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original short stories-8-第7章

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an unknown force stronger than ourselves; an alliance; chaste; intimate;
absolute; of our beings lying there side by side; belonging to each other
without contact。  What was this?  How do I know?  Love; perhaps?

Little by little the dawn appeared。  It was three o'clock in the morning。
Slowly a great brightness spread over the sky。  The boat knocked up
against something。  I rose up。  We had come close to a tiny islet。

But I remained enchanted; in an ecstasy。  Before us stretched the
firmament; red; pink; violet; spotted with fiery clouds resembling golden
vapor。  The river was glowing with purple and three houses on one side of
it seemed to be burning。

I bent toward my companion。  I was going to say; 〃Oh! look!〃 But I held
my tongue; quite dazed; and I could no longer see anything except her。
She; too; was rosy; with rosy flesh tints with a deeper tinge that was
partly a reflection of the hue of the sky。  Her tresses were rosy; her
eyes were rosy; her teeth were rosy; her dress; her laces; her smile; all
were rosy。  And in truth I believed; so overpowering was the illusion;
that the dawn was there in the flesh before me。

She rose softly to her feet; holding out her lips to me; and I moved
toward her; trembling; delirious feeling indeed that I was going to kiss
Heaven; to kiss happiness; to kiss a dream that had become a woman; to
kiss the ideal which had descended into human flesh。

She said to me: 〃You have a caterpillar in your hair。〃  And; suddenly; I
felt as sad as if I had lost all hope in life。

That is all; madame。  It is puerile; silly; stupid。  But I am sure that
since that day it would be impossible for me to love。  And yetwho can

'The young man upon whom this letter was found was yesterday taken out of
the Seine between Bougival and Marly。  An obliging bargeman; who had
searched the pockets in order to ascertain the name of the deceased;
brought this paper to the author。'


Mademoiselle Source had adopted this boy under very sad circumstances。
She was at the time thirty…six years old。  Being disfigured through
having as a child slipped off her nurse's lap into the fireplace and
burned her face shockingly; she had determined not to marry; for she did
not want any man to marry her for her money。

A neighbor of hers; left a widow just before her child was born; died in
giving birth; without leaving a sou。  Mademoiselle Source took the new…
born child; put him out to nurse; reared him; sent him to a boarding…
school; then brought him home in his fourteenth year; in order to have in
her empty house somebody who would love her; who would look after her;
and make her old age pleasant。

She had a little country place four leagues from Rennes; and she now
dispensed with a servant; her expenses having increased to more than
double since this orphan's arrival; her income of three thousand francs
was no longer sufficient to support three persons。

She attended to the housekeeping and cooking herself; and sent out the
boy on errands; letting him also occupy himself in cultivating the
garden。  He was gentle; timid; silent; and affectionate。  And she
experienced a deep happiness; a fresh happiness when he kissed her
without surprise or horror at her disfigurement。  He called her 〃Aunt;〃
and treated her as a mother。

In the evening they both sat down at the fireside; and she made nice
little dainties for him。  She heated some wine and toasted a slice of
bread; and it made a charming little meal before going to bed。  She often
took him on her knees and covered him with kisses; murmuring tender words
in his ear。  She called him: 〃My little flower; my cherub; my adored
angel; my divine jewel。〃  He softly accepted her caresses; hiding his
head on the old maid's shoulder。  Although he was now nearly fifteen; he
had remained small and weak; and had a rather sickly appearance。

Sometimes Mademoiselle Source took him to the city; to see two married
female relatives of hers; distant cousins; who were living in the
suburbs; and who were the only members of her family in existence。  The
two women had always found fault with her; for having adopted this boy;
on account of the inheritance; but for all that; they gave her a cordial
welcome; having still hopes of getting a share for themselves; a third;
no doubt; if what she possessed were only equally divided。

She was happy; very happy; always occupied with her adopted child。  She
bought books for him to improve his mind; and he became passionately fond
of reading。

He no longer climbed on her knee to pet her as he had formerly done; but;
instead; would go and sit down in his little chair in the chimney…corner
and open a volume。  The lamp placed at the edge of the Tittle table above
his head shone on his curly hair; and on a portion of his forehead; he
did not move; he did not raise his eyes or make any gesture。  He read on;
interested; entirely absorbed in the story he was reading。

Seated opposite to him; she would gaze at him earnestly; astonished at
his studiousness; often on the point of bursting into tears。

She said to him occasionally: 〃You will fatigue yourself; my treasure!〃
hoping that he would raise his head; and come across to embrace her; but
he did not even answer her; he had not heard or understood what she was
saying; he paid no attention to anything save what he read in those

For two years he devoured an incalculable number of volumes。  His
character changed。

After this; he asked Mademoiselle Source several times for money; which
she gave him。  As he always wanted more; she ended by refusing; for she
was both methodical and decided; and knew how to act rationally when it
was necessary to do so。  By dint of entreaties he obtained a large sum
from her one night; but when he begged her for more a few days later; she
showed herself inflexible; and did not give way to him further; in fact。

He appeared to be satisfied with her decision。

He again became quiet; as he had formerly been; remaining seated for
entire hours; without moving; plunged in deep reverie。  He now did not
even talk to Madame Source; merely answering her remarks with short;
formal words。  Nevertheless; he was agreeable and attentive in his manner
toward her; but he never embraced her now。

She had by this time grown slightly afraid of him when they sat facing
one another at night on opposite sides of the fireplace。  She wanted to
wake him up; to make him say something; no matter what; that would break
this dreadful silence; which was like the darkness of a wood。  But he did
not appear to listen to her; and she shuddered with the terror of a poor
feeble woman when she had spoken to him five or six times successively
without being able to get a word out of him。

What was the matter with him?  What was going on in that closed…up head?
When she had remained thus two or three hours opposite him; she felt as
if she were going insane; and longed to rush away and to escape into the
open country in order to avoid that mute; eternal companionship and also
some vague danger; which she could not define; but of which she had a

She frequently wept when she was alone。  What was the matter with him?
When she expressed a wish; he unmurmuringly carried it into execution。
When she wanted anything brought from the city; he immediately went there
to procure it。  She had no complaint to make of him; no; indeed!  And

Another year flitted by; and it seemed to her that a fresh change had
taken place in the mind of the young man。  She perceived it; she felt it;
she divined it。  How?  No matter!  She was sure she was not mistaken; but
she could not have explained in what manner the unknown thoughts of this
strange youth had changed。

It seemed to her that; until now; he had been like a person in a
hesitating frame of mind; who had suddenly arrived at a determination。
This idea came to her one evening as she met his glance; a fixed;
singular glance which she had not seen in his face before。

Then he commenced to watch her incessantly; and she wished she could hide
herself in order to avoid that cold eye riveted on her。

He kept staring at her; evening after evening; for hours together; only
averting his eyes when she said; utterly unnerved:

〃Do not look at me like that; my child!〃

Then he would lower his head。

But the moment her back was turned she once more felt that his eyes were
upon her。  Wherever she went; he pursued her with his persistent gaze。

Sometimes; when she was walking in her little garden; she suddenly
noticed him hidden behind a bush; as if he were lying in wait for her;
and; again; when she sat in front of the house mending stockings while he
was digging some vegetable bed; he kept continually watching her in a
surreptitious manner; as he worked。

It was in vain that she asked him:

〃What's the matter with you; my boy?  For the last three years; you have
become very different。  I don't recognize you。  Do tell me what ails you;
and what you are thinking of。〃

He invariably replied; in a quiet; weary tone:

〃Why; nothing ails me; aunt!〃

And when she persisted:

〃Ah!  my child; answer me; answer
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