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Du Bruel。 〃Joke! joke indeed。 When you want to be made head…clerk

somebody shall joke with you; my dear fellow。〃

Bixiou 'in a bullying tone'。 〃Angry; are we?〃

Du Bruel。 〃Yes!〃

Bixiou 'dryly'。 〃So much the worse for you。〃

Du Bruel 'uneasy'。 〃You wouldn't pardon such a thing yourself; I


Bixiou 'in a wheedling tone'。 〃To a friend? indeed I would。〃 'They

hear Fleury's voice。' 〃There's Fleury cursing Baudoyer。 Hey; how well

the thing has been managed! Baudoyer will get the appointment。〃

'Confidentially' 〃After all; so much the better。 Du Bruel; just keep

your eye on the consequences。 Rabourdin would be a mean…spirited

creature to stay under Baudoyer; he will send in his registration; and

that will give us two places。 You can be head of the bureau and take

me for under…head…clerk。 We will make vaudevilles together; and I'll

fag at your work in the office。〃

Du Bruel 'smiling'。 〃Dear me; I never thought of that。 Poor Rabourdin!

I shall be sorry for him; though。〃

Bixiou。 〃That shows how much you love him!〃 'Changing his tone' 〃Ah;

well; I don't pity him any longer。 He's rich; his wife gives parties

and doesn't ask me;me; who go everywhere! Well; good…bye; my dear

fellow; good…bye; and don't owe me a grudge!〃 'He goes out through the

clerks' office。' 〃Adieu; gentlemen; didn't I tell you yesterday that a

man who has nothing but virtues and talents will always be poor; even

though he has a pretty wife?〃

Henry。 〃You are so rich; you!〃

Bixiou。 〃Not bad; my Cincinnatus! But you'll give me that dinner at

the Rocher de Cancale。〃

Poiret。 〃It is absolutely impossible for me to understand Monsieur


Phellion 'with an elegaic air'。 〃Monsieur Rabourdin so seldom reads

the newspapers that it might perhaps be serviceable to deprive

ourselves momentarily by taking them in to him。〃 'Fleury hands over

his paper; Vimeux the office sheet; and Phellion departs with them。'

At that moment des Lupeaulx; coming leisurely downstairs to breakfast

with the minister; was asking himself whether; before playing a trump

card for the husband; it might not be prudent to probe the wife's

heart and make sure of a reward for his devotion。 He was feeling about

for the small amount of heart that he possessed; when; at a turn of

the staircase; he encountered his lawyer; who said to him; smiling;

〃Just a word; Monseigneur;〃 in the tone of familiarity assumed by men

who know they are indispensable。

〃What is it; my dear Desroches?〃 exclaimed the politician。 〃Has

anything happened?〃

〃I have come to tell you that all your notes and debts have been

brought up by Gobseck and Gigonnet; under the name of a certain


〃Men whom I helped to make their millions!〃

〃Listen;〃 whispered the lawyer。 〃Gigonnet (really named Bidault) is

the uncle of Saillard; your cashier; and Saillard is father…in…law to

a certain Baudoyer; who thinks he has a right to the vacant place in

your ministry。 Don't you think I have done right to come and tell


〃Thank you;〃 said des Lupeaulx; nodding to the lawyer with a shrewd


〃One stroke of your pen will buy them off;〃 said Desroches; leaving


〃What an immense sacrifice!〃 muttered des Lupeaulx。 〃It would be

impossible to explain it to a woman;〃 thought he。 〃Is Celestine worth

more than the clearing off of my debts?that is the question。 I'll go

and see her this morning。〃

So the beautiful Madame Rabourdin was to be; within an hour; the

arbiter of her husband's fate; and no power on earth could warn her of

the importance of her replies; or give her the least hint to guard her

conduct and compose her voice。 Moreover; in addition to her

mischances; she believed herself certain of success; never dreaming

that Rabourdin was undermined in all directions by the secret sapping

of the mollusks。

〃Well; Monseigneur;〃 said des Lupeaulx; entering the little salon

where they breakfasted; 〃have you seen the articles on Baudoyer?〃

〃For God's sake; my dear friend;〃 replied the minister; 〃don't talk of

those appointments just now; let me have an hour's peace! They cracked

my ears last night with that monstrance。 The only way to save

Rabourdin is to bring his appointment before the Council; unless I

submit to having my hand forced。 It is enough to disgust a man with

the public service。 I must purchase the right to keep that excellent

Rabourdin by promoting a certain Colleville!〃

〃Why not make over the management of this pretty little comedy to me;

and rid yourself of the worry of it? I'll amuse you every morning with

an account of the game of chess I should play with the Grand Almoner;〃

said des Lupeaulx。

〃Very good;〃 said the minister; 〃settle it with the head examiner。 But

you know perfectly well that nothing is more likely to strike the

king's mind than just those reasons the opposition journal has chosen

to put forth。 Good heavens! fancy managing a ministry with such men as

Baudoyer under me!〃

〃An imbecile bigot;〃 said des Lupeaulx; 〃and as utterly incapable


〃as La Billardiere;〃 added the minister。

〃But La Billardiere had the manners of a gentleman…in…ordinary;〃

replied des Lupeaulx。 〃Madame;〃 he continued; addressing the countess;

〃it is now an absolute necessity to invite Madame Rabourdin to your

next private party。 I must assure you she is the intimate friend of

Madame de Camps; they were at the Opera together last night。 I first

met her at the hotel Firmiani。 Besides; you will see that she is not

of a kind to compromise a salon。〃

〃Invite Madame Rabourdin; my dear;〃 said the minister; 〃and pray let

us talk of something else。〃



Parisian households are literally eaten up with the desire to be in

keeping with the luxury that surrounds them on all sides; and few

there are who have the wisdom to let their external situation conform

to their internal revenue。 But this vice may perhaps denote a truly

French patriotism; which seeks to maintain the supremacy of the nation

in the matter of dress。 France reigns through clothes over the whole

of Europe; and every one must feel the importance of retaining a

commercial sceptre that makes fashion in France what the navy is to

England。 This patriotic ardor which leads a nation to sacrifice

everything to appearancesto the 〃paroistre;〃 as d'Aubigne said in

the days of Henri IV。is the cause of those vast secret labors which

employ the whole of a Parisian woman's morning; when she wishes; as

Madame Rabourdin wished; to keep up on twelve thousand francs a year

the style that many a family with thirty thousand does not indulge in。

Consequently; every Friday;the day of her dinner parties;Madame

Rabourdin helped the chambermaid to do the rooms; for the cook went

early to market; and the man…servant was cleaning the silver; folding

the napkins; and polishing the glasses。 The ill…advised individual who

might happen; through an oversight of the porter; to enter Madame

Rabourdin's establishment about eleven o'clock in the morning would

have found her in the midst of a disorder the reverse of picturesque;

wrapped in a dressing…gown; her hair ill…dressed; and her feet in old

slippers; attending to the lamps; arranging the flowers; or cooking in

haste an extremely unpoetic breakfast。 The visitor to whom the

mysteries of Parisian life were unknown would certainly have learned

for the rest of his life not to set foot in these greenrooms at the

wrong moment; a woman caught in her matin mysteries would ever after

point him out as a man capable of the blackest crimes; or she would

talk of his stupidity and indiscretion in a manner to ruin him。 The

true Parisian woman; indulgent to all curiosity that she can put to

profit; is implacable to that which makes her lose her prestige。 Such

a domiciliary invasion may be called; not only (as they say in police

reports) an attack on privacy; but a burglary; a robbery of all that

is most precious; namely; CREDIT。 A woman is quite willing to let

herself be surprised half…dressed; with her hair about her shoulders。

If her hair is all her own she scores one; but she will never allow

herself to be seen 〃doing〃 her own rooms; or she loses her pariostre;

that precious SEEMING…TO…BE!

Madame Rabourdin was in full tide of preparation for her Friday

dinner; standing in the midst of provisions the cook had just fished

from the vast ocean of the markets; when Monsieur des Lupeaulx made

his way stealthily in。 The general…secretary was certainly the last

man Madame Rabourdin expected to see; and so; when she heard his boots

creaking in the ante…chamber; she exclaimed; impatiently; 〃The hair…

dresser already!〃an exclamation as little agreeable to des Lupeaulx

as the sight of des Lupeaulx was agreeable to her。 She immediately

escaped into her bedroom; where chaos reigned; a jumble of furniture

to be put 
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