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taken refuge。
Scantily furnished; and with a waxed floor; it opened
into one of the side…verandas。 The straggling building
of bricks; as airy as a bird…cage; resounded with the
incessant flapping of rattan screens worried by the wind
between the white…washed square pillars of the sea…front。
The rooms were lofty; a ripple of sunshine flowed over
the ceilings; and the periodical invasions of tourists from
some passenger steamer in the harbor flitted through the
wind…swept dusk of the apartments with the tumult of
their unfamiliar voices and impermanent presences; like
relays of migratory shades condemned to speed headlong
round the earth without leaving a trace。 The babble
of their irruptions ebbed out as suddenly as it had arisen;
the draughty corridors and the long chairs of the ve…
randas knew their sight…seeing hurry or their prostrate
repose no more; and Captain Whalley; substantial and
dignified; left wellnigh alone in the vast hotel by each
light…hearted skurry; felt more and more like a stranded
tourist with no aim in view; like a forlorn traveler with…
out a home。 In the solitude of his room he smoked
thoughtfully; gazing at the two sea…chests which held all
that he could call his own in this world。 A thick roll of
charts in a sheath of sailcloth leaned in a corner; the
flat packing…case containing the portrait in oils and
the three carbon photographs had been pushed under
the bed。 He was tired of discussing terms; of assisting
at surveys; of all the routine of the business。 What to
the other parties was merely the sale of a ship was to
him a momentous event involving a radically new view of
existence。 He knew that after this ship there would
be no other; and the hopes of his youth; the exercise of
his abilities; every feeling and achievement of his man…
hood; had been indissolubly connected with ships。 He
had served ships; he had owned ships; and even the
years of his actual retirement from the sea had been made
bearable by the idea that he had only to stretch out his
hand full of money to get a ship。 He had been at
liberty to feel as though he were the owner of all the
ships in the world。 The selling of this one was weary
work; but when she passed from him at last; when he
signed the last receipt; it was as though all the ships
had gone out of the world together; leaving him on the
shore of inaccessible oceans with seven hundred pounds
in his hands。
Striding firmly; without haste; along the quay; Captain
Whalley averted his glances from the familiar roadstead。
Two generations of seamen born since his first day at
sea stood between him and all these ships at the anchor…
age。 His own was sold; and he had been asking him…
self; What next?
From the feeling of loneliness; of inward emptiness;
and of loss too; as if his very soul had been taken
out of him forcibly;there had sprung at first a desire
to start right off and join his daughter。 〃Here are the
last pence;〃 he would say to her; 〃take them; my dear。
And here's your old father: you must take him too。〃
His soul recoiled; as if afraid of what lay hidden at
the bottom of this impulse。 Give up! Never! When
one is thoroughly weary all sorts of nonsense come into
one's head。 A pretty gift it would have been for a poor
womanthis seven hundred pounds with the incumbrance
of a hale old fellow more than likely to last for years
and years to come。 Was he not as fit to die in harness
as any of the youngsters in charge of these anchored
ships out yonder? He was as solid now as ever he had
been。 But as to who would give him work to do; that
was another matter。 Were he; with his appearance and
antecedents; to go about looking for a junior's berth;
people; he was afraid; would not take him seriously; or
else if he succeeded in impressing them; he would maybe
obtain their pity; which would be like stripping your…
self naked to be kicked。 He was not anxious to give
himself away for less than nothing。 He had no use
for anybody's pity。 On the other hand; a command
the only thing he could try for with due regard for
common decencywas not likely to be lying in wait for
him at the corner of the next street。 Commands don't
go a…begging nowadays。 Ever since he had come ashore
to carry out the business of the sale he had kept his
ears open; but had heard no hint of one being vacant
in the port。 And even if there had been one; his suc…
cessful past itself stood in his way。 He had been his
own employer too long。 The only credential he could
produce was the testimony of his whole life。 What
better recommendation could anyone require? But
vaguely he felt that the unique document would be
looked upon as an archaic curiosity of the Eastern
waters; a screed traced in obsolete wordsin a half…for…
gotten language。
Revolving these thoughts; he strolled on near the rail…
ings of the quay; broad…chested; without a stoop; as
though his big shoulders had never felt the burden of
the loads that must be carried between the cradle and
the grave。 No single betraying fold or line of care
disfigured the reposeful modeling of his face。 It was
full and untanned; and the upper part emerged; mas…
sively quiet; out of the downward flow of silvery hair;
with the striking delicacy of its clear complexion and
the powerful width of the forehead。 The first cast of
his glance fell on you candid and swift; like a boy's;
but because of the ragged snowy thatch of the eyebrows
the affability of his attention acquired the character of
a dark and searching scrutiny。 With age he had put
on flesh a little; had increased his girth like an old tree
presenting no symptoms of decay; and even the opulent;
lustrous ripple of white hairs upon his chest seemed an
attribute of unquenchable vitality and vigor。
Once rather proud of his great bodily strength; and
even of his personal appearance; conscious of his worth;
and firm in his rectitude; there had remained to him;
like the heritage of departed prosperity; the tranquil
bearing of a man who had proved himself fit in every
sort of way for the life of his choice。 He strode on
squarely under the projecting brim of an ancient Panama
hat。 It had a low crown; a crease through its whole
diameter; a narrow black ribbon。 Imperishable and a
little discolored; this headgear made it easy to pick him
out from afar on thronged wharves and in the busy
streets。 He had never adopted the comparatively modern
fashion of pipeclayed cork helmets。 He disliked the
form; and he hoped he could manage to keep a cool
head to the end of his life without all these contrivances
for hygienic ventilation。 His hair was cropped close;
his linen always of immaculate whiteness; a suit of thin
gray flannel; worn threadbare but scrupulously brushed;
floated about his burly limbs; adding to his bulk by the
looseness of its cut。 The years had mellowed the good…
humored; imperturbable audacity of his prime into a
temper carelessly serene; and the leisurely tapping of
his iron…shod stick accompanied his footfalls with a self…
confident sound on the flagstones。 It was impossible to
connect such a fine presence and this unruffled aspect
with the belittling troubles of poverty; the man's whole
existence appeared to pass before you; facile and large;
in the freedom of means as ample as the clothing of his
The irrational dread of having to break into his five
hundred pounds for personal expenses in the hotel dis…
turbed the steady poise of his mind。 There was no
time to lose。 The bill was running up。 He nourished
the hope that this five hundred would perhaps be the
means; if everything else failed; of obtaining some work
which; keeping his body and soul together (not a matter
of great outlay); would enable him to be of use to his
daughter。 To his mind it was her own money which he
employed; as it were; in backing her father and solely
for her benefit。 Once at work; he would help her with
the greater part of his earnings; he was good for many
years yet; and this boarding…house business; he argued
to himself; whatever the prospects; could not be much of
a gold…mine from the first start。 But what work? He
was ready to lay hold of anything in an honest way