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lesser hippias-第7章

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soul; and the more ignorant the more unjust?


SOCRATES:  But if justice be power as well as knowledgethen will not the

soul which has both knowledge and power be the more just; and that which is

the more ignorant be the more unjust?  Must it not be so?

HIPPIAS:  Clearly。

SOCRATES:  And is not the soul which has the greater power and wisdom also

better; and better able to do both good and evil in every action?

HIPPIAS:  Certainly。

SOCRATES:  The soul; then; which acts ill; acts voluntarily by power and

artand these either one or both of them are elements of justice?

HIPPIAS:  That seems to be true。

SOCRATES:  And to do injustice is to do ill; and not to do injustice is to

do well?


SOCRATES:  And will not the better and abler soul when it does wrong; do

wrong voluntarily; and the bad soul involuntarily?

HIPPIAS:  Clearly。

SOCRATES:  And the good man is he who has the good soul; and the bad man is

he who has the bad?


SOCRATES:  Then the good man will voluntarily do wrong; and the bad man

involuntarily; if the good man is he who has the good soul?

HIPPIAS:  Which he certainly has。

SOCRATES:  Then; Hippias; he who voluntarily does wrong and disgraceful

things; if there be such a man; will be the good man?

HIPPIAS:  There I cannot agree with you。

SOCRATES:  Nor can I agree with myself; Hippias; and yet that seems to be

the conclusion which; as far as we can see at present; must follow from our

argument。  As I was saying before; I am all abroad; and being in perplexity

am always changing my opinion。  Now; that I or any ordinary man should

wander in perplexity is not surprising; but if you wise men also wander;

and we cannot come to you and rest from our wandering; the matter begins to

be serious both to us and to you。

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