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Dutocq。 〃I must first see how the land lays in the bureau; we will
talk about it later〃 'goes off'。
Bixiou 'alone in the corridor'。 〃That fish; for he's more a fish than
a bird; that Dutocq has a good idea in his headI'm sure I don't know
where he stole it。 If Baudoyer should succeed La Billardiere it would
be fun; more than funprofit!〃 'Returns to the office。' 〃Gentlemen; I
announce glorious changes; papa La Billardiere is dead; really dead;
no nonsense; word of honor! Godard is off on business for our
excellent chief Baudoyer; successor presumptive to the deceased。〃
'Minard; Desroys; and Colleville raise their heads in amazement; they
all lay down their pens; and Colleville blows his nose。' 〃Every one of
us is to be promoted! Colleville will be under…head…clerk at the very
least。 Minard may have my place as chief clerkwhy not? he is quite
as dull as I am。 Hey; Minard; if you should get twenty…five hundred
francs a…year your little wife would be uncommonly pleased; and you
could buy yourself a pair of boots now and then。〃
Colleville。 〃But you don't get twenty…five hundred francs。〃
Bixiou。 〃Monsieur Dutocq gets that in Rabourdin's office; why
shouldn't I get it this year? Monsieur Baudoyer gets it。〃
Colleville。 〃Only through the influence of Monsieur Saillard。 No other
chief clerk gets that in any of the divisions。〃
Paulmier。 〃Bah! Hasn't Monsieur Cochin three thousand? He succeeded
Monsieur Vavasseur; who served ten years under the Empire at four
thousand。 His salary was dropped to three when the King first
returned; then to two thousand five hundred before Vavasseur died。 But
Monsieur Cochin; who succeeded him; had influence enough to get the
salary put back to three thousand。〃
Colleville。 〃Monsieur Cochin signs E。 A。 L。 Cochin (he is named Emile…
Adolphe…Lucian); which; when anagrammed; gives Cochineal。 Now observe;
he's a partner in a druggist's business in the rue des Lombards; the
Maison Matifat; which made its fortune by that identical colonial
Baudoyer 'entering'。 〃Monsieur Chazelle; I see; is not here; you will
be good enough to say I asked for him; gentlemen。〃
Bixiou 'who had hastily stuck a hat on Chazelle's chair when he heard
Baudoyer's step'。 〃Excuse me; Monsieur; but Chazelle has gone to the
Rabourdins' to make an inquiry。〃
Chazelle 'entering with his hat on his head; and not seeing Baudoyer'。
〃La Billardiere is done for; gentlemen! Rabourdin is head of the
division and Master of petitions; he hasn't stolen HIS promotion;
that's very certain。〃
Baudoyer 'to Chazelle'。 〃You found that appointment in your second
hat; I presume〃 'points to the hat on the chair'。 〃This is the third
time within a month that you have come after nine o'clock。 If you
continue the practice you will get onelsewhere。〃 'To Bixiou; who is
reading the newspaper。' 〃My dear Monsieur Bixiou; do pray leave the
newspapers to these gentlemen who are going to breakfast; and come
into my office for your orders for the day。 I don't know what Monsieur
Rabourdin wants with Gabriel; he keeps him to do his private errands;
I believe。 I've rung three times and can't get him。〃 'Baudoyer and
Bixiou retire into the private office。'
Chazelle。 〃Damned unlucky!〃
Paulmier 'delighted to annoy Chazelle'。 〃Why didn't you look about
when you came into the room? You might have seen the elephant; and the
hat too; they are big enough to be visible。〃
Chazelle 'dismally'。 〃Disgusting business! I don't see why we should
be treated like slaves because the government gives us four francs and
sixty…five centimes a day。〃
Fleury 'entering'。 〃Down with Baudoyer! hurrah for Rabourdin!that's
the cry in the division。〃
Chazelle 'getting more and more angry'。 〃Baudoyer can turn off me if
he likes; I sha'n't care。 In Paris there are a thousand ways of
earning five francs a day; why; I could earn that at the Palais de
Justice; copying briefs for the lawyers。〃
Paulmier 'still prodding him'。 〃It is very easy to say that; but a
government place is a government place; and that plucky Colleville;
who works like a galley…slave outside of this office; and who could
earn; if he lost his appointment; more than his salary; prefers to
keep his place。 Who the devil is fool enough to give up his
Chazelle 'continuing his philippic'。 〃You may not be; but I am! We
have no chances at all。 Time was when nothing was more encouraging
than a civil…service career。 So many men were in the army that there
were not enough for the government work; the maimed and the halt and
the sick ones; like Paulmier; and the near…sighted ones; all had their
chance of a rapid promotion。 But now; ever since the Chamber invented
what they called special training; and the rules and regulations for
civil…service examiners; we are worse off than common soldiers。 The
poorest places are at the mercy of a thousand mischances because we
are now ruled by a thousand sovereigns。〃
Bixiou 'returning'。 〃Are you crazy; Chazelle? Where do you find a
thousand sovereigns?not in your pocket; are they?〃
Chazelle。 〃Count them up。 There are four hundred over there at the end
of the pont de la Concorde (so called because it leads to the scene of
perpetual discord between the Right and Left of the Chamber); three
hundred more at the end of the rue de Tournon。 The court; which ought
to count for the other three hundred; has seven hundred parts less
power to get a man appointed to a place under government than the
Emperor Napoleon had。〃
Fleury。 〃All of which signifies that in a country where there are
three powers you may bet a thousand to one that a government clerk who
has no influence but his own merits to advance him will remain in
Bixiou 'looking alternately at Chazelle and Fleury'。 〃My sons; you
have yet to learn that in these days the worst state of life is the
state of belonging to the State。〃
Fleury。 〃Because it has a constitutional government。〃
Colleville。 〃Gentlemen; gentlemen! no politics!〃
Bixiou。 〃Fleury is right。 Serving the State in these days is no longer
serving a prince who knew how to punish and reward。 The State now is
EVERYBODY。 Everybody of course cares for nobody。 Serve everybody; and
you serve nobody。 Nobody is interested in nobody; the government clerk
lives between two negations。 The world has neither pity nor respect;
neither heart nor head; everybody forgets to…morrow the service of
yesterday。 Now each one of you may be; like Monsieur Baudoyer; an
administrative genius; a Chateaubriand of reports; a Bossouet of
circulars; the Canalis of memorials; the gifted son of diplomatic
despatches; but I tell you there is a fatal law which interferes with
all administrative genius;I mean the law of promotion by average。
This average is based on the statistics of promotion and the
statistics of mortality combined。 It is very certain that on entering
whichever section of the Civil Service you please at the age of
eighteen; you can't get eighteen hundred francs a year till you reach
the age of thirty。 Now there's no free and independent career in
which; in the course of twelve years; a young man who has gone through
the grammar…school; been vaccinated; is exempt from military service;
and possesses all his faculties (I don't mean transcendent ones) can't
amass a capital of forty…five thousand francs in centimes; which
represents a permanent income equal to our salaries; which are; after
all; precarious。 In twelve years a grocer can earn enough to give him
ten thousand francs a year; a painter can daub a mile of canvas and be
decorated with the Legion of honor; or pose as a neglected genius。 A
literary man becomes professor of something or other; or a journalist
at a hundred francs for a thousand lines; he writes 〃feuilletons;〃 or
he gets into Saint…Pelagie for a brilliant article that offends the
Jesuits;which of course is an immense benefit to him and makes him a
politician at once。 Even a lazy man; who does nothing but make debts;
has time to marry a widow who pays them; a priest finds time to become
a bishop 〃in partibus。〃 A sober; intelligent young fellow; who begins
with a small capital as a money…changer; soon buys a share in a
broker's business; and; to go even lower; a petty clerk becomes a
notary; a rag…picker lays by two or three thousand francs a year; and
the poorest workmen often become manufacturers; whereas; in the
rotatory movement of this present civilization; which mistakes
perpetual division and redivision for progress; an unhappy civil
service clerk; like Chazelle for instance; is forced to dine for
twenty…two sous a meal; struggles with his tailor and bootmaker; gets
into debt; and is an absolute nothing; worse than that; he becomes an
idiot! Come; gentlemen; now's the time to make a stand! Let us all
give in our resignations! Fleury; Chazelle; fling yourselves into
other employme