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end of the tether-第16章

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awnings; cut crosswise the narrow planking of the deck

and separated their feet as it were a stream; something

profound and subtle and incalculable; like an unex…

pressed understanding; a secret mistrust; or some sort

of fear。

At last Sterne; blinking his deep…set eyes and sticking

forward his scraped; clean…cut chin; as crimson as the

rest of his face; murmured

〃You've seen?  He grazed!  You've seen?〃

Massy; contemptuous; and without raising his yellow;

fleshy countenance; replied in the same pitch

〃Maybe。  But if it had been you we would have been

stuck fast in the mud。〃

〃Pardon me; Mr。 Massy。  I beg to deny it。  Of course

a shipowner may say what he jolly well pleases on his

own deck。  That's all right; but I beg to 。 。 。〃

〃Get out of my way!〃

The other had a slight start; the impulse of suppressed

indignation perhaps; but held his ground。  Massy's

downward glance wandered right and left; as though the

deck all round Sterne had been bestrewn with eggs that

must not be broken; and he had looked irritably for

places where he could set his feet in flight。  In the end

he too did not move; though there was plenty of room

to pass on。

〃I heard you say up there;〃 went on the mate〃and

a very just remark it was toothat there's always

something wrong。 。 。 。〃

〃Eavesdropping is what's wrong with YOU; Mr。


〃Now; if you would only listen to me for a moment;

Mr。 Massy; sir; I could 。 。 。〃

〃You are a sneak;〃 interrupted Massy in a great

hurry; and even managed to get so far as to repeat; 〃a

common sneak;〃 before the mate had broken in argu…


〃Now; sir; what is it you want?  You want 。 。 。〃

〃I wantI want;〃 stammered Massy; infuriated and

astonished〃I want。  How do you know that I want

anything?  How dare you? 。 。 。  What do you

mean? 。 。 。  What are you afteryou 。 。 。〃

〃Promotion。〃  Sterne silenced him with a sort of

candid bravado。  The engineer's round soft cheeks quiv…

ered still; but he said quietly enough

〃You are only worrying my head off;〃 and Sterne

met him with a confident little smile。

〃A chap in business I know (well up in the world

he is now) used to tell me that this was the proper way。

'Always push on to the front;' he would say。  'Keep

yourself well before your boss。  Interfere whenever you

get a chance。  Show him what you know。  Worry him

into seeing you。'  That was his advice。  Now I know

no other boss than you here。  You are the owner; and

no one else counts for THAT much in my eyes。  See; Mr。

Massy?  I want to get on。  I make no secret of it that

I am one of the sort that means to get on。  These are

the men to make use of; sir。  You haven't arrived at

the top of the tree; sir; without finding that outI

dare say。〃

〃Worry your boss in order to get on;〃 mumbled

Massy; as if awestruck by the irreverent originality of

the idea。  〃I shouldn't wonder if this was just what the

Blue Anchor people kicked you out of the employ for。

Is that what you call getting on?  You shall get on in

the same way here if you aren't carefulI can promise


At this Sterne hung his head; thoughtful; perplexed;

winking hard at the deck。  All his attempts to enter into

confidential relations with his owner had led of late

to nothing better than these dark threats of dismissal;

and a threat of dismissal would check him at once into

a hesitating silence as though he were not sure that

the proper time for defying it had come。  On this occa…

sion he seemed to have lost his tongue for a moment; and

Massy; getting in motion; heavily passed him by with

an abortive attempt at shouldering。  Sterne defeated it

by stepping aside。  He turned then swiftly; opening

his mouth very wide as if to shout something after the

engineer; but seemed to think better of it。

Alwaysas he was ready to confesson the lookout

for an opening to get on; it had become an instinct with

him to watch the conduct of his immediate superiors for

something 〃that one could lay hold of。〃  It was his

belief that no skipper in the world would keep his com…

mand for a day if only the owners could be 〃made to

know。〃  This romantic and naive theory had led him

into trouble more than once; but he remained incorrigi…

ble; and his character was so instinctively disloyal that

whenever he joined a ship the intention of ousting his

commander out of the berth and taking his place was

always present at the back of his head; as a matter of

course。  It filled the leisure of his waking hours with

the reveries of careful plans and compromising discov…

eriesthe dreams of his sleep with images of lucky

turns and favorable accidents。  Skippers had been

known to sicken and die at sea; than which nothing

could be better to give a smart mate a chance of showing

what he's made of。  They also would tumble overboard

sometimes: he had heard of one or two such cases。

Others again 。 。 。  But; as it were constitutionally; he

was faithful to the belief that the conduct of no single

one of them would stand the test of careful watching

by a man who 〃knew what's what〃 and who kept his

eyes 〃skinned pretty well〃 all the time。

After he had gained a permanent footing on board

the Sofala he allowed his perennial hope to rise high。

To begin with; it was a great advantage to have an old

man for captain: the sort of man besides who in the

nature of things was likely to give up the job before

long from one cause or another。  Sterne was greatly

chagrined; however; to notice that he did not seem any…

way near being past his work yet。  Still; these old men

go to pieces all at once sometimes。  Then there was the

owner…engineer close at hand to be impressed by his zeal

and steadiness。  Sterne never for a moment doubted the

obvious nature of his own merits (he was really an ex…

cellent officer); only; nowadays; professional merit alone

does not take a man along fast enough。  A chap must

have some push in him; and must keep his wits at work

too to help him forward。  He made up his mind to

inherit the charge of this steamer if it was to be done

at all; not indeed estimating the command of the

Sofala as a very great catch; but for the reason that;

out East especially; to make a start is everything; and

one command leads to another。

He began by promising himself to behave with great

circumspection; Massy's somber and fantastic humors

intimidated him as being outside one's usual sea experi…

ence; but he was quite intelligent enough to realize al…

most from the first that he was there in the presence of

an exceptional situation。  His peculiar prying imagina…

tion penetrated it quickly; the feeling that there was

in it an element which eluded his grasp exasperated his

impatience to get on。  And so one trip came to an end;

then another; and he had begun his third before he saw

an opening by which he could step in with any sort of

effect。  It had all been very queer and very obscure;

something had been going on near him; as if separated

by a chasm from the common life and the working

routine of the ship; which was exactly like the life and

the routine of any other coasting steamer of that class。

Then one day he made his discovery。

It came to him after all these weeks of watchful ob…

servation and puzzled surmises; suddenly; like the long…

sought solution of a riddle that suggests itself to the

mind in a flash。  Not with the same authority; however。

Great heavens!  Could it be that?  And after remain…

ing thunderstruck for a few seconds he tried to shake

it off with self…contumely; as though it had been the

product of an unhealthy bias towards the Incredible;

the Inexplicable; the Unheard…ofthe Mad!

Thisthe illuminating momenthad occurred the trip

before; on the return passage。  They had just left a

place of call on the mainland called Pangu; they were

steaming straight out of a bay。  To the east a massive

headland closed the view; with the tilted edges of the

rocky strata showing through its ragged clothing of

rank bushes and thorny creepers。  The wind had begun

to sing in the rigging; the sea along the coast; green

and as if swollen a little above the line
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