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end of the tether-第11章

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pan to go and try for the command of the Sofala Cap…

tain Whalley shivered a little。

When on his return he landed on the quay again Venus;

like a choice jewel set low on the hem of the sky; cast

a faint gold trail behind him upon the roadstead; as

level as a floor made of one dark and polished stone。

The lofty vaults of the avenues were blackall black

overheadand the porcelain globes on the lamp…posts

resembled egg…shaped pearls; gigantic and luminous;

displayed in a row whose farther end seemed to sink

in the distance; down to the level of his knees。  He put

his hands behind his back。  He would now consider

calmly the discretion of it before saying the final word

to…morrow。  His feet scrunched the gravel loudlythe

discretion of it。  It would have been easier to appraise

had there been a workable alternative。  The honesty of

it was indubitable: he meant well by the fellow; and

periodically his shadow leaped up intense by his side on

the trunks of the trees; to lengthen itself; oblique and

dim; far over the grassrepeating his stride。

The discretion of it。  Was there a choice?  He seemed

already to have lost something of himself; to have given

up to a hungry specter something of his truth and dig…

nity in order to live。  But his life was necessary。  Let

poverty do its worst in exacting its toll of humiliation。

It was certain that Ned Eliott had rendered him; with…

out knowing it; a service for which it would have been

impossible to ask。  He hoped Ned would not think there

had been something underhand in his action。  He sup…

posed that now when he heard of it he would understand

or perhaps he would only think Whalley an eccentric

old fool。  What would have been the good of telling

himany more than of blurting the whole tale to that

man Massy?  Five hundred pounds ready to invest。  Let

him make the best of that。  Let him wonder。  You want

a captainI want a ship。  That's enough。  B…r…r…r…r。

What a disagreeable impression that empty; dark;

echoing steamer had made upon him。 。 。 。

A laid…up steamer was a dead thing and no mistake;

a sailing…ship somehow seems always ready to spring

into life with the breath of the incorruptible heaven;

but a teamer; thought Captain Whalley; with her fires

out; without the warm whiffs from below meeting you on

her decks; without the hiss of steam; the clangs of iron

in her breastlies there as cold and still and pulseless as

a corpse。

In the solitude of the avenue; all black above and

lighted below; Captain Whalley; considering the dis…

cretion of his course; met; as it were incidentally; the

thought of death。  He pushed it aside with dislike and

contempt。  He almost laughed at it; and in the un…

quenchable vitality of his age only thought with a kind

of exultation how little he needed to keep body and soul

together。  Not a bad investment for the poor woman

this solid carcass of her father。  And for the restin

case of anythingthe agreement should be clear: the

whole five hundred to be paid back to her integrally

within three months。  Integrally。  Every penny。  He

was not to lose any of her money whatever else had

to goa little dignitysome of his self…respect。  He

had never before allowed anybody to remain under any

sort of false impression as to himself。  Well; let that

gofor her sake。  After all; he had never SAID any…

thing misleadingand Captain Whalley felt himself

corrupt to the marrow of his bones。  He laughed a little

with the intimate scorn of his worldly prudence。

Clearly; with a fellow of that sort; and in the peculiar

relation they were to stand to each other; it would not

have done to blurt out everything。  He did not like the

fellow。  He did not like his spells of fawning loquacity

and bursts of resentfulness。  In the enda poor devil。

He would not have liked to stand in his shoes。  Men

were not evil; after all。  He did not like his sleek hair;

his queer way of standing at right angles; with his nose

in the air; and glancing along his shoulder at you。  No。

On the whole; men were not badthey were only silly

or unhappy。

Captain Whalley had finished considering the discre…

tion of that stepand there was the whole long night

before him。  In the full light his long beard would

glisten like a silver breastplate covering his heart; in

the spaces between the lamps his burly figure passed less

distinct; loomed very big; wandering; and mysterious。

No; there was not much real harm in men: and all the

time a shadow marched with him; slanting on his left

handwhich in the East is a presage of evil。

 。      。      。      。      。      。      。

〃Can you make out the clump of palms yet; Serang?〃

asked Captain Whalley from his chair on the bridge of

the Sofala approaching the bar of Batu Beru。

〃No; Tuan。  By…and…by see。〃  The old Malay; in a

blue dungaree suit; planted on his bony dark feet under

the bridge awning; put his hands behind his back and

stared ahead out of the innumerable wrinkles at the

corners of his eyes。

Captain Whalley sat still; without lifting his head to

look for himself。  Three yearsthirty…six times。  He

had made these palms thirty…six times from the south…

ward。  They would come into view at the proper time。

Thank God; the old ship made her courses and distances

trip after trip; as correct as clockwork。  At last he mur…

mured again

〃In sight yet?〃

〃The sun makes a very great glare; Tuan。〃

〃Watch well; Serang。〃

〃Ya; Tuan。〃

A white man had ascended the ladder from the deck

noiselessly; and had listened quietly to this short col…

loquy。  Then he stepped out on the bridge and began

to walk from end to end; holding up the long cherry…

wood stem of a pipe。  His black hair lay plastered in

long lanky wisps across the bald summit of his head;

he had a furrowed brow; a yellow complexion; and a

thick shapeless nose。  A scanty growth of whisker did

not conceal the contour of his jaw。  His aspect was of

brooding care; and sucking at a curved black mouth…

piece; he presented such a heavy overhanging profile

that even the Serang could not help reflecting sometimes

upon the extreme unloveliness of some white men。

Captain Whalley seemed to brace himself up in his

chair; but gave no recognition whatever to his presence。

The other puffed jets of smoke; then suddenly

〃I could never understand that new mania of yours

of having this Malay here for your shadow; partner。〃

Captain Whalley got up from the chair in all his im…

posing stature and walked across to the binnacle; hold…

ing such an unswerving course that the other had to

back away hurriedly; and remained as if intimidated;

with the pipe trembling in his hand。  〃Walk over me

now;〃 he muttered in a sort of astounded and dis…

comfited whisper。  Then slowly and distinctly he


〃Iamnotdirt。〃  And then added defiantly; 〃As

you seem to think。〃

The Serang jerked out

〃See the palms now; Tuan。〃

Captain Whalley strode forward to the rail; but his

eyes; instead of going straight to the point; with the

assured keen glance of a sailor; wandered irresolutely

in space; as though he; the discoverer of new routes; had

lost his way upon this narrow sea。

Another white man; the mate; came up on the bridge。

He was tall; young; lean; with a mustache like a

trooper; and something malicious in the eye。  He took

up a position beside the engineer。  Captain Whalley;

with his back to them; inquired

〃What's on the log?〃

〃Eighty…five;〃 answered the mate quickly; and nudged

the engineer with his elbow。

Captain Whalley's muscular hands squeezed the iron

rail with an extraordinary force; his eyes glared with

an enormous effort; he knitted his eyebrows; the per…

spiration fell from under his hat;and in a faint voice

he murmured; 〃Steady her; Serangwhen she is on

the proper bearing。〃

The silent Malay stepped back; waited a little; and

lifted his arm warningly to the helmsman。  The wheel

revolved rapidly to meet the swing of the ship。  Again

the made nudged the engineer。  But Massy turned upon


〃Mr。 Sterne;〃 he said violently; 〃let me tell you

as a shipownerthat
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