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the haunted bookshop(闹鬼的书店)-第1章

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                   THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP 





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                                THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP 

                                   Chapter I 

                               The Haunted Bookshop 

       If   you   are   ever   in   Brooklyn;   that   borough   of   superb   sunsets   and 

magnificent vistas of husband…propelled baby…carriages; it is to be hoped 

you may chance upon a quiet by…street where there is a very remarkable 


    This     bookshop;     which    does    business    under    the  unusual     name 

〃Parnassus at Home;〃 is housed in one of the comfortable old brown…stone 

dwellings which have been the joy of several generations of plumbers and 

cockroaches。      The owner of the business has been at pains to remodel the 

house to make it a more suitable shrine for his trade; which deals entirely 

in second…hand volumes。 There is no second…hand bookshop in the world 

more worthy of respect。 

    It   was   about   six   o'clock   of   a   cold   November   evening;   with   gusts   of 

rain   splattering    upon   the   pavement;     when    a  young    man    proceeded 

uncertainly along   Gissing   Street;  stopping now and   then   to   look   at shop 

windows as though doubtful of his way。           At the warm and shining face of 

a   French   rotisserie   he   halted   to   compare   the   number   enamelled   on   the 

transom with a memorandum in his hand。              Then he pushed on for a few 

minutes; at last reaching the address he sought。 Over the entrance his eye 

was caught by the sign: 

       PARNASSUS         AT   HOME      R。  AND     H。   MIFFLINBOOKLOVERS 


       He   stumbled   down   the  three   steps   that   led   into   the  dwelling   of   the 

muses; lowered his overcoat collar; and looked about。 

    It was very different from such bookstores as he had been accustomed 

to patronize。     Two stories of the old house had been thrown into one: the 

lower space was divided into little alcoves; above; a gallery ran round the 

wall;   which   carried   books   to   the   ceiling。   The   air   was   heavy   with   the 

delightful    fragrance   of  mellowed     paper   and   leather  surcharged    with   a 


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                                  THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP 

strong bouquet of tobacco。           In front of him he found a large placard in a 


       THIS SHOP IS HAUNTED by the ghosts Of all great literature; in 


     We   sell   no   fakes   or   trashes。   Lovers   of   books   are   welcome   here;   No 

clerks will babble in your ear; 

     Please smokebut don't drop ashes!               Browse as long as you like。 

Prices   of   all   books   plainly   marked。   If   you   want   to   ask   questions;   you'll 

find the proprietor       where the tobacco smoke is thickest。 We pay cash for 

books。 We have what you want; though you may not know you want it。 

     Malnutrition of the reading faculty is a serious thing。 

     Let us prescribe for you。 

     By R。 & H。 MIFFLIN;            Proprs。 

       The   shop   had   a   warm  and   comfortable   obscurity;  a   kind of   drowsy 

dusk; stabbed here and there by bright cones of yellow light from green… 

shaded     electrics。    There     was   an   all…pervasive     drift  of  tobacco    smoke; 

which   eddied   and   fumed   under   the   glass   lamp   shades。   Passing   down   a 

narrow   aisle   between   the   alcoves   the   visitor   noticed   that   some   of   the 

compartments         were   wholly     in  darkness;     in  others   where     lamps    were 

glowing   he   could   see   a   table   and   chairs。   In   one   corner;   under   a   sign 

lettered    ESSAYS;       an   elderly   gentleman      was    reading;    with   a  face   of 

fanatical ecstasy illumined by the sharp glare of electricity; but there was 

no wreath of smoke about him so the newcomer concluded he was not the 


     As the young man approached the back of the shop the general effect 

became   more   and   more   fantastic。         On   some   skylight   far   overhead   he 

could   hear   the   rain   drumming;   but   otherwise   the   place   was   completely 

silent; peopled only (so it seemed) by the gurgitating whorls of smoke and 

the bright profile of   the essay reader。   It seemed like   a secret fane;   some 

shrine   of   curious   rites;   and   the   young   man's   throat   was   tightened   by   a 

stricture which was half agitation and half tobacco。                Towering above him 

into   the   gloom   were   shelves   and   shelves   of   books;   darkling   toward   the 

roof。 He saw a table with a cylinder of brown paper and twine; evidently 


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                                  THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP 

where purchases might be wrapped; but there was no sign of an attendant。 

     〃This   place   may   indeed      be   haunted;〃   he   thought;   〃perhaps   by   the 

delighted   soul   of   Sir Walter   Raleigh;   patron   of   the   weed;   but   seemingly 

not by the proprietors。〃 

     His   eyes;   searching   the   blue   and   vaporous   vistas   of   the   shop;   were 

caught by a circle of brightness that shone with a curious egg…like lustre。 It 

was round and white; gleaming in the sheen of a hanging light; a bright 

island in a surf of tobacco smoke。           He came more close; and found it was 

a bald head。 

     This head (he then saw) surmounted a small; sharp…eyed man who sat 

tilted back in a swivel chair; in a corner which seemed the nerve centre of 

the establishment。       The large pigeon…holed desk in front of him was piled 

high    with   volumes     of   all  sorts;  with   tins  of  tobacco     and   newspaper 

clippings and letters。 An antiquated typewriter; looking   something like   a 

harpsichord;   was   half…buried   in   sheets   of   manuscript。       The   little   bald… 

headed man was smoking a corn…cob pipe and reading a cookbook。 

     〃I beg your pardon;〃 said the caller; pleasantly; 〃is this the proprietor?〃 

     Mr。 Roger Mifflin; the proprietor of 〃Parnassus at Home;〃 looked up; 

and the visitor saw that   he had   keen blue   eyes; a   short red   beard; and   a 

convincing air of competent originality。 

     〃It is;〃 said Mr。 Mifflin。      〃Anything I can do for you?〃 

     〃My      name    is   Aubrey     Gilbert;〃    said   the   young     man。      〃I   am 

representing the Grey…Matter Advertising Agency。                 I want to discuss with 

you   the   advisability   of   your   letting   us   handle   your   advertising   account; 

prepare snappy  copy  for   you;   and   place   it   in   large   circulation   mediums。 

Now the war's over; you ought to prepare some constructive campaign for 

bigger business。〃 

     The bookseller's face beamed。            He put down his cookbook; blew an 

expanding gust of smoke; and looked up brightly。 

     〃My dear chap;〃 he said; 〃I don't do any advertising。〃 

     〃Impossible!〃 cried the other; aghast as at some gratuitous indecency。 

     〃Not in the sense you mean。           Such advertising as benefits me most is 

done for me by the snappiest copywriters in the business。〃 


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                                  THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP 

     〃I   suppose     you   refer   to  Whitewash       and   Gilt?〃   said   Mr。   Gilbert 


     〃Not at all。     The people who are doing my advertising are Stevenson; 

Browning; Conrad and Company。〃 

     〃Dear me;〃 said the Grey…Matter solicitor。             〃I don't know that agency 

at all。   Still; I doubt if their copy has more pep than ours。〃 

     〃I don't think you get me。         I mean that my advertising is done by the 

books I sell。     If I sell a man a book by Stevenson or Conrad; a book that 

delights     or  terrifies  him;   that   man    and   that  book    become     my    living 


     〃But that word…of…mouth advertising is exploded;〃 said Gilbert。 〃You 

can't get Distribution that way。 

     You've got to keep your trademark before the public。〃 

     〃By the bones of Tauchnitz!〃 cried Mifflin。             〃Look here; you wouldn't 

go to a doctor; a medical specialist; and tell him he ought to advertise in 

papers and magazines?          A doctor is advertised by the bodies he cures。 My 

business is advertised by the minds I stimulate。              And let me tell you that 

the book business is different from other trades。 People don't know they 

want books。       I can see just by looking at you that your mind is ill for lack 

of   books    but   you   are  bliss
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