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everybody fears to remodel it; though no one; according to Rabourdin;

ought to be unwilling to simplify it。 In his opinion; the problem to

be resolved lay in a better use of the same forces。 His plan; in its

simplest form; was to revise taxation and lower it in a way that

should not diminish the revenues of the State; and to obtain; from a

budget equal to the budgets which now excite such rabid discussion;

results that should be two…fold greater than the present results。 Long

practical experience had taught Rabourdin that perfection is brought

about in all things by changes in the direction of simplicity。 To

economize is to simplify。 To simplify means to suppress unnecessary

machinery; removals naturally follow。 His system; therefore; depended

on the weeding out of officials and the establishment of a new order

of administrative offices。 No doubt the hatred which all reformers

incur takes its rise here。 Removals required by this perfecting

process; always ill…understood; threaten the well…being of those on

whom a change in their condition is thus forced。 What rendered

Rabourdin really great was that he was able to restrain the enthusiasm

that possesses all reformers; and to patiently seek out a slow

evolving medium for all changes so as to avoid shocks; leaving time

and experience to prove the excellence of each reform。 The grandeur of

the result anticipated might make us doubt its possibility if we lose

sight of this essential point in our rapid analysis of his system。 It

is; therefore; not unimportant to show through his self…communings;

however incomplete they might be; the point of view from which he

looked at the administrative horizon。 This tale; which is evolved from

the very heart of the Civil Service; may also serve to show some of

the evils of our present social customs。

Xavier Rabourdin; deeply impressed by the trials and poverty which he

witnessed in the lives of the government clerks; endeavored to

ascertain the cause of their growing deterioration。 He found it in

those petty partial revolutions; the eddies; as it were; of the storm

of 1789; which the historians of great social movements neglect to

inquire into; although as a matter of fact it is they which have made

our manners and customs what they are now。

Formerly; under the monarchy; the bureaucratic armies did not exist。

The clerks; few in number; were under the orders of a prime minister

who communicated with the sovereign; thus they directly served the

king。 The superiors of these zealous servants were simply called head…

clerks。 In those branches of administration which the king did not

himself direct; such for instance as the 〃fermes〃 (the public domains

throughout the country on which a revenue was levied); the clerks were

to their superior what the clerks of a business…house are to their

employer; they learned a science which would one day advance them to

prosperity。 Thus; all points of the circumference were fastened to the

centre and derived their life from it。 The result was devotion and

confidence。 Since 1789 the State; call it the Nation if you like; has

replaced the sovereign。 Instead of looking directly to the chief

magistrate of this nation; the clerks have become; in spite of our

fine patriotic ideas; the subsidiaries of the government; their

superiors are blown about by the winds of a power called 〃the

administration;〃 and do not know from day to day where they may be on

the morrow。 As the routine of public business must go on; a certain

number of indispensable clerks are kept in their places; though they

hold these places on sufferance; anxious as they are to retain them。

Bureaucracy; a gigantic power set in motion by dwarfs; was generated

in this way。 Though Napoleon; by subordinating all things and all men

to his will; retarded for a time the influence of bureaucracy (that

ponderous curtain hung between the service to be done and the man who

orders it); it was permanently organized under the constitutional

government; which was; inevitably; the friend of all mediocrities; the

lover of authentic documents and accounts; and as meddlesome as an old

tradeswoman。 Delighted to see the various ministers constantly

struggling against the four hundred petty minds of the Elected of the

Chamber; with their ten or a dozen ambitious and dishonest leaders;

the Civil Service officials hastened to make themselves essential to

the warfare by adding their quota of assistance under the form of

written action; they created a power of inertia and named it 〃Report。〃

Let us explain the Report。

When the kings of France took to themselves ministers; which first

happened under Louis XV。; they made them render reports on all

important questions; instead of holding; as formerly; grand councils

of state with the nobles。 Under the constitutional government; the

ministers of the various departments were insensibly led by their

bureaus to imitate this practice of kings。 Their time being taken up

in defending themselves before the two Chambers and the court; they

let themselves be guided by the leading…strings of the Report。 Nothing

important was ever brought before the government that a minister did

not say; even when the case was urgent; 〃I have called for a report。〃

The Report thus became; both as to the matter concerned and for the

minister himself; the same as a report to the Chamber of Deputies on a

question of laws;namely; a disquisition in which the reasons for and

against are stated with more or less partiality。 No real result is

attained; the minister; like the Chamber; is fully as well prepared

before as after the report is rendered。 A determination; in whatever

matter; is reached in an instant。 Do what we will; the moment comes

when the decision must be made。 The greater the array of reasons for

and against; the less sound will be the judgment。 The finest things of

which France can boast have been accomplished without reports and

where decisions were prompt and spontaneous。 The dominant law of a

statesman is to apply precise formula to all cases; after the manner

of judges and physicians。

Rabourdin; who said to himself: 〃A minister should have decision;

should know public affairs; and direct their course;〃 saw 〃Report〃

rampant throughout France; from the colonel to the marshal; from the

commissary of police to the king; from the prefects to the ministers

of state; from the Chamber to the courts。 After 1818 everything was

discussed; compared; and weighed; either in speech or writing; public

business took a literary form。 France went to ruin in spite of this

array of documents; dissertations stood in place of action; a million

of reports were written every year; bureaucracy was enthroned!

Records; statistics; documents; failing which France would have been

ruined; circumlocution; without which there could be no advance;

increased; multiplied; and grew majestic。 From that day forth

bureaucracy used to its own profit the mistrust that stands between

receipts and expenditures; it degraded the administration for the

benefit of the administrators; in short; it spun those lilliputian

threads which have chained France to Parisian centralization;as if

from 1500 to 1800 France had undertaken nothing for want of thirty

thousand government clerks! In fastening upon public offices; like a

mistletoe on a pear…tree; these officials indemnified themselves

amply; and in the following manner。

The ministers; compelled to obey the princes or the Chambers who

impose upon them the distribution of the public moneys; and forced to

retain the workers in office; proceeded to diminish salaries and

increase the number of those workers; thinking that if more persons

were employed by government the stronger the government would be。 And

yet the contrary law is an axiom written on the universe; there is no

vigor except where there are few active principles。 Events proved in

July; 1830; the error of the materialism of the Restoration。 To plant

a government in the hearts of a nation it is necessary to bind

INTERESTS to it; not MEN。 The government…clerks being led to detest

the administrations which lessened both their salaries and their

importance; treated them as a courtesan treats an aged lover; and gave

them mere work for money; a state of things which would have seemed as

intolerable to the administration as to the clerks; had the two

parties dared to feel each other's pulse; or had the higher salaries

not succeeded in stifling the voices of the lower。 Thus wholly and

solely occupied in retaining his place; drawing his pay; and securing

his pension; the government official thought everything permissible

that conduced to these results。 This state of things led to servility

on the part of the clerks and to endless intrigues within the various

departments; where the humbler clerks struggled vainly against

degenerate members of the aristocracy; who sought positions in the

government bureaus fo
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