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the four horsemen of the apocalypse-第24章

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ned little of his neighbor's real existence。  Sometimes he would mention Jaures and other socialistic orators。  His surest means of existence was the translation of periodicals or party papers。  On various occasions the name of Siberia escaped from his lips; and he admitted that he had been there a long time; but he did not care to talk about a country visited against his will。  He would merely smile modestly; showing plainly that he did not wish to make any further revelations。

The morning after the return of Julio Desnoyers; while Argensola was talking on the stairway with Tchernoff; the bell rang。  How annoying!  The Russian; who was well up in advanced politics; was just explaining the plans advanced by Jaures。  There were still many who hoped that war might be averted。  He had his motives for doubting it。 。 。 。  He; Tchernoff; was commenting on these illusions with the smile of a flat…nosed sphinx when the bell rang for a second time; so that Argensola was obliged to break away from his interesting friend; and run to open the main door。

A gentleman wished to see Julio。  He spoke very correct French; though his accent was a revelation for Argensola。  Upon going into the bedroom in search of his master; who was just arising; he said confidently; 〃It's the cousin from Berlin who has come to say good… bye。  It could not be anyone else。〃

When the three came together in the studio; Desnoyers presented his comrade; in order that the visitor might not make any mistake in regard to his social status。

〃I have heard him spoken of。  The gentleman is Argensola; a very deserving youth。〃

Doctor Julius von Hartrott said this with the self…sufficiency of a man who knows everything and wishes to be agreeable to an inferior; conceding him the alms of his attention。

The two cousins confronted each other with a curiosity not altogether free from distrust。  Although closely related; they knew each other very slightly; tacitly admitting complete divergence in opinions and tastes。

After slowly examining the Sage; Argensola came to the conclusion that he looked like an officer dressed as a civilian。  He noticed in his person an effort to imitate the soldierly when occasionally discarding uniformthe ambition of every German burgher wishing to be taken for the superior class。  His trousers were narrow; as though intended to be tucked into cavalry boots。  His coat with two rows of buttons had the contracted waist with very full skirt and upstanding lapels; suggesting vaguely a military great coat。  The reddish moustachios; strong jaw and shaved head completed his would… be martial appearance; but his eyes; large; dark…circled and near… sighted; were the eyes of a student taking refuge behind great thick glasses which gave him the aspect of a man of peace。

Desnoyers knew that he was an assistant professor of the University; that he had published a few volumes; fat and heavy as bricks; and that he was a member of an academic society collaborating in documentary research directed by a famous historian。  In his lapel he was wearing the badge of a foreign order。

Julio's respect for the learned member of the family was not unmixed with contempt。  He and his sister Chichi had from childhood felt an instinctive hostility toward the cousins from Berlin。  It annoyed him; too; to have his family everlastingly holding up as a model this pedant who only knew life as it is in books; and passed his existence investigating what men had done in other epochs; in order to draw conclusions in harmony with Germany's views。  While young Desnoyers had great facility for admiration; and reverenced all those whose 〃arguments〃 Argensola had doled out to him; he drew the line at accepting the intellectual grandeur of this illustrious relative。

During his stay in Berlin; a German word of vulgar invention had enabled him to classify this prig。  Heavy books of minute investigation were every month being published by the dozens in the Fatherland。  There was not a professor who could resist the temptation of constructing from the simplest detail an enormous volume written in a dull; involved style。  The people; therefore; appreciating that these near…sighted authors were incapable of any genial vision of comradeship; called them Sitzfleisch haben; because of the very long sittings which their works represented。  That was what this cousin was for him; a mere Sitzfleisch haben。

Doctor von Hartrott; on explaining his visit; spoke in Spanish。  He availed himself of this language used by the family during his childhood; as a precaution; looking around repeatedly as if he feared to be heard。  He had come to bid his cousin farewell。  His mother had told him of his return; and he had not wished to leave Paris without seeing him。  He was leaving in a few hours; since matters were growing more strained。

〃But do you really believe that there will be war?〃 asked Desnoyers。

〃War will be declared to…morrow or the day after。  Nothing can prevent it now。  It is necessary for the welfare of humanity。〃

Silence followed this speech; Julio and Argensola looking with astonishment at this peaceable…looking man who had just spoken with such martial arrogance。  The two suspected that the professor was making this visit in order to give vent to his opinions and enthusiasms。  At the same time; perhaps; he was trying to find out what they might think and know; as one of the many viewpoints of the people in Paris。

〃You are not French;〃 he added looking at his cousin。  〃You were born in Argentina; so before you I may speak the truth。〃

〃And were you not born there?〃 asked Julio smiling。

The Doctor made a gesture of protest; as though he had just heard something insulting。  〃No; I am a German。  No matter where a German may be born; he always belongs to his mother country。〃  Then turning to Argensola〃This gentleman; too; is a foreigner。  He comes from noble Spain; which owes to us the best that it hasthe worship of honor; the knightly spirit。〃

The Spaniard wished to remonstrate; but the Sage would not permit; adding in an oracular tone:

〃You were miserable Celts; sunk in the vileness of an inferior and mongrel race whose domination by Rome but made your situation worse。 Fortunately you were conquered by the Goths and others of our race who implanted in you a sense of personal dignity。  Do not forget; young man; that the Vandals were the ancestors of the Prussians of to…day。〃

Again Argensola tried to speak; but his friend signed to him not to interrupt the professor who appeared to have forgotten his former reserve and was working up to an enthusiastic pitch with his own words。

〃We are going to witness great events;〃 he continued。  〃Fortunate are those born in this epoch; the most interesting in history!  At this very moment; humanity is changing its course。  Now the true civilization begins。〃

The war; according to him; was going to be of a brevity hitherto unseen。  Germany had been preparing herself to bring about this event without any long; economic world…disturbance。  A single month would be enough to crush France; the most to be feared of their adversaries。  Then they would march against Russia; who with her slow; clumsy movements could not oppose an immediate defense。 Finally they would attack haughty England; so isolated in its archipelago that it could not obstruct the sweep of German progress。 This would make a series of rapid blows and overwhelming victories; requiring only a summer in which to play this magnificent role。  The fall of the leaves in the following autumn would greet the definite triumph of Germany。

With the assurance of a professor who does not expect his dictum to be refuted by his hearers; he explained the superiority of the German race。  All mankind was divided into two groupsdolicephalous and the brachicephalous; according to the shape of the skull。 Another scientific classification divided men into the light…haired and dark…haired。  The dolicephalous (arched heads) represented purity of race and superior mentality。  The brachicephalous (flat heads) were mongrels with all the stigma of degeneration。  The German; dolicephalous par excellence; was the only descendant of the primitive Aryans。  All the other nations; especially those of the south of Europe called 〃latins;〃 belonged to a degenerate humanity。

The Spaniard could not contain himself any longer。  〃But no person with any intelligence believes any more in those antique theories of race!  What if there no longer existed a people of absolutely pure blood; owing to thousands of admixtures due to historical conquests!〃 。 。 。  Many Germans bore the identical ethnic marks which the professor was attributing to the inferior races。

〃There is something in that;〃 admitted Hartrott; 〃but although the German race may not be perfectly pure; it is the least impure of all races and; therefore; should have dominion over the world。〃

His voice took on an ironic and cutting edge when speaking of the Celts; inhabitants of the lands of the South。  They had retarded the progress of Humanity; deflecting it in the wrong direction。  The Celt is individualistic and consequently an ungovernable revolutionary who tends to socialism。  Furthermore; he is a humanitarian and makes a virtue of me
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