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the new man in the evening。 What was wanted for him
was a master with a couple of hundred or so to take
an interest in the ship on proper conditions。 You don't
discharge a man for no fault; only because of the fun
of telling him to pack up his traps and go ashore; when
you know that in that case you are bound to buy back
his share。 On the other hand; a fellow with an interest
in the ship is not likely to throw up his job in a huff
about a trifle。 He had told Massy that。 He had said:
〃'This won't do; Mr。 Massy。 We are getting very
sick of you here in the Marine Office。 What you must
do now is to try whether you could get a sailor to join
you as partner。 That seems to be the only way。' And
that was sound advice; Harry。〃
Captain Whalley; leaning on his stick; was perfectly
still all over; and his hand; arrested in the act of strok…
ing; grasped his whole beard。 And what did the fellow
say to that?
The fellow had the audacity to fly out at the Master…
Attendant。 He had received the advice in a most im…
pudent manner。 〃I didn't come here to be laughed at;〃
he had shrieked。 〃I appeal to you as an Englishman
and a shipowner brought to the verge of ruin by an
illegal conspiracy of your beggarly sailors; and all you
condescend to do for me is to tell me to go and get a
partner!〃 。 。 。 The fellow had presumed to stamp
with rage on the floor of the private office。 Where was
he going to get a partner? Was he being taken for
a fool? Not a single one of that contemptible lot ashore
at the 〃Home〃 had twopence in his pocket to bless
himself with。 The very native curs in the bazaar knew
that much。 。 。 。 〃And it's true enough; Harry;〃 rum…
bled Captain Eliott judicially。 〃They are much more
likely one and all to owe money to the Chinamen in
Denham Road for the clothes on their backs。 'Well;'
said I; 'you make too much noise over it for my taste;
Mr。 Massy。 Good morning。' He banged the door after
him; he dared to bang my door; confound his cheek!〃
The head of the Marine department was out of breath
with indignation; then recollecting himself as it were;
〃I'll end by being late to dinneryarning with you
here 。 。 。 wife doesn't like it。〃
He clambered ponderously into the trap; leaned out
sideways; and only then wondered wheezily what on
earth Captain Whalley could have been doing with
himself of late。 They had had no sight of each other
for years and years till the other day when he had seen
him unexpectedly in the office。
What on earth 。 。 。
Captain Whalley seemed to be smiling to himself in his
white beard。
〃The earth is big;〃 he said vaguely。
The other; as if to test the statement; stared all round
from his driving…seat。 The Esplanade was very quiet;
only from afar; from very far; a long way from the sea…
shore; across the stretches of grass; through the long
ranges of trees; came faintly the toottoottoot of
the cable car beginning to roll before the empty peristyle
of the Public Library on its three…mile journey to the
New Harbor Docks。
〃Doesn't seem to be so much room on it;〃 growled the
Master…Attendant; 〃since these Germans came along
shouldering us at every turn。 It was not so in our
He fell into deep thought; breathing stertorously; as
though he had been taking a nap open…eyed。 Perhaps
he too; on his side; had detected in the silent pilgrim…
like figure; standing there by the wheel; like an arrested
wayfarer; the buried lineaments of the features belong…
ing to the young captain of the Condor。 Good fellow
Harry Whalleynever very talkative。 You never
knew what he was up toa bit too off…hand with people
of consequence; and apt to take a wrong view of a fel…
low's actions。 Fact was he had a too good opinion of
himself。 He would have liked to tell him to get in and
drive him home to dinner。 But one never knew。 Wife
would not like it。
〃And it's funny to think; Harry;〃 he went on in a
big; subdued drone; 〃that of all the people on it there
seems only you and I left to remember this part of the
world as it used to be 。 。 。〃
He was ready to indulge in the sweetness of a senti…
mental mood had it not struck him suddenly that Cap…
tain Whalley; unstirring and without a word; seemed
to be awaiting somethingperhaps expecting 。 。 。 He
gathered the reins at once and burst out in bluff; hearty
〃Ha! My dear boy。 The men we have knownthe
ships we've saileday! and the things we've done 。 。 。〃
The pony plungedthe syce skipped out of the way。
Captain Whalley raised his arm。
The sun had set。 And when; after drilling a deep hole
with his stick; he moved from that spot the night had
massed its army of shadows under the trees。 They
filled the eastern ends of the avenues as if only waiting
the signal for a general advance upon the open spaces
of the world; they were gathering low between the deep
stone…faced banks of the canal。 The Malay prau; half…
concealed under the arch of the bridge; had not altered
its position a quarter of an inch。 For a long time Cap…
tain Whalley stared down over the parapet; till at last
the floating immobility of that beshrouded thing seemed
to grow upon him into something inexplicable and
alarming。 The twilight abandoned the zenith; its re…
flected gleams left the world below; and the water of the
canal seemed to turn into pitch。 Captain Whalley
crossed it。
The turning to the right; which was his way to his
hotel; was only a very few steps farther。 He stopped
again (all the houses of the sea…front were shut up; the
quayside was deserted; but for one or two figures of
natives walking in the distance) and began to reckon the
amount of his bill。 So many days in the hotel at so
many dollars a day。 To count the days he used his
fingers: plunging one hand into his pocket; he jingled a
few silver coins。 All right for three days more; and
then; unless something turned up; he must break into
the five hundredIvy's moneyinvested in her father。
It seemed to him that the first meal coming out of that
reserve would choke himfor certain。 Reason was of
no use。 It was a matter of feeling。 His feelings had
never played him false。
He did not turn to the right。 He walked on; as if
there still had been a ship in the roadstead to which
he could get himself pulled off in the evening。 Far
away; beyond the houses; on the slope of an indigo
promontory closing the view of the quays; the slim
column of a factory…chimney smoked quietly straight
up into the clear air。 A Chinaman; curled down in the
stern of one of the half…dozen sampans floating off the
end of the jetty; caught sight of a beckoning hand。
He jumped up; rolled his pigtail round his head swiftly;
tucked in two rapid movements his wide dark trousers
high up his yellow thighs; and by a single; noiseless; fin…
like stir of the oars; sheered the sampan alongside the
steps with the ease and precision of a swimming
〃Sofala;〃 articulated Captain Whalley from above;
and the Chinaman; a new emigrant probably; stared
upwards with a tense attention as if waiting to see the
queer word fall visibly from the white man's lips。
〃Sofala;〃 Captain Whalley repeated; and suddenly his
heart failed him。 He paused。 The shores; the islets; the
high ground; the low points; were dark: the horizon had
grown somber; and across the eastern sweep of the shore
the white obelisk; marking the landing…place of the
telegraph…cable; stood like a pale ghost on the beach
before the dark spread of uneven roofs; intermingled
with palms; of the native town。 Captain Whalley be…
gan again。
〃Sofala。 Savee So…fa…la; John?〃
This time the Chinaman made out that bizarre sound;
and grunted his assent uncouthly; low down in his bare
throat。 With the first yellow twinkle of a star that ap…
peared like the head of a pin stabbed deep into the
smooth; pale; shimmering fabric of the sky; the edge
of a keen chill seemed to cleave through the warm air
of the earth。 At the moment of stepping into the sam…
pan to go and try for the command of the Sofala Cap…
tain Whalley shivered