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original short stories-8-第24章

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They remained side by side; motionless; both constrained; troubled;
profoundly ill at ease。

As they talked only commonplaces; awkwardly and spasmodically and slowly;
she rose and pressed the button of the bell。

〃I am going to call Renee;〃 she said。

There was a tap at the door; then the rustle of a dress; then a young
voice exclaimed:

〃Here I am; mamma!〃

Lormerin remained bewildered as at the sight of an apparition。

He stammered:

〃Good…day; mademoiselle〃

Then; turning toward the mother:

〃Oh! it is you!

In fact; it was she; she whom he had known in bygone days; the Lise who
had vanished and come back!  In her he found the woman he had won twenty…
five years before。  This one was even younger; fresher; more childlike。

He felt a wild desire to open his arms; to clasp her to his heart again;
murmuring in her ear:

〃Good…morning; Lison!〃

A man…servant announced:

〃Dinner is ready; madame。〃

And they proceeded toward the dining…room。

What passed at this dinner?  What did they say to him; and what could he
say in reply?  He found himself plunged in one of those strange dreams
which border on insanity。  He gazed at the two women with a fixed idea in
his mind; a morbid; self…contradictory idea:

〃Which is the real one?〃

The mother smiled again repeating over and over:

〃Do you remember?〃 And it was in the bright eyes of the young girl that
he found again his memories of the past。  Twenty times he opened his
mouth to say to her: 〃Do you remember; Lison?〃 forgetting this white…
haired lady who was looking at him tenderly。

And yet; there were moments when; he no longer felt sure; when he lost
his head。  He could see that the woman of to…day was not exactly the
woman of long ago。  The other one; the former one; had in her voice; in
her glances; in her entire being; something which he did not find again。
And he made prodigious efforts of mind to recall his lady love; to seize
again what had escaped from her; what this resuscitated one did not

The baronne said:

〃You have lost your old vivacity; my poor friend。〃

He murmured:

〃There are many other things that I have lost!〃

But in his heart; touched with emotion; he felt his old love springing to
life once more; like an awakened wild beast ready to bite him。

The young girl went on chattering; and every now and then some familiar
intonation; some expression of her mother's; a certain style of speaking
and thinking; that resemblance of mind and manner which people acquire by
living together; shook Lormerin from head to foot。  All these things
penetrated him; making the reopened wound of his passion bleed anew。

He got away early; and took a turn along the boulevard。  But the image of
this young girl pursued him; haunted him; quickened his heart; inflamed
his blood。  Apart from the two women; he now saw only one; a young one;
the old one come back out of the past; and he loved her as he had loved
her in bygone years。  He loved her with greater ardor; after an interval
of twenty…five years。

He went home to reflect on this strange and terrible thing; and to think
what he should do。

But; as he was passing; with a wax candle in his hand; before the glass;
the large glass in which he had contemplated himself and admired himself
before he started; he saw reflected there an elderly; gray…haired man;
and suddenly he recollected what he had been in olden days; in the days
of little Lise。  He saw himself charming and handsome; as he had been
when he was loved!  Then; drawing the light nearer; he looked at himself
more closely; as one inspects a strange thing with a magnifying glass;
tracing the wrinkles; discovering those frightful ravages; which he had
not perceived till now。

And he sat down; crushed at the sight of himself; at the sight of his
lamentable image; murmuring:

〃All over; Lormerin!〃


Everybody in Fecamp knew Mother Patin's story。  She had certainly been
unfortunate with her husband; for in his lifetime he used to beat her;
just as wheat is threshed in the barn。

He was master of a fishing bark and had married her; formerly; because
she was pretty; although poor。

Patin was a good sailor; but brutal。  He used to frequent Father Auban's
inn; where he would usually drink four or five glasses of brandy; on
lucky days eight or ten glasses and even more; according to his mood。
The brandy was served to the customers by Father Auban's daughter; a
pleasing brunette; who attracted people to the house only by her pretty
face; for nothing had ever been gossiped about her。

Patin; when he entered the inn; would be satisfied to look at her and to
compliment her politely and respectfully。  After he had had his first
glass of brandy he would already find her much nicer; at the second he
would wink; at the third he would say。  〃If you were only willing;
Mam'zelle Desiree〃 without ever finishing his sentence; at the fourth
he would try to hold her back by her skirt in order to kiss her; and when
he went as high as ten it was Father Auban who brought him the remaining

The old innkeeper; who knew all the tricks of the trade; made Desiree
walk about between the tables in order to increase the consumption of
drinks; and Desiree; who was a worthy daughter of Father Auban; flitted
around among the benches and joked with them; her lips smiling and her
eyes sparkling。

Patin got so well accustomed to Desiree's face that he thought of it even
while at sea; when throwing out his nets; in storms or in calms; on
moonlit or dark evenings。  He thought of her while holding the tiller in
the stern of his boat; while his four companions were slumbering with
their heads on their arms。  He always saw her; smiling; pouring out the
yellow brandy with a peculiar shoulder movement and then exclaiming as
she turned away: 〃There; now; are you satisfied?〃

He saw her so much in his mind's eye that he was overcome by an
irresistible desire to marry her; and; not being able to hold out any
longer; he asked for her hand。

He was rich; owned his own vessel; his nets and a little house at the
foot of the hill on the Retenue; whereas Father Auban had nothing。  The
marriage was therefore eagerly agreed upon and the wedding took place as
soon as possible; as both parties were desirous for the affair to be
concluded as early as convenient。

Three days after the wedding Patin could no longer understand how he had
ever imagined Desiree to be different from other women。  What a fool he
had been to encumber himself with a penniless creature; who had
undoubtedly inveigled him with some drug which she had put in his brandy!

He would curse all day lung; break his pipe with his teeth and maul his
crew。  After he had sworn by every known term at everything that came his
way he would rid himself of his remaining anger on the fish and lobsters;
which he pulled from the nets and threw into the baskets amid oaths and
foul language。  When he returned home he would find his wife; Father
Auban's daughter; within reach of his mouth and hand; and it was not long
before he treated her like the lowest creature in the world。  As she
listened calmly; accustomed to paternal violence; he grew exasperated at
her quiet; and one evening he beat her。  Then life at his home became

For ten years the principal topic of conversation on the Retenue was
about the beatings that Patin gave his wife and his manner of cursing at
her for the least thing。  He could; indeed; curse with a richness of
vocabulary in a roundness of tone unequalled by any other man in Fecamp。
As soon as his ship was sighted at the entrance of the harbor; returning
from the fishing expedition; every one awaited the first volley he would
hurl from the bridge as soon as he perceived his wife's white cap。

Standing at the stern he would steer; his eye fixed on the bows and on
the sail; and; notwithstanding the difficulty of the narrow passage and
the height of the turbulent waves; he would search among the watching
women and try to recognize his wife; Father Auban's daughter; the wretch!

Then; as soon as he saw her; notwithstanding the noise of the wind and
waves; he would let loose upon her with such power and volubility that
every one would laugh; although they pitied her greatly。  When he arrived
at the dock he would relieve his mind; while unloading the fish; in such
an expressive manner that he attracted around him all the loafers of the
neighborhood。  The words left his mouth sometimes like shots from a
cannon; short and terrible; sometimes like peals of thunder; which roll
and rumble for five minutes; such a hurricane of oaths that he seemed to
have in his lungs one of the storms of the Eternal Father。

When he left his ship and found himself face to face with her; surrounded
by all the gossips of the neighborhood; he would bring up a new cargo of
insults and bring her back to their dwelling; she in front; he behind;
she weeping; he yelling at her。

At last; when alone with her behind closed doors; he would thrash her on
the slightest pretext。  The least thing was sufficient to make him raise
his hand; and when he had once begun he d
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