


    By Hermes! but indeed you shall。 (He sings。) 〃I shall travel

through thine ethereal empire like a winged bird; who cleaveth space

with his long neck。。。〃


    Stop! Way enough!


    〃。。。as I soar over the seas; carried by the breath of the



    By Zeus! I'll cut your breath short。

    (He picks up a pair of wings and begins trying to stop CINESIAS'

      mouth with them。)

  CINESIAS (running away)

    〃。。。now rushing along the tracks of Notus; now nearing Boreas

across the infinite wastes of the ether。〃 Ah! old man; that's a pretty

and clever idea truly!


    What! are you not delighted to be cleaving the air?


    To treat a dithyrambic poet; for whom the tribes dispute with each

    other; in this style!


    Will you stay with us and form a chorus of winged birds as slender

as Leotrophides for the Cecropid tribe?


    You are making game of me; that's clear; but know that I shall

never leave you in peace if I do not have wings wherewith to

traverse the air。

                          (CINESIAS departs and an INFORMER arrives。)


    What are these birds with downy feathers; who look so pitiable

to me? Tell me; oh swallow with the long dappled wings。


    Oh! it's a regular invasion that threatens us。 Here comes

another one; humming along。


    Swallow with the long dappled wings; once more I summon you。


    It's his cloak I believe he's addressing; it stands in great

need of the swallows' return。


    Where is he who gives out wings to all comers?


    Here I am; but you must tell me for what purpose you want them。


    Ask no questions。 I want wings; and wings I must have。


    Do you want to fly straight to Pellene?


    I? Why; I am an accuser of the islands; an informer。。。


    A fine trade; truly!


    。。。a hatcher of lawsuits。 Hence I have great need of wings to

prowl round the cities and drag them before justice。


    Would you do this better if you had wings?


    No; but I should no longer fear the pirates; I should return

with the cranes; loaded with a supply of lawsuits by way of ballast。


    So it seems; despite all your youthful vigour; you make it your

trade to denounce strangers?


    Well; and why not? I don't know how to dig。


    But; by Zeus! there are honest ways of gaining a living at your

age without all this infamous trickery。


    My friend; I am asking you for wings; not for words。


    It's just my words that gives you wings。


    And how can you give a man wings with your words?


    They all start this way。




    Have you not often heard the father say to young men in the

barbers' shops; 〃It's astonishing how Diitrephes' advice has made my

son fly to horse…riding。〃…〃Mine;〃 says another; 〃has flown towards

tragic poetry on the wings of his imagination。〃


    So that words give wings?


    Undoubtedly; words give wings to the mind and make a man soar to

heaven。 Thus I hope that my wise words will give you wings to fly to

some less degrading trade。


    But I do not want to。


    What do you reckon on doing then?


    I won't belie my breeding; from generation to generation we have

lived by informing。 Quick; therefore; give me quickly some light;

swift hawk or kestrel wings; so that I may summon the islanders;

sustain the accusation here; and haste back there again on flying



    I see。 In this way the stranger will be condemned even before he



    That's just it。


    And while he is on his way here by sea; you will be flying to

the islands to despoil him of his property。


    You've hit it; precisely; I must whirl hither and thither like a

perfect humming…top。


    I catch the idea。 Wait; I've got some fine Corcyraean wings。 How

do you like them?


    Oh! woe is me! Why; it's a whip!


    No; no; these are the wings; I tell you; that make the top spin。

  INFORMER (as PITHETAERUS lashes him)

    Oh! oh! oh!


    Take your flight; clear off; you miserable cur; or you will soon

see what comes of quibbling and lying。 (The INFORMER flees。 To his

slaves) Come; let us gather up our wings and withdraw。

                                        (The baskets are taken away。)

  CHORUS (singing)

    In my ethereal flights I have seen many things new and strange and

wondrous beyond belief。 There is a tree called Cleonymus belonging

to an unknown species; it has no heart; is good for nothing and is

as tall as it is cowardly。 In springtime it shoots forth calumnies

instead of buds and in autumn it strews the ground with bucklers in

place of leaves。

    Far away in the regions of darkness; where no ray of light ever

enters; there is a country; where men sit at the table of the heroes

and dwell with them always…except in the evening。 Should any mortal

meet the hero Orestes at night; he would soon be stripped and

covered with blows from head to foot。

                 (PROMETHEUS enters; masked to conceal his identity。)


    Ah! by the gods! if only Zeus does not espy me! Where is



    Ha! what is this? A masked man!


    Can you see any god behind m
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