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for dinner; his wife presided at his toilet and presently laid before

him the fatal memorandum which; like the slipper in the Arabian

Nights; the luckless man was fated to meet at every turn。

〃Who gave you that?〃 he asked; thunderstruck。

〃Monsieur des Lupeaulx。〃

〃So he has been here!〃 cried Rabourdin; with a look which would

certainly have made a guilty woman turn pale; but which Celestine

received with unruffled brow and a laughing eye。

〃And he is coming back to dinner;〃 she said。 〃Why that startled air?〃

〃My dear;〃 replied Rabourdin; 〃I have mortally offended des Lupeaulx;

such men never forgive; and yet he fawns upon me! Do you think I don't

see why?〃

〃The man seems to me;〃 she said; 〃to have good taste; you can't expect

me to blame him。 I really don't know anything more flattering to a

woman than to please a worn…out palate。 After〃

〃A truce to nonsense; Celestine。 Spare a much…tried man。 I cannot get

an audience of the minister; and my honor is at stake。〃

〃Good heavens; no! Dutocq can have the promise of a good place as soon

as you are named head of the division。〃

〃Ah! I see what you are about; dear child;〃 said Rabourdin; 〃but the

game you are playing is just as dishonorable as the real thing that is

going on around us。 A lie is a lie; and an honest woman〃

〃Let me use the weapons employed against us。〃

〃Celestine; the more that man des Lupeaulx feels he is foolishly

caught in a trap; the more bitter he will be against me。〃

〃What if I get him dismissed altogether?〃

Rabourdin looked at his wife in amazement。

〃I am thinking only of your advancement; it was high time; my poor

husband;〃 continued Celestine。 〃But you are mistaking the dog for the

game;〃 she added; after a pause。 〃In a few days des Lupeaulx will have

accomplished all that I want of him。 While you are trying to speak to

the minister; and before you can even see him on business; I shall

have seen him and spoken with him。 You are worn out in trying to bring

that plan of your brain to birth;a plan which you have been hiding

from me; but you will find that in three months your wife has

accomplished more than you have done in six years。 Come; tell me this

fine scheme of yours。〃

Rabourdin; continuing to shave; cautioned his wife not to say a word

about his work; and after assuring her that to confide a single idea

to des Lupeaulx would be to put the cat near the milk…jug; he began an

explanation of his labors。

〃Why didn't you tell me this before; Rabourdin?〃 said Celestine;

cutting her husband short at his fifth sentence。 〃You might have saved

yourself a world of trouble。 I can understand that a man should be

blinded by an idea for a moment; but to nurse it up for six or seven

years; that's a thing I cannot comprehend! You want to reduce the

budget;a vulgar and commonplace idea! The budget ought; on the

contrary; to reach two hundred millions。 Then; indeed; France would be

great。 If you want a new system let it be one of loans; as Monsieur de

Nucingen keeps saying。 The poorest of all treasuries is the one with a

surplus that it never uses; the mission of a minister of finance is to

fling gold out of the windows。 It will come back to him through the

cellars; and you; you want to hoard it! The thing to do is to increase

the offices and all government employments; instead of reducing them!

So far from lessening the public debt; you ought to increase the

creditors。 If the Bourbons want to reign in peace; let them seek

creditors in the towns and villages; and place their loans there;

above all; they ought not to let foreigners draw interest away from

France; some day an alien nation might ask us for the capital。 Whereas

if capital and interest are held only in France; neither France nor

credit can perish。 That's what saved England。 Your plan is the

tradesman's plan。 An ambitious public man should produce some bold

scheme;he should make himself another Law; without Law's fatal ill…

luck; he ought to exhibit the power of credit; and show that we should

reduce; not principal; but interest; as they do in England。〃

〃Come; come; Celestine;〃 said Rabourdin; 〃mix up ideas as much as you

please; and make fun of them;I'm accustomed to that; but don't

criticise a work of which you know nothing as yet。〃

〃Do I need;〃 she asked; 〃to know a scheme the essence of which is to

govern France with a civil service of six thousand men instead of

twenty thousand? My dear friend; even allowing it were the plan of a

man of genius; a king of France who attempted to carry it out would

get himself dethroned。 You can keep down a feudal aristocracy by

levelling a few heads; but you can't subdue a hydra with thousands。

And is it with the present ministersbetween ourselves; a wretched

crewthat you expect to carry out your reform? No; no; change the

monetary system if you will; but do not meddle with men; with little

men; they cry out too much; whereas gold is dumb。〃

〃But; Celestine; if you will talk; and put wit before argument; we

shall never understand each other。〃

〃Understand! I understand what that paper; in which you have analyzed

the capacities of the men in office; will lead to;〃 she replied;

paying no attention to what her husband said。 〃Good heavens! you have

sharpened the axe to cut off your own head。 Holy Virgin! why didn't

you consult me? I could have at least prevented you from committing

anything to writing; or; at any rate; if you insisted on putting it to

paper; I would have written it down myself; and it should never have

left this house。 Good God! to think that he never told me! That's what

men are! capable of sleeping with the wife of their bosom for seven

years; and keeping a secret from her! Hiding their thoughts from a

poor woman for seven years!doubting her devotion!〃

〃But;〃 cried Rabourdin; provoked; 〃for eleven years and more I have

been unable to discuss anything with you because you insist on cutting

me short and substituting your ideas for mine。 You know nothing at all

about my scheme。〃

〃Nothing! I know all。〃

〃Then tell it to me!〃 cried Rabourdin; angry for the first time since

his marriage。

〃There! it is half…past six o'clock; finish shaving and dress at

once;〃 she cried hastily; after the fashion of women when pressed on a

point they are not ready to talk of。 〃I must go; we'll adjourn the

discussion; for I don't want to be nervous on a reception…day。 Good

heavens! the poor soul!〃 she thought; as she left the room; 〃it IS

hard to be in labor for seven years and bring forth a dead child! And

not trust his wife!〃

She went back into the room。

〃If you had listened to me you would never had interceded to keep your

chief clerk; he stole that abominable paper; and has; no doubt; kept a

fac…simile of it。 Adieu; man of genius!〃

Then she noticed the almost tragic expression of her husband's grief;

she felt she had gone too far; and ran to him; seized him just as he

was; all lathered with soap…suds; and kissed him tenderly。

〃Dear Xavier; don't be vexed;〃 she said。 〃To…night; after the people

are gone; we will study your plan; you shall speak at your ease;I

will listen just as long as you wish me to。 Isn't that nice of me?

What do I want better than to be the wife of Mohammed?〃

She began to laugh; and Rabourdin laughed too; for the soapsuds were

clinging to Celestine's lips; and her voice had the tones of the

purest and most steadfast affection。

〃Go and dress; dear child; and above all; don't say a word of this to

des Lupeaulx。 Swear you will not。 That is the only punishment that I


〃IMPOSE!〃 she cried。 〃Then I won't swear anything。〃

〃Come; come; Celestine; I said in jest a really serious thing。〃

〃To…night;〃 she said; 〃I mean your general…secretary to know whom I am

really intending to attack; he has given me the means。〃

〃Attack whom?〃

〃The minister;〃 she answered; drawing himself up。 〃We are to be

invited to his wife's private parties。〃

In spite of his Celestine's loving caresses; Rabourdin; as he finished

dressing; could not prevent certain painful thoughts from clouding his


〃Will she ever appreciate me?〃 he said to himself。 〃She does not even

understand that she is the sole incentive of my whole work。 How wrong…

headed; and yet how excellent a mind!If I had not married I might

now have been high in office and rich。 I could have saved half my

salary; my savings well…invested would have given me to…day ten

thousand francs a year outside of my office; and I might then have

become; through a good marriage Yes; that is all true;〃 he

exclaimed; interrupting himself; 〃but I have Celestine and my two

children。〃 The man flung himself back on his happiness。 To the best of

married lives there come moments of regret。 He entered the salon and

looked around him。 〃There are not two women in Paris who understand

making life pleasant 
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