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wanting those who wish'd to make it so; by filling our ears with
malignant falsehoods; by dressing up hideous phantoms of their own
creation; presenting them to you under my name; to me under your's;
and endeavoring to instill into our minds things concerning each
other the most destitute of truth。 And if there had been; at any
time; a moment when we were off our guard; and in a temper to let the
whispers of these people make us forget what we had known of each
other for so many years; and years of so much trial; yet all men who
have attended to the workings of the human mind; who have seen the
false colours under which passion sometimes dresses the actions and
motives of others; have seen also these passions subsiding with time
and reflection; dissipating; like mists before the rising sun; and
restoring to us the sight of all things in their true shape and
colours。 It would be strange indeed if; at our years; we were to go
an age back to hunt up imaginary; or forgotten facts; to disturb the
repose of affections so sweetening to the evening of our lives。 Be
assured; my dear Sir; that I am incapable of recieving the slightest
impression from the effort now made to plant thorns on the pillow of
age; worth; and wisdom; and to sow tares between friends who have
been such for near half a century。 Beseeching you then not to suffer
your mind to be disquieted by this wicked attempt to poison it's
peace; and praying you to throw it by; among the things which have
never happened; I add sincere assurances of my unabated; and constant
attachment; friendship and respect。
_To the President of the United States_
_Monticello; October 24; 1823_
DEAR SIR; The question presented by the letters you have
sent me; is the most momentous which has ever been offered to my
contemplation since that of Independence。 That made us a nation;
this sets our compass and points the course which we are to steer
through the ocean of time opening on us。 And never could we embark
on it under circumstances more auspicious。 Our first and fundamental
maxim should be; never to entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe。
Our second; never to suffer Europe to intermeddle with cis…Atlantic
affairs。 America; North and South; has a set of interests distinct
from those of Europe; and peculiarly her own。 She should therefore
have a system of her own; separate and apart from that of Europe。
While the last is laboring to become the domicil of despotism; our
endeavor should surely be; to make our hemisphere that of freedom。
One nation; most of all; could disturb us in this pursuit; she now
offers to lead; aid; and accompany us in it。 By acceding to her
proposition; we detach her from the bands; bring her mighty weight
into the scale of free government; and emancipate a continent at one
stroke; which might otherwise linger long in doubt and difficulty。
Great Britain is the nation which can do us the most harm of any one;
or all on earth; and with her on our side we need not fear the whole
world。 With her then; we should most sedulously cherish a cordial
friendship; and nothing would tend more to knit our affections than
to be fighting once more; side by side; in the same cause。 Not that
I would purchase even her amity at the price of taking part in her
wars。 But the war in which the present proposition might engage us;
should that be its consequence; is not her war; but ours。 Its object
is to introduce and establish the American system; of keeping out of
our land all foreign powers; of never permitting those of Europe to
intermeddle with the affairs of our nations。 It is to maintain our
own principle; not to depart from it。 And if; to facilitate this; we
can effect a division in the body of the European powers; and draw
over to our side its most powerful member; surely we should do it。
But I am clearly of Mr。 Canning's opinion; that it will prevent
instead of provoking war。 With Great Britain withdrawn from their
scale and shifted into that of our two continents; all Europe
combined would not undertake such a war。 For how would they propose
to get at either enemy without superior fleets? Nor is the occasion
to be slighted which this proposition offers; of declaring our
protest against the atrocious violations of the rights of nations; by
the interference of any one in the internal affairs of another; so
flagitiously begun by Bonaparte; and now continued by the equally
lawless Alliance; calling itself Holy。
But we have first to ask ourselves a question。 Do we wish to
acquire to our own confederacy any one or more of the Spanish
provinces? I candidly confess; that I have ever looked on Cuba as
the most interesting addition which could ever be made to our system
of States。 The control which; with Florida Point; this island would
give us over the Gulf of Mexico; and the countries and isthmus
bordering on it; as well as all those whose waters flow into it;
would fill up the measure of our political well…being。 Yet; as I am
sensible that this can never be obtained; even with her own consent;
but by war; and its independence; which is our second interest; (and
especially its independence of England;) can be secured without it; I
have no hesitation in abandoning my first wish to future chances; and
accepting its independence; with peace and the friendship of England;
rather than its association; at the expense of war and her enmity。
I could honestly; therefore; join in the declaration proposed;
that we aim not at the acquisition of any of those possessions; that
we will not stand in the way of any amicable arrangement between them
and the mother country; but that we will oppose; with all our means;
the forcible interposition of any other power; as auxiliary;
stipendiary; or under any other form or pretext; and most especially;
their transfer to any power by conquest; cession; or acquisition in
any other way。 I should think it; therefore; advisable; that the
Executive should encourage the British government to a continuance in
the dispositions expressed in these letters; by an assurance of his
concurrence with them as far as his authority goes; and that as it
may lead to war; the declaration of which requires an act of
Congress; the case shall be laid before them for consideration at
their first meeting; and under the reasonable aspect in which it is
seen by himself。
I have been so long weaned from political subjects; and have so
long ceased to take any interest in them; that I am sensible I am not
qualified to offer opinions on them worthy of any attention。 But the
question now proposed involves consequences so lasting; and effects
so decisive of our future destinies; as to rekindle all the interest
I have heretofore felt on such occasions; and to induce me to the
hazard of opinions; which will prove only my wish to contribute still
my mite towards anything which may be useful to our country。 And
praying you to accept it at only what it is worth; I add the
assurance of my constant and affectionate friendship and respect。
_To Jared Sparks_
_Monticello; February 4; 1824_
DEAR SIR; I duly received your favor of the 13th; and with
it; the last number of the North American Review。 This has
anticipated the one I should receive in course; but have not yet
received; under my subscription to the new series。 The article on
the African colonization of the people of color; to which you invite
my attention; I have read with great consideration。 It is; indeed; a
fine one; and will do much good。 I learn from it more; too; than I
had before known; of the degree of success and promise of that
In the disposition of these unfortunate people; there are two
rational objects to be distinctly kept in view。 First。 The
establishment of a colony on the coast of Africa; which may introduce
among the aborigines the arts of cultivated life; and the blessings
of civilization and science。 By doing this; we may make to them some
retribution for the long course of injuries we have been committing
on their population。 And considering that these blessings will
descend to the _〃nati natorum; et qui nascentur ab illis;〃_ we shall
in the long run have rendered them perhaps more good than evil。 To
fulfil this object; the colony of Sierra Leone promises well; and
that of Mesurado adds to our prospect of success。 Under this view;
the colonization society is to be considered as a missionary society;
having in view; however; objects more humane; more justifiable; and
less aggressive on the peace of other nations; than the others of
that appellation。
The subject object; and the most interesting to us; as coming
home to our physical and moral characters