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cousin betty-第87章

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〃Nay; indeed;〃 said Carabine in a low voice; 〃but if; on the contrary;
you are shamefully betrayed; cheated; tricked by Valerie; if I should
give you the proof in an hour; in my own house; what then?〃

〃I cannot tell you before all these Iagos;〃 said the Brazilian。

Carabine understood him to say /magots/ (baboons)。

〃Well; well; say no more!〃 she replied; smiling。 〃Do not make yourself
a laughing…stock for all the wittiest men in Paris; come to my house;
we will talk it over。〃

Montes was crushed。 〃Proofs;〃 he stammered; 〃consider〃

〃Only too many;〃 replied Carabine; 〃and if the mere suspicion hits you
so hard; I fear for your reason。〃

〃Is this creature obstinate; I ask you? He is worse than the late
lamented King of Holland!I say; Lousteau; Bixiou; Massol; all the
crew of you; are you not invited to breakfast with Madame Marneffe the
day after to…morrow?〃 said Leon de Lora。

〃/Ya/;〃 said du Tillet; 〃I have the honor of assuring you; Baron; that
if you had by any chance thought of marrying Madame Marneffe; you are
thrown out like a bill in Parliament; beaten by a blackball called
Crevel。 My friend; my old comrade Crevel; has eighty thousand francs a
year; and you; I suppose; did not show such a good hand; for if you
had; you; I imagine; would have been preferred。〃

Montes listened with a half…absent; half…smiling expression; which
struck them all with terror。

At this moment the head…waiter came to whisper to Carabine that a
lady; a relation of hers; was in the drawing…room and wished to speak
to her。

Carabine rose and went out to find Madame Nourrisson; decently veiled
with black lace。

〃Well; child; am I to go to your house? Has he taken the hook?〃

〃Yes; mother; and the pistol is so fully loaded; that my only fear is
that it will burst;〃 said Carabine。

About an hour later; Montes; Cydalise; and Carabine; returning from
the /Rocher de Cancale/; entered Carabine's little sitting…room in the
Rue Saint…Georges。 Madame Nourrisson was sitting in an armchair by the

〃Here is my worthy old aunt;〃 said Carabine。

〃Yes; child; I came in person to fetch my little allowance。 You would
have forgotten me; though you are kind…hearted; and I have some bills
to pay to…morrow。 Buying and selling clothes; I am always short of
cash。 Who is this at your heels? The gentleman looks very much put out
about something。〃

The dreadful Madame Nourrisson; at this moment so completely disguised
as to look like a respectable old body; rose to embrace Carabine; one
of the hundred and odd courtesans she had launched on their horrible
career of vice。

〃He is an Othello who is not to be taken in; whom I have the honor of
introducing to youMonsieur le Baron Montes de Montejanos。〃

〃Oh! I have heard him talked about; and know his name。You are
nicknamed Combabus; because you love but one woman; and in Paris; that
is the same as loving no one at all。 And is it by chance the object of
your affections who is fretting you? Madame Marneffe; Crevel's woman?
I tell you what; my dear sir; you may bless your stars instead of
cursing them。 She is a good…for…nothing baggage; is that little woman。
I know her tricks!〃

〃Get along;〃 said Carabine; into whose hand Madame Nourrisson had
slipped a note while embracing her; 〃you do not know your Brazilians。
They are wrong…headed creatures that insist on being impaled through
the heart。 The more jealous they are; the more jealous they want to
be。 Monsieur talks of dealing death all round; but he will kill nobody
because he is in love。However; I have brought him here to give him
the proofs of his discomfiture; which I have got from that little

Montes was drunk; he listened as if the women were talking about
somebody else。

Carabine went to take off her velvet wrap; and read a facsimile of a
note; as follows:

  〃DEAR PUSS。He dines with Popinot this evening; and will come to
  fetch me from the Opera at eleven。 I shall go out at about half…
  past five and count on finding you at our paradise。 Order dinner
  to be sent in from the /Maison d'or/。 Dress; so as to be able to
  take me to the Opera。 We shall have four hours to ourselves。
  Return this note to me; not that your Valerie doubts youI would
  give you my life; my fortune; and my honor; but I am afraid of the
  tricks of chance。〃

〃Here; Baron; this is the note sent to Count Steinbock this morning;
read the address。 The original document is burnt。〃

Montes turned the note over and over; recognized the writing; and was
struck by a rational idea; which is sufficient evidence of the
disorder of his brain。

〃And; pray;〃 said he; looking at Carabine; 〃what object have you in
torturing my heart; for you must have paid very dear for the privilege
of having the note in your possession long enough to get it

〃Foolish man!〃 said Carabine; at a nod from Madame Nourrisson; 〃don't
you see that poor child Cydalisea girl of sixteen; who has been
pining for you these three months; till she has lost her appetite for
food or drink; and who is heart…broken because you have never even
glanced at her?〃

Cydalise put her handkerchief to her eyes with an appearance of
emotion〃She is furious;〃 Carabine went on; 〃though she looks as if
butter would not melt in her mouth; furious to see the man she adores
duped by a villainous hussy; she would kill Valerie〃

〃Oh; as for that;〃 said the Brazilian; 〃that is my business!〃

〃What; killing?〃 said old Nourrisson。 〃No; my son; we don't do that
here nowadays。〃

〃Oh!〃 said Montes; 〃I am not a native of this country。 I live in a
parish where I can laugh at your laws; and if you give me proof〃

〃Well; that note。 Is that nothing?〃

〃No;〃 said the Brazilian。 〃I do not believe in the writing。 I must see
for myself。〃

〃See!〃 cried Carabine; taking the hint at once from a gesture of her
supposed aunt。 〃You shall see; my dear Tiger; all you wish to seeon
one condition。〃

〃And that is?〃

〃Look at Cydalise。〃

At a wink from Madame Nourrisson; Cydalise cast a tender look at the

〃Will you be good to her? Will you make her a home?〃 asked Carabine。
〃A girl of such beauty is well worth a house and a carriage! It would
be a monstrous shame to leave her to walk the streets。 And besides
she is in debt。How much do you owe?〃 asked Carabine; nipping
Cydalise's arm。

〃She is worth all she can get;〃 said the old woman。 〃The point is that
she can find a buyer。〃

〃Listen!〃 cried Montes; fully aware at last of this masterpiece of
womankind 〃you will show me Valerie〃

〃And Count Steinbock。Certainly!〃 said Madame Nourrisson。

For the past ten minutes the old woman had been watching the
Brazilian; she saw that he was an instrument tuned up to the murderous
pitch she needed; and; above all; so effectually blinded; that he
would never heed who had led him on to it; and she spoke:

〃Cydalise; my Brazilian jewel; is my niece; so her concerns are partly
mine。 All this catastrophe will be the work of a few minutes; for a
friend of mine lets the furnished room to Count Steinbock where
Valerie is at this moment taking coffeea queer sort of coffee; but
she calls it her coffee。 So let us understand each other; Brazil!I
like Brazil; it is a hot country。What is to become of my niece?〃

〃You old ostrich;〃 said Montes; the plumes in the woman's bonnet
catching his eye; 〃you interrupted me。If you show meif I see
Valerie and that artist together〃

〃As you would wish to be〃 said Carabine; 〃that is understood。〃

〃Then I will take this girl and carry her away〃

〃Where?〃 asked Carabine。

〃To Brazil;〃 replied the Baron。 〃I will make her my wife。 My uncle
left me ten leagues square of entailed estate; that is how I still
have that house and home。 I have a hundred negroesnothing but
negroes and negresses and negro brats; all bought by my uncle〃

〃Nephew to a nigger…driver;〃 said Carabine; with a grimace。 〃That
needs some consideration。Cydalise; child; are you fond of the

〃Pooh! Carabine; no nonsense;〃 said the old woman。 〃The deuce is in
it! Monsieur and I are doing business。〃

〃If I take up another Frenchwoman; I mean to have her to myself;〃 the
Brazilian went on。 〃I warn you; mademoiselle; I am king there; and not
a constitutional king。 I am Czar; my subjects are mine by purchase;
and no one can escape from my kingdom; which is a hundred leagues from
any human settlement; hemmed in by savages on the interior; and
divided from the sea by a wilderness as wide as France。〃

〃I should prefer a garret here。〃

〃So thought I;〃 said Montes; 〃since I sold all my land and possessions
at Rio to come back to Madame Marneffe。〃

〃A man does not make such a voyage for nothing;〃 remarked Madame
Nourrisson。 〃You have a right to look for love for your own sake;
particularly being so good…looking。Oh; he is very handsome!〃 said
she to Carabine。

〃Very handsome; handsomer than the /Postillon de Longjumeau/;〃 replied
the courtesan。

Cydalise took the Brazilian's hand; but he released it as politely as
he could。

〃I came back for Madame Marneffe;〃 the man went on where he had left
off; 〃but you do not know why I was three years thinking about it。〃

〃No; savage!〃 said Carab
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