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end of the tether-第14章

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be stirring the mud now; which made him peep over the


His peering eyes; set aslant in a face of the Chinese

type; a little old face; immovable; as if carved in old

brown oak; had informed him long before that the ship

was not headed at the bar properly。  Paid off from

the Fair Maid; together with the rest of the crew; after

the completion of the sale; he had hung; in his faded

blue suit and floppy gray hat; about the doors of the

Harbor Office; till one day; seeing Captain Whalley

coming along to get a crew for the Sofala; he had put

himself quietly in the way; with his bare feet in the dust

and an upward mute glance。  The eyes of his old com…

mander had fallen on him favorablyit must have

been an auspicious dayand in less than half an hour

the white men in the 〃Ofiss〃 had written his name on

a document as Serang of the fire…ship Sofala。  Since

that time he had repeatedly looked at that estuary; upon

that coast; from this bridge and from this side of the

bar。  The record of the visual world fell through his

eyes upon his unspeculating mind as on a sensitized

plate through the lens of a camera。  His knowledge was

absolute and precise; nevertheless; had he been asked

his opinion; and especially if questioned in the down…

right; alarming manner of white men; he would have

displayed the hesitation of ignorance。  He was certain

of his factsbut such a certitude counted for little

against the doubt what answer would be pleasing。

Fifty years ago; in a jungle village; and before he was

a day old; his father (who died without ever seeing

a white face) had had his nativity cast by a man of

skill and wisdom in astrology; because in the arrange…

ment of the stars may be read the last word of human

destiny。  His destiny had been to thrive by the favor

of various white men on the sea。  He had swept the

decks of ships; had tended their helms; had minded their

stores; had risen at last to be a Serang; and his placid

mind had remained as incapable of penetrating the sim…

plest motives of those he served as they themselves were

incapable of detecting through the crust of the earth

the secret nature of its heart; which may be fire or may

be stone。  But he had no doubt whatever that the Sofala

was out of the proper track for crossing the bar at

Batu Beru。

It was a slight error。  The ship could not have been

more than twice her own length too far to the north…

ward; and a white man at a loss for a cause (since it

was impossible to suspect Captain Whalley of blunder…

ing ignorance; of want of skill; or of neglect) would

have been inclined to doubt the testimony of his senses。

It was some such feeling that kept Massy motionless;

with his teeth laid bare by an anxious grin。  Not so the

Serang。  He was not troubled by any intellectual mis…

trust of his senses。  If his captain chose to stir the mud

it was well。  He had known in his life white men indulge

in outbreaks equally strange。  He was only genuinely

interested to see what would come of it。  At last; appar…

ently satisfied; he stepped back from the rail。

He had made no sound: Captain Whalley; however;

seemed to have observed the movements of his Serang。

Holding his head rigidly; he asked with a mere stir of

his lips

〃Going ahead still; Serang?〃

〃Still going a little; Tuan;〃 answered the Malay。

Then added casually; 〃She is over。〃

The lead confirmed his words; the depth of water in…

creased at every cast; and the soul of excitement de…

parted suddenly from the lascar swung in the canvas

belt over the Sofala's side。  Captain Whalley or…

dered the lead in; set the engines ahead without haste;

and averting his eyes from the coast directed the

Serang to keep a course for the middle of the en…


Massy brought the palm of his hand with a loud smack

against his thigh。

〃You grazed on the bar。  Just look astern and see

if you didn't。  Look at the track she left。  You can see

it plainly。  Upon my soul; I thought you would!  What

made you do that?  What on earth made you do that?

I believe you are trying to scare me。〃

He talked slowly; as it were circumspectly; keeping his

prominent black eyes on his captain。  There was also a

slight plaintive note in his rising choler; for; primarily;

it was the clear sense of a wrong suffered undeservedly

that made him hate the man who; for a beggarly five

hundred pounds; claimed a sixth part of the profits

under the three years' agreement。  Whenever his resent…

ment got the better of the awe the person of Captain

Whalley inspired he would positively whimper with


〃You don't know what to invent to plague my life

out of me。  I would not have thought that a man of

your sort would condescend 。 。 。〃

He paused; half hopefully; half timidly; whenever

Captain Whalley made the slightest movement in the

deck…chair; as though expecting to be conciliated by a

soft speech or else rushed upon and hunted off the


〃I am puzzled;〃 he went on again; with the watchful

unsmiling baring of his big teeth。  〃I don't know what

to think。  I do believe you are trying to frighten me。

You very nearly planted her on the bar for at least

twelve hours; besides getting the engines choked with

mud。  Ships can't afford to lose twelve hours on a trip

nowadaysas you ought to know very well; and do

know very well to be sure; only 。 。 。〃

His slow volubility; the sideways cranings of his neck;

the black glances out of the very corners of his eyes;

left Captain Whalley unmoved。  He looked at the deck

with a severe frown。  Massy waited for some little time;

then began to threaten plaintively。

〃You think you've got me bound hand and foot in

that agreement。  You think you can torment me in any

way you please。  Ah!  But remember it has another

six weeks to run yet。  There's time for me to dismiss

you before the three years are out。  You will do yet

something that will give me the chance to dismiss you;

and make you wait a twelvemonth for your money before

you can take yourself off and pull out your five hundred;

and leave me without a penny to get the new boilers for

her。  You gloat over that ideadon't you?  I do be…

lieve you sit here gloating。  It's as if I had sold my

soul for five hundred pounds to be everlastingly damned

in the end。 。 。 。〃

He paused; without apparent exasperation; then con…

tinued evenly

〃。 。 。  With the boilers worn out and the survey hang…

ing over my head; Captain Whalley  Captain

Whalley; I say; what do you do with your money?  You

must have stacks of money somewherea man like you

must。  It stands to reason。  I am not a fool; you know;

Captain Whalleypartner。〃

Again he paused; as though he had done for good。

He passed his tongue over his lips; gave a backward

glance at the Serang conning the ship with quiet whis…

pers and slight signs of the hand。  The wash of the

propeller sent a swift ripple; crested with dark froth;

upon a long flat spit of black slime。  The Sofala had

entered the river; the trail she had stirred up over the

bar was a mile astern of her now; out of sight; had dis…

appeared utterly; and the smooth; empty sea along the

coast was left behind in the glittering desolation of sun…

shine。  On each side of her; low down; the growth of

somber twisted mangroves covered the semi…liquid banks;

and Massy continued in his old tone; with an abrupt

start; as if his speech had been ground out of him; like

the tune of a music…box; by turning a handle。

〃Though if anybody ever got the best of me; it is you。

I don't mind saying this。  I've said itthere!  What

more can you want?  Isn't that enough for your pride;

Captain Whalley。  You got over me from the first。  It's

all of a piece; when I look back at it。  You allowed me

to insert that clause about intemperance without saying

anything; only looking very sick when I made a point

of it going in black on white。  How could I tell what

was wrong about you。  There's generally something

wrong somewhere。  And; lo and behold! when you

come on board it turns out that you've been in the

habit of drinking nothing but water for years and


His dogmatic reproachful whine stopped。  He 
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