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amusements。 That is what has ruined me; so much the worse for me; but as
my will had nothing to do with it; I continue to respect myself。
〃Every Sunday for the last five years my wife and I have spent the day at
Passy。 We get fresh air; and; besides; we are fond of fishing。 Oh! we
are as fond of it as we are of little onions。 Melie inspired me with
that enthusiasm; the jade; and she is more enthusiastic than I am; the
scold; seeing that all the mischief in this business is her fault; as you
will see immediately。
〃I am strong and mild tempered; without a pennyworth of malice in me。
But she! oh! la! la! she looks like nothing; she is short and thin。
Very well; she does more mischief than a weasel。 I do not deny that she
has some good qualities; she has some; and very important ones for a man
in business。 But her character! Just ask about it in the neighborhood;
and even the porter's wife; who has just sent me about my businessshe
will tell you something about it。
〃Every day she used to find fault with my mild temper: 'I would not put
up with this! I would not put up with that。' If I had listened to her;
Monsieur le President; I should have had at least three hand…to…hand
fights a month 。 。 。 。〃
Madame Renard interrupted him: 〃And for good reasons; too; they laugh
best who laugh last。〃
He turned toward her frankly: 〃Well; I can't blame you; since you were
not the cause of it。〃
Then; facing the President again; he said:
〃I will continue。 We used to go to Passy every Saturday evening; so as
to begin fishing at daybreak the next morning。 It is a habit which has
become second nature with us; as the saying is。 Three years ago this
summer I discovered a place; oh! such a spot。 Oh; dear; dear! In the
shade; eight feet of water at least and perhaps ten; a hole with cavities
under the bank; a regular nest for fish and a paradise for the fisherman。
I might look upon that fishing hole as my property; Monsieur le
President; as I was its Christopher Columbus。 Everybody in the
neighborhood knew it; without making any opposition。 They would say:
'That is Renard's place'; and nobody would have gone there; not even
Monsieur Plumeau; who is well known; be it said without any offense; for
poaching on other people's preserves。
〃Well; I returned to this place of which I felt certain; just as if I had
owned it。 I had scarcely got there on Saturday; when I got into Delila;
with my wife。 Delila is my Norwegian boat; which I had built by
Fournaire; and which is light and safe。 Well; as I said; we got into the
boat and we were going to set bait; and for setting bait there is none to
be compared with me; and they all know it。 You want to know with what I
bait? I cannot answer that question; it has nothing to do with the
accident。 I cannot answer; that is my secret。 There are more than three
hundred people who have asked me; I have been offered glasses of brandy
and liqueur; fried fish; matelotes; to make me tell。 But just go and try
whether the chub will come。 Ah! they have tempted my stomach to get at
my secret; my recipe。 Only my wife knows; and she will not tell it any
more than I will。 Is not that so; Melie?〃
The president of the court interrupted him。
〃Just get to the facts as soon as you can;〃 and the accused continued:
〃I am getting to them; I am getting to them。 Well; on Saturday; July 8;
we left by the twenty…five past five train and before dinner we went to
set bait as usual。 The weather promised to keep fine and I said to
Melie: 'All right for tomorrow。' And she replied: 'If looks like it;'
We never talk more than that together。
〃And then we returned to dinner。 I was happy and thirsty; and that was
the cause of everything。 I said to Melie: 'Look here; Melie; it is fine
weather; suppose I drink a bottle of 'Casque a meche'。' That is a weak
white wine which we have christened so; because if you drink too much of
it it prevents you from sleeping and takes the place of a nightcap。 Do
you understand me?
〃She replied: 'You can do as you please; but you will be ill again and
will not be able to get up tomorrow。' That was true; sensible and
prudent; clearsighted; I must confess。 Nevertheless I could not resist;
and I drank my bottle。 It all came from that。
〃Well; I could not sleep。 By Jove! it kept me awake till two o'clock in
the morning; and then I went to sleep so soundly that I should not have
heard the angel sounding his trump at the last judgment。
〃In short; my wife woke me at six o'clock and I jumped out of bed;
hastily put on my trousers and jersey; washed my face and jumped on board
Delila。 But it was too late; for when I arrived at my hole it was
already occupied! Such a thing had never happened to me in three years;
and it made me feel as if I were being robbed under my own eyes。 I said
to myself: 'Confound it all! confound it!' And then my wife began to nag
at me。 'Eh! what about your 'Casque a meche'? Get along; you drunkard!
Are you satisfied; you great fool?' I could say nothing; because it was
all true; but I landed all the same near the spot and tried to profit by
what was left。 Perhaps after all the fellow might catch nothing and go
〃He was a little thin man in white linen coat and waistcoat and a large
straw hat; and his wife; a fat woman; doing embroidery; sat behind him。
〃When she saw us take up our position close to them she murmured: 'Are
there no other places on the river?' My wife; who was furious; replied:
'People who have any manners make inquiries about the habits of the
neighborhood before occupying reserved spots。'
〃As I did not want a fuss; I said to her: 'Hold your tongue; Melie。 Let
them alone; let them alone; we shall see。'
〃Well; we fastened Delila under the willows and had landed and were
fishing side by side; Melie and I; close to the two others。 But here;
monsieur; I must enter into details。
〃We had only been there about five minutes when our neighbor's line began
to jerk twice; thrice; and then he pulled out a chub as thick as my
thigh; rather less; perhaps; but nearly as big! My heart beat; the
perspiration stood on my forehead and Melie said to me: 'Well; you sot;
did you see that?'
〃Just then Monsieur Bru; the grocer of Poissy; who is fond of gudgeon
fishing; passed in a boat and called out to me: 'So somebody has taken
your usual place; Monsieur Renard?' And I replied: 'Yes; Monsieur Bru;
there are some people in this world who do not know the rules of common
〃The little man in linen pretended not to hear; nor his fat lump of a
wife; either。〃
Here the president interrupted him a second time: 〃Take care; you are
insulting the widow; Madame Flameche; who is present。〃
Renard made his excuses: 〃I beg your pardon; I beg your pardon; my anger
carried me away。 Well; not a quarter of an hour had passed when the
little man caught another chub; and another almost immediately; and
another five minutes later。
〃Tears were in my eyes; and I knew that Madame Renard was boiling with
rage; for she kept on nagging at me: 'Oh; how horrid! Don't you see that
he is robbing you of your fish? Do you think that you will catch
anything? Not even a frog; nothing whatever。 Why; my hands are
tingling; just to think of it。'
〃But I said to myself: 'Let us wait until twelve o'clock。 Then this
poacher will go to lunch and I shall get my place again。 As for me;
Monsieur le President; I lunch on that spot every Sunday。 We bring our
provisions in Delila。 But there! At noon the wretch produced a chicken
in a newspaper; and while he was eating; he actually caught another chub!
〃Melie and I had a morsel also; just a bite; a mere nothing; for our
heart was not in it。
〃Then I took up my newspaper to aid my digestion。 Every Sunday I read
the Gil Blas in the shade by the side of the water。 It is Columbine's
day; you know; Columbine; who writes the articles in the Gil Blas。
I generally put Madame Renard into a rage by pretending to know this
Columbine。 It is not true; for I do not know her and have never seen
her; but that does not matter。 She writes very well; and then she says
things that are pretty plain for a woman。 She suits me and there are not
many of her sort。
〃Well; I began to tease my wife; but she got angry immediately; and very
angry; so I held my tongue。 At that moment our two witnesses who are
present here; Monsieur Ladureau and Monsieur Durdent; appeared on the
other side of the river。 We knew each other by sight。 The little man
began to fish again and he caught so many that I trembled with vexation
and his wife said: 'It is an uncommonly good spot; and we will come here
always; Desire。' As for me; a cold shiver ran down my back; and Madame
Renard kept repeating: 'You are not a man; you have the blood of a
chicken in your veins'; and suddenly I said to her: 'Look here; I would
rather go away or I shall be doing something foolish。'
〃And she whispered to me; as if she had put a red…hot iron under my nose:
'You are not a man。 Now you are going to run away and surrender your
place! Go; then; Bazaine!'
〃I felt hurt; but yet I did not move; while the other fellow pu