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cousin betty-第72章

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past ten; they must all be here by twelve。 Take hackney cabsand go
faster than /that/!〃 he added; a republican allusion which in past
days had been often on his lips。 And he put on the scowl that had
brought his soldiers to attention when he was beating the broom on the
heaths of Brittany in 1799。 (See /Les Chouans/。)

〃You shall be obeyed; Marechal;〃 said Beau…Pied; with a military

Still paying no heed to his brother; the old man came back into his
study; took a key out of his desk; and opened a little malachite box
mounted in steel; the gift of the Emperor Alexander。

By Napoleon's orders he had gone to restore to the Russian Emperor the
private property seized at the battle of Dresden; in exchange for
which Napoleon hoped to get back Vandamme。 The Czar rewarded General
Hulot very handsomely; giving him this casket; and saying that he
hoped one day to show the same courtesy to the Emperor of the French;
but he kept Vandamme。 The Imperial arms of Russia were displayed in
gold on the lid of the box; which was inlaid with gold。

The Marshal counted the bank…notes it contained; he had a hundred and
fifty…two thousand francs。 He saw this with satisfaction。 At the same
moment Madame Hulot came into the room in a state to touch the heart
of the sternest judge。 She flew into Hector's arms; looking
alternately with a crazy eye at the Marshal and at the case of

〃What have you to say against your brother? What has my husband done
to you?〃 said she; in such a voice that the Marshal heard her。

〃He has disgraced us all!〃 replied the Republican veteran; who spoke
with a vehemence that reopened one of his old wounds。 〃He has robbed
the Government! He has cast odium on my name; he makes me wish I were
deadhe has killed me!I have only strength enough left to make

〃I have been abased before the Conde of the Republic; the man I esteem
above all others; and to whom I unjustifiably gave the liethe Prince
of Wissembourg!Is that nothing? That is the score his country has
against him!〃

He wiped away a tear。

〃Now; as to his family;〃 he went on。 〃He is robbing you of the bread I
had saved for you; the fruit of thirty years' economy; of the
privations of an old soldier! Here is what was intended for you;〃 and
he held up the bank…notes。 〃He has killed his Uncle Fischer; a noble
and worthy son of Alsace who could notas he canendure the thought
of a stain on his peasant's honor。

〃To crown all; God; in His adorable clemency; had allowed him to
choose an angel among women; he has had the unspeakable happiness of
having an Adeline for his wife! And he has deceived her; he has soaked
her in sorrows; he has neglected her for prostitutes; for street…
hussies; for ballet…girls; actressesCadine; Josepha; Marneffe!And
that is the brother I treated as a son and made my pride!

〃Go; wretched man; if you can accept the life of degradation you have
made for yourself; leave my house! I have not the heart to curse a
brother I have loved so wellI am as foolish about him as you are;
Adelinebut never let me see him again。 I forbid his attending my
funeral or following me to the grave。 Let him show the decency of a
criminal if he can feel no remorse。〃

The Marshal; as pale as death; fell back on the settee; exhausted by
his solemn speech。 And; for the first time in his life perhaps; tears
gathered in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks。

〃My poor uncle!〃 cried Lisbeth; putting a handkerchief to her eyes。

〃Brother!〃 said Adeline; kneeling down by the Marshal; 〃live for my
sake。 Help me in the task of reconciling Hector to the world and
making him redeem the past。〃

〃He!〃 cried the Marshal。 〃If he lives; he is not at the end of his
crimes。 A man who has misprized an Adeline; who has smothered in his
own soul the feelings of a true Republican which I tried to instill
into him; the love of his country; of his family; and of the poor
that man is a monster; a swine!Take him away if you still care for
him; for a voice within me cries to me to load my pistols and blow his
brains out。 By killing him I should save you all; and I should save
him too from himself。〃

The old man started to his feet with such a terrifying gesture that
poor Adeline exclaimed:


She seized her husband's arm; dragged him away; and out of the house;
but the Baron was so broken down; that she was obliged to call a coach
to take him to the Rue Plumet; where he went to bed。 The man remained
there for several days in a sort of half…dissolution; refusing all
nourishment without a word。 By floods of tears; Adeline persuaded him
to swallow a little broth; she nursed him; sitting by his bed; and
feeling only; of all the emotions that once had filled her heart; the
deepest pity for him。

At half…past twelve; Lisbeth showed into her dear Marshal's roomfor
she would not leave him; so much was she alarmed at the evident change
in himCount Steinbock and the notary。

〃Monsieur le Comte;〃 said the Marshal; 〃I would beg you to be so good
as to put your signature to a document authorizing my niece; your
wife; to sell a bond for certain funds of which she at present holds
only the reversion。You; Mademoiselle Fischer; will agree to this
sale; thus losing your life interest in the securities。〃

〃Yes; dear Count;〃 said Lisbeth without hesitation。

〃Good; my dear;〃 said the old soldier。 〃I hope I may live to reward
you。 But I did not doubt you; you are a true Republican; a daughter of
the people。〃 He took the old maid's hand and kissed it。

〃Monsieur Hannequin;〃 he went on; speaking to the notary; 〃draw up the
necessary document in the form of a power of attorney; and let me have
it within two hours; so that I may sell the stock on the Bourse
to…day。 My niece; the Countess; holds the security; she will be here
to sign the power of attorney when you bring it; and so will
mademoiselle。 Monsieur le Comte will be good enough to go with you and
sign it at your office。〃

The artist; at a nod from Lisbeth; bowed respectfully to the Marshal
and went away。

Next morning; at ten o'clock; the Comte de Forzheim sent in to
announce himself to the Prince; and was at once admitted。

〃Well; my dear Hulot;〃 said the Prince; holding out the newspapers to
his old friend; 〃we have saved appearances; you see。Read。〃

Marshal Hulot laid the papers on his comrade's table; and held out to
him the two hundred thousand francs。

〃Here is the money of which my brother robbed the State;〃 said he。

〃What madness!〃 cried the Minister。 〃It is impossible;〃 he said into
the speaking…trumpet handed to him by the Marshal; 〃to manage this
restitution。 We should be obliged to declare your brother's dishonest
dealings; and we have done everything to hide them。〃

〃Do what you like with the money; but the family shall not owe one sou
of its fortune to a robbery on the funds of the State;〃 said the

〃I will take the King's commands in the matter。 We will discuss it no
further;〃 replied the Prince; perceiving that it would be impossible
to conquer the old man's sublime obstinacy on the point。

〃Good…bye; Cottin;〃 said the old soldier; taking the Prince's hand。 〃I
feel as if my soul were frozen〃

Then; after going a step towards the door; he turned round; looked at
the Prince; and seeing that he was deeply moved; he opened his arms to
clasp him in them; the two old soldiers embraced each other。

〃I feel as if I were taking leave of the whole of the old army in
you;〃 said the Count。

〃Good…bye; my good old comrade!〃 said the Minister。

〃Yes; it is good…bye; for I am going where all our brave men are for
whom we have mourned〃

Just then Claude Vignon was shown in。 The two relics of the Napoleonic
phalanx bowed gravely to each other; effacing every trace of emotion。

〃You have; I hope; been satisfied by the papers;〃 said the Master of
Appeals…elect。 〃I contrived to let the Opposition papers believe that
they were letting out our secrets。〃

〃Unfortunately; it is all in vain;〃 replied the Minister; watching
Hulot as he left the room。 〃I have just gone through a leave…taking
that has been a great grief to me。 For; indeed; Marshal Hulot has not
three days to live; I saw that plainly enough yesterday。 That man; one
of those honest souls that are above proof; a soldier respected by the
bullets in spite of his valor; received his death…blowthere; in that
armchairand dealt by my hand; in a letter!Ring and order my
carriage。 I must go to Neuilly;〃 said he; putting the two hundred
thousand francs into his official portfolio。

Notwithstanding Lisbeth's nursing; Marshal Hulot three days later was
a dead man。 Such men are the glory of the party they support。 To
Republicans; the Marshal was the ideal of patriotism; and they all
attended his funeral; which was followed by an immense crowd。 The
army; the State officials; the Court; and the populace all came to do
homage to this lofty virtue; this spotless honesty; this immaculate
glory。 Such a last tribute of the people is not a thing to be had for
the asking。

This funeral was distinguished by one of those tributes of delicate
feeling; of good taste; and sincere respect which from time to time
remind us
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