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original short stories-8-第4章

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〃Why;〃 he stammered; 〃thisthisthis overcoat has got the ribbon in

In a second; his wife threw herself on him; and; taking it from his
hands; she said:

〃No! you have made a mistakegive it to me。〃

But he still held it by one of the sleeves; without letting it go;
repeating in a half…dazed manner:

〃Oh!  Why?  Just explain Whose overcoat is it?  It is not mine; as it
has the Legion of Honor on it。〃

She tried to take it from him; terrified and hardly able to say:

〃Listenlisten!  Give it to me!  I must not tell you!  It is a secret。
Listen to me!〃

But he grew angry and turned pale。

〃I want to know how this overcoat comes to be here?  It does not belong
to me。〃

Then she almost screamed at him:

〃Yes; it does; listen!  Swear to mewellyou are decorated!〃

She did not intend to joke at his expense。

He was so overcome that he let the overcoat fall and dropped into an

〃I amyou say I amdecorated?〃

〃Yes; but it is a secret; a great secret。〃

She had put the glorious garment into a cupboard; and came to her husband
pale and trembling。

〃Yes;〃 she continued; 〃it is a new overcoat that I have had made for you。
But I swore that I would not tell you anything about it; as it will not
be officially announced for a month or six weeks; and you were not to
have known till your return from your business journey。  M。 Rosselin
managed it for you。〃

〃Rosselin!〃 he contrived to utter in his joy。  〃He has obtained the
decoration for me?  HeOh!〃

And he was obliged to drink a glass of water。

A little piece of white paper fell to the floor out of the pocket of the
overcoat。  Caillard picked it up; it was a visiting card; and he read


〃You see how it is;〃 said his wife。

He almost cried with joy; and; a week later; it was announced in the
Journal Officiel that M。 Caillard had been awarded the Legion of Honor on
account of his exceptional services。


The Bondels were a happy family; and although they frequently quarrelled
about trifles; they soon became friends again。

Bondel was a merchant who had retired from active business after saving
enough to allow him to live quietly; he had rented a little house at
Saint…Germain and lived there with his wife。  He was a quiet man with
very decided opinions; he had a certain degree of education and read
serious newspapers; nevertheless; he appreciated the gaulois wit。
Endowed with a logical mind; and that practical common sense which is the
master quality of the industrial French bourgeois; he thought little; but
clearly; and reached a decision only after careful consideration of the
matter in hand。  He was of medium size; with a distinguished look; and
was beginning to turn gray。

His wife; who was full of serious qualities; had also several faults。
She had a quick temper and a frankness that bordered upon violence。  She
bore a grudge a long time。  She had once been pretty; but had now become
too stout and too red; but in her neighborhood at Saint…Germain she still
passed for a very beautiful woman; who exemplified health and an
uncertain temper。

Their dissensions almost always began at breakfast; over some trivial
matter; and they often continued all day and even until the following
day。  Their simple; common; limited life imparted seriousness to the most
unimportant matters; and every topic of conversation became a subject of
dispute。  This had not been so in the days when business occupied their
minds; drew their hearts together; and gave them common interests and

But at Saint…Germain they saw fewer people。  It had been necessary to
make new acquaintances; to create for themselves a new world among
strangers; a new existence devoid of occupations。  Then the monotony of
loneliness had soured each of them a little; and the quiet happiness
which they had hoped and waited for with the coming of riches did not

One June morning; just as they were sitting down to breakfast; Bondel

〃Do you know the people who live in the little red cottage at the end of
the Rue du Berceau?〃

Madame Bondel was out of sorts。  She answered:

〃Yes and no; I am acquainted with them; but I do not care to know them。〃

〃Why not?  They seem to be very nice。〃


〃This morning I met the husband on the terrace and we took a little walk

Seeing that there was danger in the air; Bendel added: 〃It was he who
spoke to me first。〃

His wife looked at him in a displeased manner。  She continued: 〃You would
have done just as well to avoid him。〃


〃Because there are rumors about them。〃

〃What kind?〃

〃Oh! rumors such as one often hears!〃

M。 Bondel was; unfortunately; a little hasty。  He exclaimed:

〃My dear; you know that I abhor gossip。  As for those people; I find them
very pleasant。〃

She asked testily: 〃The wife also?〃

〃Why; yes; although I have barely seen her。〃

The discussion gradually grew more heated; always on the same subject for
lack of others。  Madame Bondel obstinately refused to say what she had
heard about these neighbors; allowing things to be understood without
saying exactly what they were。  Bendel would shrug his shoulders; grin;
and exasperate his wife。  She finally cried out: 〃Well! that gentleman is
deceived by his wife; there!〃

The husband answered quietly: 〃I can't see how that affects the honor of
a man。〃

She seemed dumfounded: 〃What! you don't see? you don't see? well;
that's too much!  You don't see! why; it's a public scandal! he is

He answered: 〃Ah! by no means!  Should a man be considered disgraced
because he is deceived; because he is betrayed; robbed?  No; indeed!
I'll grant you that that may be the case for the wife; but as for him〃

She became furious; exclaiming: 〃For him as well as for her。  They are
both in disgrace; it's a public shame。〃

Bondel; very calm; asked: 〃First of all; is it true?  Who can assert such
a thing as long as no one has been caught in the act?〃

Madame Bondel was growing uneasy; she snapped: 〃What?  Who can assert it?
Why; everybody!  everybody!  it's as clear as the nose on your face。
Everybody knows it and is talking about it。  There is not the slightest

He was grinning: 〃For a long time people thought that the sun revolved
around the earth。  This man loves his wife and speaks of her tenderly and
reverently。  This whole business is nothing but lies!〃

Stamping her foot; she stammered: 〃Do you think that that fool; that
idiot; knows anything about it?〃

Bondel did not grow angry; he was reasoning clearly: 〃Excuse me。  This
gentleman is no fool。  He seemed to me; on the contrary; to be very
intelligent and shrewd; and you can't make me believe that a man with
brains doesn't notice such a thing in his own house; when the neighbors;
who are not there; are ignorant of no detail of this liaisonfor I'll
warrant that they know everything。〃

Madame Bondel had a fit of angry mirth; which irritated her husband's
nerves。  She laughed: 〃Ha! ha! ha! they're all the same!  There's not a
man alive who could discover a thing like that unless his nose was stuck
into it!〃

The discussion was wandering to other topics now。  She was exclaiming
over the blindness of deceived husbands; a thing which he doubted and
which she affirmed with such airs of personal contempt that he finally
grew angry。  Then the discussion became an angry quarrel; where she took
the side of the women and he defended the men。  He had the conceit to
declare: 〃Well; I swear that if I had ever been deceived; I should have
noticed it; and immediately; too。  And I should have taken away your
desire for such things in such a manner that it would have taken more
than one doctor to set you on foot again!〃

Boiling with anger; she cried out to him: 〃You! you! why; you're as big a
fool as the others; do you hear!〃

He still maintained: 〃I can swear to you that I am not!〃

She laughed so impertinently that he felt his heart beat and a chill run
down his back。  For the third time he said:

〃I should have seen it!〃

She rose; still laughing in the same manner。  She slammed the door and
left the room; saying: 〃Well! if that isn't too much!〃

Bondel remained alone; ill at ease。  That insolent; provoking laugh had
touched him to the quick。  He went outside; walked; dreamed。  The
realization of the loneliness of his new life made him sad and morbid。
The neighbor; whom he had met that morning; came to him with outstretched
hands。  They continued their walk together。  After touching on various
subjects they came to talk of their wives。  Both seemed to have something
to confide; something inexpressible; vague; about these beings associated
with their lives; their wives。  The neighbor was saying:

〃Really; at times; one might think that they bear some particular ill…
will toward their husband; just because he is a husband。  I love my wife
I love her very much; I appreciate and respect her; well! there are
times when she seems to have more confidence and faith in our friends
than in me。〃

Bondel immediately thought: 〃There is no doubt; my wife was right!〃

When he left this man he began to think things
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