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only the Notion。 Because it is equally being…in…and…for…self and also a positedness; or the absolute
substance that manifests the necessity of distinct substances as an identity; this identity must itself
posit what it is。 The moments of the movement of the relationship of substantiality through which
the Notion has come to be and the reality thereby exhibited are still only in transition into the
Notion; this reality does not yet possess the determination of being the Notion's own; self…evolved
determination; it fell in the sphere of necessity; but the Notion's own determination can only be the
result of its free determining; a determinate being in which the Notion is identical with itself; its
moments also being Notions and posited by the Notion itself。
At first; therefore; the Notion is only in itself or implicitly the truth; because it is only something
inner; it is equally only outer。
It is at first simply an immediate and in this guise its moments have the form of immediate; fixed
determinations。 It appears as the determinate Notion; as the sphere of the mere
understanding。 Because this form of immediacy is still inadequate to the nature of the Notion; for
this is free; being in relation only with itself; it is an external form in which the Notion cannot
count as a being…in…and…for…self; but only as something posited or subjective。 The Notion in the
guise of immediacy constitutes the point of view for which the Notion is a subjective thinking; a
reflection external to the subject matter。 This stage; therefore; constitutes subjectivity; or the
formal Notion。 Its externality is manifested in the fixed being of its determinations each of
which appears independently as an isolated; qualitative something which is only externally
related to its other。 But the identity of the Notion; which is precisely their inner or subjective
essence; sets them dialectically in movement; with the result that their separatedness vanishes and
with it the separation of the Notion from the object; and there emerges as their truth the totality
which is the objective Notion。
Secondly; the Notion in its objectivity is the subject matter in and for itself。 Through its
necessary; progressive determination the formal Notion makes itself its subject matter and in this
way is rid of the relation of subjectivity and externality to the object。 Or; conversely; objectivity is
the real Notion that has emerged from its inwardness and passed over into determinate being。
In this identity with the object; the Notion thus has a free determinate being of its own。 But this
freedom is still only an immediate; not yet a negative; freedom。 As one with the object; the
Notion is submerged in it; its distinct moments are objective existences in which it is itself again
only the inner。 As the soul 'Seele' of objective reality it must give itself the form of subjectivity
which; as formal Notion; belonged to it immediately; thus; in the form of the free Notion; a form
which in objectivity it still lacked; it opposes itself to that objectivity and in so doing makes the
identity with it which; as objective Notion it possesses in and for itself; also a posited identity。
In this consummation in which it has the form of freedom even in its objectivity; the adequate
Notion is the Idea。 Reason; which is the sphere of the Idea; is the self…revealed truth in which
the Notion possesses the realisation that is wholly adequate to it; and is free; inasmuch as it
cognises this its objective world in its subjectivity and its subjectivity in its objective world。
'The above is reproduced in full; pages 577 to 597。'
Section One: Subjectivity
The Notion is; in the first instance; formal; the Notion in its beginning or the immediate Notion。
In the immediate unity; its difference or positedness is itself at first simple and only an illusory
being 'Schein'; so that the moments of the difference are immediately the totality of the Notion
and are simply the Notion as such。
Secondly; however; because it is absolute negativity; it sunders itself and posits itself as the
negative or as the other of itself; and further; because as yet it is only the immediate Notion; this
positing or differentiation is characterised by the fact that the moments become indifferent to one
another and each becomes for itself; in this partition; its unity is still only an external connection。
As such connection of its moments; which are posited as self…subsistent and indifferent; it is
Thirdly; though the judgment does contain the unity of the Notion that has vanished into its
self…subsistent moments; yet this unity is not posited。 It becomes so through the dialectical
movement of the judgment; through which it has become the Syllogism; the Notion posited in its
completeness; for in the syllogism there is posited not only the moments of the Notion as
self…subsistent extremes; but also their mediating unity。
But since this unity itself as the unifying middle; and the moments as self…subsistent extremes;
are in the first instance immediately opposed to one another; this contradictory relationship that
occurs in the formal syllogism sublates itself; and the completeness of the Notion passes over
into the unity of the totality; the subjectivity of the Notion into its Objectivity。
Chapter 1 The Notion
Understanding is the term usually employed to express the faculty of notions; as so used; it is
distinguished from the faculty of judgment and the faculty of syllogisms; of the formal reason But
it is with reason that it is especially contrasted; in that case; however; it does not signify the faculty
of the notion in general; but of determinate notions; and the idea prevails that the notion is only a
determinate notion。 When the understanding in this signification is distinguished from the formal
faculty of judgment and from the formal reason; it is to be taken as the faculty of the single
determinate notion。 For the judgment and the syllogism or reason are; as formal; only a product of
the understanding since they stand under the form of the abstract determinateness of the Notion。
Here; however; the Notion emphatically does not rank as something merely abstractly
determinate; consequently; the understanding is to be distinguished from reason only in the sense
that the former is merely the faculty of the notion in general。
This universal Notion; which we have now to consider here; contains the three moments:
universality; particularity and individuality。 The difference and the determinations which the
Notion gives itself in its distinguishing; constitute the side which was previously called positedness。
As this is identical in the Notion with being…in…and…for…self; each of these moments is no less the
whole Notion than it is a determinate Notion and a determination of the Notion。
In the first instance; it is the pure Notion or the determination of universality。 But the pure or
universal Notion is also only a determinate or particular Notion; which takes its place alongside
other Notions。 Because the Notion is a totality; and therefore in its universality or pure identical
self…relation is essentially a determining and a distinguishing; it therefore contains within itself the
standard by which this form of its self…identity; in pervading and embracing all the moments; no
less immediately determines itself to be only the universal over against the distinguishedness of the
Secondly; the Notion is thereby posited as this particular or determinate Notion; distinct from
Thirdly; individuality is the Notion reflecting itself out of the difference into absolute negativity。
This is; at the same time; the moment in which it has passed out of its identity into its otherness;
and becomes the judgment。
A The Universal Notion
The pure Notion is the absolutely infinite; unconditioned and free。 It is here; at the outset of the
discussion which has the Notion for its content; that we must look back once more at its genesis。
Essence is the outcome of being; and the Notion; the outcome of essence; therefore also of
being。 But this becoming has the significance of a self…repulsion; so that it is rather the outcome
which is the unconditioned and original。 Being; in its transition into essence; has become an
illusory being or a positedness; and becoming or transition into an other has become a positing;
and conversely; the positing or reflection of essence has sublated itself and has restored itself as a
being that is not posited; that is original。 The Notion is the interfusion of these moments; namely;
qualitative and original being is such only as a positing; only as a return…into…self; and this pure
reflection…into…self is a sheer becoming…other or determinateness which; consequently; is no less
an infinite; self…relating determinateness。
Thus the Notion is; in the first instance; the absolute self…identity that is such only as the negation
of negation or as the infinite unity of the negativity with itself。 This pure relation of the Notion to
itself; which is this relation by positing itself through the negativity; is the universal