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tom swift & his electric runabout(汤姆史威特和他的电力小轿车)-第8章

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from Berk's hill; and it's a tire that is broken; not a wheel。〃 

     〃But   I   don't   understand;〃   said   Mr。   Foger。   〃No   friend   has   been   out 

riding with us。 My son and I were out on a business trip; and〃 

     〃Come on; pop。 I've got it all pumped up。 Jump in。 There's your pump; 

Tom Swift。 Much obliged;〃 muttered Andy hastily。                   It was very evident 

that he wanted to prevent any further conversation between his parent and 


     〃But I don't understand;〃 went on the banker; clearly puzzled。 〃What 

friend gave you such information; Mr。erTom Swift?〃 

     〃Sam   Snedecker;〃       replied   the  lad  quickly。   〃I  caught    him   sneaking 

around my machine shop about an hour ago; and when I asked him what 

he was doing he said he'd been out riding with Andy; and that they broke a 

wheel。   I'm   glad   it   was   only   a   blown…   out   tire;〃   and   Tom's   voice   had   a 

curious note in it。 

     〃But there must be some mistake;〃 insisted Mr。 Foger。 〃Sam Snedecker 

was not riding with us this evening。 We have been over to Waterfieldmy 

son and I; and〃 

     〃Come on; pop!〃 cried Andy desperately。 〃We must hurry home。 Mom 

will be worried。〃 

     〃Yes; I think she will。 But I can't understand why Sam should say such 

a thing。 However; we are much obliged for the use of your pump; Swift; 


     But    Andy    prevented    any   further   talk  by   starting   the  car  with   the 


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       TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road 

muffler   open;   making   a   great   racket;   and   he   hurriedly  drove   off;   almost 

before   his   father   was   seated;   leaving   Tom   standing   there   in   the   road; 

beside his pump and lantern。 

     〃So;〃 mused the young inventor; 〃there's some game on。 Sam wasn't 

with Andy; yet Andy evidently knew where Sam was; or he wouldn't have 

been    so   anxious    to  choke   off   talk。  Mr。  Foger    knew    nothing    of  Sam; 

naturally。  But   why  have Andy  and   his   father been   on   a   midnight   trip   to 


     That last question caused Tom to adopt a new line of thought。 

     〃Waterfield;〃 he mused。 〃That's where Mr。 Damon lives。 Mr。 Damon is 

a heavy depositor in the old bank。 Mr。 Foger is going to start a new bank。 I 

wonder if there's any connection there? This is getting mysterious。 I must 

keep my eyes open。 I never expected to meet Andy and his father tonight; 

any more than I expected to find Sam Snedecker sneaking around my shop; 

but it's a good thing I discovered both parties。 I guess Andy must have had 

nervous prostration when I was talking to his father;〃 and Tom grinned at 

the thought。 Then; picking up the pump; and fastening the lantern in place; 

he drove Mr。 Damon's auto slowly back home。 

     Tom said nothing to his father or Mr。 Sharp; the next morning; about 

the incidents of the previous night。 In the first place he could not exactly 

understand them; and he wanted to devote more time to thinking of them; 

before he mentioned the matter to his parent。 Another reason was that Mr。 

Swift was a very nervous person; and the least thing out of the ordinary 

worried him。 So the young inventor concluded to keep quiet。 

     His first act; after going to look at the small motor; which was being 

run with the larger; experimental storage battery; was to get out pencil and 


     〃I've got to plan the electric auto now that my battery is in a fair way 

to success;〃 he said; for he noted that the one cell he had constructed had 

done over twice as much mileage in proportion; as had the small battery。 

〃I'll soon start building the car;〃 mused Tom; 〃and then I'll enter it in the 

race。 I must write to that touring club and find how much time I have。〃 

     All   that  morning     the   young    inventor    drew   plan   after  plan   for  an 

electric   runabout;   and   rejected   them。   Finally   he   threw   aside   paper   and 


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       TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road 

pencil and exclaimed: 

     〃It's   no  use。  I  can't  think   to…day。   I'm   dwelling    too  much    on   what 

happened last night。 I must clear my brain。 

     〃I know what I'll do。 I'll get in my motor…boat and take a run over to 

Waterfield to see Mr。 Damon。 Maybe he's home by this time。 Then I can 

ask him what Mr。 Foger wanted to see him about; if he did call。〃 

     It was a fine May morning; and Tom was soon in his boat; the Arrow; 

gliding over Lake Carlopa; the waters of which sparkled in the sun。 As he 

speeded up his craft; the lad looked about; thinking he might catch sight of 

Andy Foger; for the bully also owned a boat; called the Red Streak and; 

more     than   once;   in  spite  of   the  fact  that  Andy's     craft  was   the   more 

powerful; Tom had beaten him in impromptu races。 But there was no sign 

of his rival this morning; and Tom kept on to Waterfield。 He found that Mr。 

Damon had not yet returned home。 

     〃So far I've had my run for nothing;〃 mused the youth。 〃Well; I might 

as well spend the rest of the morning in the boat。〃 

     He    swung     his  craft   out   into  the   lake;   and   headed     back   toward 

Mansburg;   intending   to   run   up   to   the   head   of   the   body   of   water;   which 

offered so many attractions that beautiful morning。 

     As Tom passed a small dock he saw a girl just putting out in a rowboat。 

The   figure   looked   familiar   and;   having   nothing   special   to   do;   the   lad 

steered    over    closer。  His   first  view   was   confirmed;     and    he  called   out 


     〃Good morning; Miss Nestor。 Going for a row?〃 

     〃Oh! Mr。 Swift!〃 exclaimed the girl with a blush。                〃I didn't hear you 

coming。 You startled me。〃 

     〃Yes;   the   engine   runs   quite   silently   since   I   fixed   it;〃   resumed   Tom。 

〃But where are you going?〃 

     〃I was going for a row;〃 answered the girl; 〃but I have just discovered 

that one of the oar locks is broken; so I am not going for a row;〃 and she 

laughed; showing her white; even teeth。 

     〃That's    too   bad!〃   remarked      the  lad。  〃I   don't  suppose;〃     he   added 

doubtfully; 〃that I could induce you to accept a motor…boat as a substitute 

for a rowing craft; could I?〃 and he looked quizzically at her。 


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      TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road 

    〃Are you asking me that as a hypothetical question?〃 she inquired。 

    〃Yes;〃 said Tom; trying not to smile。 

    〃Well; if you are asking for information; merely; I will say that I could 

he induced to make such a change;〃 and her face was nearly as grave as 

that of the young inventor's。 

    〃What inducement would have to be used?〃 he asked。 

    〃Suppose you just ask me in plain English to come and have a ride?〃 

she suggested。 

    〃All right; I will!〃 exclaimed the youth。 

    〃All right; then I'll come!〃 she retorted with a laugh; and a few minutes 

later the two were in the Arrow; making a pretty picture as they speeded 

up the lake。 


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       TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road 

                               CHAPTER VI 

                                  BUILDING THE CAR 

       〃Well;〃 remarked Tom to himself; about two hours later; when he had 

left Mary Nestor at her dock; and was on his way home; 〃I feel better than 

I did; and now I must do some hard thinking about my runabout。 I want to 

get it the right shape to make the least resistance。〃 He began to make some 

sketches when he got home; and at dinner he showed them to his father 

and Mr。 Sharp。 He said he had gotten an idea from looking at the airship。 

     〃I'm going to make the front part; or what corresponds to the engine… 

hood   in   a   gasolene   car;   pointed;〃   he   explained。   〃It   will   be   just   like   the 

front of the aluminum gas container of the airship; only built of steel。 In it 

will be a compartment for a set of batteries; and there will be a searchlight 

there。   From   the   top   of   some   supporters   in   front   of   the   two   rear   seats;   a 

slanting sheet of steel will come right down to meet the sloping nose of the 

car。 First I was going to have curtains close over the top of the driver's seat; 

but   I   think   a   steel   covering;   with   a   celluloid   opening   will   be   better   and 

make   less   wind   resistance。   I'll   use   leather   side   curtains   when   it   rains。 

Under the front seats will be a compartment for more batteries; and there 

will   be   a   third   place   under   
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