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end of the tether-第17章

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to sing in the rigging; the sea along the coast; green

and as if swollen a little above the line of the horizon;

seemed to pour itself over; time after time; with a slow

and thundering fall; into the shadow of the leeward

cape; and across the wide opening the nearest of a

group of small islands stood enveloped in the hazy

yellow light of a breezy sunrise; still farther out the

hummocky tops of other islets peeped out motionless

above the water of the channels between; scoured

tumultuously by the breeze。

The usual track of the Sofala both going and return…

ing on every trip led her for a few miles along this reef…

infested region。  She followed a broad lane of water;

dropping astern; one after another; these crumbs of the

earth's crust resembling a squadron of dismasted hulks

run in disorder upon a foul ground of rocks and shoals。

Some of these fragments of land appeared; indeed; no

bigger than a stranded ship; others; quite flat; lay

awash like anchored rafts; like ponderous; black rafts

of stone; several; heavily timbered and round at the

base; emerged in squat domes of deep green foliage that

shuddered darkly all over to the flying touch of cloud

shadows driven by the sudden gusts of the squally sea…

son。  The thunderstorms of the coast broke frequently

over that cluster; it turned then shadowy in its whole

extent; it turned more dark; and as if more still in the

play of fire; as if more impenetrably silent in the peals

of thunder; its blurred shapes vanisheddissolving ut…

terly at times in the thick rainto reappear clear…cut

and black in the stormy light against the gray sheet of

the cloudscattered on the slaty round table of

the sea。  Unscathed by storms; resisting the work of

years; unfretted by the strife of the world; there it lay

unchanged as on that day; four hundred years ago;

when first beheld by Western eyes from the deck of

a high…pooped caravel。

It was one of these secluded spots that may be found

on the busy sea; as on land you come sometimes upon the

clustered houses of a hamlet untouched by men's rest…

lessness; untouched by their need; by their thought; and

as if forgotten by time itself。  The lives of uncounted

generations had passed it by; and the multitudes of sea…

fowl; urging their way from all the points of the horizon

to sleep on the outer rocks of the group; unrolled the

converging evolutions of their flight in long somber

streamers upon the glow of the sky。  The palpitating

cloud of their wings soared and stooped over the pinna…

cles of the rocks; over the rocks slender like spires; squat

like martello towers; over the pyramidal heaps like fallen

ruins; over the lines of bald bowlders showing like a wall

of stones battered to pieces and scorched by lightning

with the sleepy; clear glimmer of water in every breach。

The noise of their continuous and violent screaming

filled the air。

This great noise would meet the Sofala coming up from

Batu Beru; it would meet her on quiet evenings; a piti…

less and savage clamor enfeebled by distance; the

clamor of seabirds settling to rest; and struggling for

a footing at the end of the day。  No one noticed it

especially on board; it was the voice of their ship's un…

erring landfall; ending the steady stretch of a hundred

miles。  She had made good her course; she had run her

distance till the punctual islets began to emerge one by

one; the points of rocks; the hummocks of earth 。 。 。

and the cloud of birds hoveredthe restless cloud emit…

ting a strident and cruel uproar; the sound of the fa…

miliar scene; the living part of the broken land beneath;

of the outspread sea; and of the high sky without a


But when the Sofala happened to close with the land

after sunset she would find everything very still there

under the mantle of the night。  All would be still; dumb;

almost invisiblebut for the blotting out of the low

constellations occulted in turns behind the vague masses

of the islets whose true outlines eluded the eye amongst

the dark spaces of the heaven: and the ship's three lights;

resembling three starsthe red and the green with the

white aboveher three lights; like three companion

stars wandering on the earth; held their unswerving

course for the passage at the southern end of the group。

Sometimes there were human eyes open to watch them

come nearer; traveling smoothly in the somber void; the

eyes of a naked fisherman in his canoe floating over a

reef。  He thought drowsily: 〃Ha!  The fire…ship that

once in every moon goes in and comes out of Pangu

bay。〃  More he did not know of her。  And just as he

had detected the faint rhythm of the propeller beating

the calm water a mile and a half away; the time would

come for the Sofala to alter her course; the lights would

swing off him their triple beamand disappear。

A few miserable; half…naked families; a sort of outcast

tribe of long…haired; lean; and wild…eyed people; strove

for their living in this lonely wilderness of islets; lying

like an abandoned outwork of the land at the gates of

the bay。  Within the knots and loops of the rocks the

water rested more transparent than crystal under their

crooked and leaky canoes; scooped out of the trunk of

a tree: the forms of the bottom undulated slightly to

the dip of a paddle; and the men seemed to hang in the

air; they seemed to hang inclosed within the fibers of a

dark; sodden log; fishing patiently in a strange; un…

steady; pellucid; green air above the shoals。

Their bodies stalked brown and emaciated as if dried

up in the sunshine; their lives ran out silently; the

homes where they were born; went to rest; and died

flimsy sheds of rushes and coarse grass eked out with

a few ragged matswere hidden out of sight from the

open sea。  No glow of their household fires ever kindled

for a seaman a red spark upon the blind night of the

group: and the calms of the coast; the flaming long

calms of the equator; the unbreathing; concentrated

calms like the deep introspection of a passionate nature;

brooded awfully for days and weeks together over the

unchangeable inheritance of their children; till at last

the stones; hot like live embers; scorched the naked sole;

till the water clung warm; and sickly; and as if thick…

ened; about the legs of lean men with girded loins; wad…

ing thigh…deep in the pale blaze of the shallows。  And

it would happen now and then that the Sofala; through

some delay in one of the ports of call; would heave in

sight making for Pangu bay as late as noonday。

Only a blurring cloud at first; the thin mist of her

smoke would arise mysteriously from an empty point on

the clear line of sea and sky。  The taciturn fishermen

within the reefs would extend their lean arms towards

the offing; and the brown figures stooping on the tiny

beaches; the brown figures of men; women; and children

grubbing in the sand in search of turtles' eggs; would

rise up; crooked elbow aloft and hand over the eyes; to

watch this monthly apparition glide straight on; swerve

offand go by。  Their ears caught the panting of that

ship; their eyes followed her till she passed between the

two capes of the mainland going at full speed as though

she hoped to make her way unchecked into the very

bosom of the earth。

On such days the luminous sea would give no sign of

the dangers lurking on both sides of her path。  Every…

thing remained still; crushed by the overwhelming power

of the light; and the whole group; opaque in the sun…

shine;the rocks resembling pinnacles; the rocks resem…

bling spires; the rocks resembling ruins; the forms of

islets resembling beehives; resembling mole…hills; the

islets recalling the shapes of haystacks; the contours of

ivy…clad towers;would stand reflected together upside

down in the unwrinkled water; like carved toys of ebony

disposed on the silvered plate…glass of a mirror。

The first touch of blowing weather would envelop the

whole at once in the spume of the windward breakers;

as if in a sudden cloudlike burst of steam; and the clear

water seemed fairly to boil in all the passages。  The

provoked sea outlined exactly in a design of angry foam

the wide base of the group; the submerged level of

broken waste and refuse left over from the building of

the coa
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