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the mirror of kong ho(空赫的镜子)-第16章

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untranslatable in its many…sided significance when technically employed; I 

recognised that all complimentary intercourse might be regarded as having 

closed); 〃whether you accept the responsibility of these proceedings?〃 

     〃Touching the appearance which has so essentially contributed to the 

success   of   the   occasion;   it   is   undeniably   due   to   this   one's   foresight;〃   I 

replied modestly。 

     〃Then   let   me   tell   you;   sir;   that   I   consider   it   an   outragea   dastardly 


     〃Yet;〃 protested this person with retiring assertiveness; 〃the expressed 

object of the ceremony; as it stood before my intelligence; was for the set 

purpose of invoking spirits and raising certain visions。〃 

     〃Spirits!〃 exclaimed the one before me with an accent of concentrated 


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aversion; 〃yes; spirits; impalpable; civilised; genuine spirits; who manifest 

themselves through recognised media; and are conformable to the usages 

of the best drawing…room societyyes。 But not demons; sir; not Chinese 

devils in the Camden Roadno。 Truth and Light at any cost; not paganism。 

It's perfectly scandalous。 Look at the mahogany tableruined; look at the 

wall…paperconventional   mackerels   with   a   fishing…net   background;   new 

this springsoused; look at the Brussels carpet; seventeen six by twenty… 


     〃I   quite  agree  with   you;  Mr。  Glidder;〃 here interposed   the individual 

Pash。   〃I   was   watching   you;   sir;   closely   the   whole   time;   and   I   have   my 

suspicions about how it was done。 I don't know whether Mr。 Glidder has 

any legal redress; but I should certainly advise him to see his solicitors to… 

morrow; and in the meantime〃 

     〃He is my guest;〃 exclaimed the one whose hospitality I was enjoying; 

〃and while he is beneath my roof he is sacred。〃 

     〃But I do not think that it would be kind to detain him any longer in 

his wet things;〃 said another of the household; with pointed malignity; and 

accepting     this   as  an  omen     of  departure;    I  withdrew     myself;    bowing 

repeatedly; but offering no closer cordiality。 

     〃Through a torn sleeve one drops a purse of gold;〃 it is well said; and 

as if to prove to a deeper end that misfortune is ever double…handed; this 

incapable      being;   involved     in  thoughts    of   funereal    density;   bent   his 

footsteps     to   an  inaccurate     turning;    and   after   much    wandering      was 

compelled to pass the night upon a desolate heathbut that would be the 

matter of another narrative。 

     With an insidious doubt whether; after all; the far…seeing Kwan Kiang… 

ti's first impulse would not have been the most satisfactory conclusion to 

the enterprise。 

     KONG HO。 


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                                     THE MIRROR OF KONG HO 

                                 LETTER VII 

       Concerning   warfare;   both   as   waged   by   ourselves   and   by   a   nation 

devoid of true civilisation。 The aged man and the meeting and the parting 

of our ways。 The instance of the one who expressed emotion by leaping。 

     VENERATED SIRE;You are omniscient; but I cannot regard the fear 

which   you   express   in   your   beautifully…written   letter;   bearing   the   sign   of 

the    eleventh    day    of   the  seventh     moon;     as  anything     more     than   the 

imaginings prompted by a too…lavish supper of your favourite shark's fin 

and   peanut   oil。   Unless   the   dexterously…elusive   attributes   of   the   genial… 

spoken   persons   high   in   office   at   Pekin   have   deteriorated   contemptibly 

since     this  one's   departure;     it  is  quite   impossible     for   our   great   and 

enlightened       Empire     to   be   drawn     into   a  conflict    with   the   northern 

barbarians whom you indicate; against our will。 When the matter becomes 

urgent; doubtless a prince of the Imperial line will loyally suffer himself to 

Pass Above; and during the period of ceremonial mourning for so pure and 

exalted an official it would indeed be an unseemly desecration to engage 

in any public business。 If this failed; and an ultimatum were pressed with 

truly savage contempt for all that is sacred and refined; it might be well 

next   to   consider   the   health   even   of   the   sublime   Emperor   himself   (or; 

perhaps better; that of the select and ever…present Dowager Empress); but 

should   the   barbarians   still   advance;   and;   setting   the   usages   of   civilised 

warfare      at  defiance;     threaten    an   engagement        in  the   midst    of   this 

unparalleled calamity; there will be no alternative but to have a formidable 

rebellion   in   the   Capital。 All   the   barbarian   powers   will   then   assemble   as 

usual;    and    in  the   general     involvement      none    dare    move     alone;   and 

everything   will   have   to   be   regarded   as   being   put   back   to   where   it   was 

before。 It is well said; 〃The broken vessel can never be made whole; but it 

may be delicately arranged so that another shall displace it。〃 

     These     barbarians;     less   resourceful     in  device;    have    only    recently 

emerged from a conflict into which they do not hesitate to admit they were 

drawn despite their protests。 Such incompetence is characteristic of their 


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methods throughout。 Not in any way disguising their purpose; they at once 

sent   out   an   army   of   those   whom   could   be   the   readiest   seized;   certainly 

furnishing them  with weapons; charms to use in case of emergency; and 

three…coloured   standards        (their  adversaries     adopting    a  white   banner    to 

symbolise the conciliation of their attitude; and displaying both freely in 

every extremity); but utterly neglecting to teach them the arts of painting 

their   bodies    with   awe…inspiring      forms;    of  imitating    the  cries   of  wild 

animals      as   they   attacked;    of   clashing    their   weapons      together    with 

menacing vigour; or any of the recognised artifices by which terror may be 

struck into the ranks of an awaiting foeman。 The result was that which the 

prudent     must    have   foreseen。    The    more    accomplished       enemy;    without 

exposing      themselves      to  any   unnecessary      inconvenience;      gained    many 

advantages       by   their   intrepid   power     of   dissimulationarranging        their 

garments   and   positions   in   such   a   way   that   they   had   the   appearance   of 

attacking   when   in   reality   they   were   effecting   a   prudent   retreat;   rapidly 

concealing       themselves      among       the   earth    on   the    approach      of   an 

overwhelming force; becoming openly possessed with the prophetic vision 

of an assured final victory whenever it could be no longer concealed that 

matters   were   becoming   very   desperate   indeed;   and   gaining   an   effective 

respite when all other ways of extrication were barred against them by the 

stratagem of   feigning that   they were   other than those   whom they  had   at 

first appeared to be。 

     In   the  meantime      the  adventure     was    not  progressing     pleasantly   for 

those chiefly concerned at home。 With the earliest tidings of repulse it was 

discovered that in   the haste  of embarkation   the wrong persons had  been 

sent; all those who were really the fittest to command remaining behind; 

and many of these did not hesitate to write to the printed papers; resolutely 

admitting that they themselves were in every way better qualified to bring 

the expedition to a successful end; at the same time skilfully pointing out 

how the disasters which those in the field had incurred could easily have 

been avoided by acting in a precisely contrary manner。 

     In the emergency the most far…seeing recommended a more unbending 

policy    of   extermination。     Among      these;   one   in  particular;   a   statesman 

bearing an illustrious name of two…edged import; distinguished himself by 


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the liberal broad…mindedness of his opinions; and for the time he even did 

not   flinch   from   making   himself   excessively   unpopular   by   the   wide   and 

sweeping variety of his censure。 〃We are confessedly a barbarian nation;〃 

fearlessly   declared   this   unprejudiced   person   (who;   although   entitled   by 

hereditary right to carry a bann
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