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round the moon-第8章

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and the most logical language to those who know how to read it。〃

〃And you pretend; Nicholl;〃 asked Michel; 〃that by means of
these hieroglyphics; more incomprehensible than the Egyptian
Ibis; you can find what initiatory speed it was necessary to
give the projectile?〃

〃Incontestably;〃 replied Nicholl; 〃and even by this same formula
I can always tell you its speed at any point of its transit。〃

〃On your word?〃

〃On my word。〃

〃Then you are as cunning as our president。〃

〃No; Michel; the difficult part is what Barbicane has done; that
is; to get an equation which shall satisfy all the conditions of
the problem。  The remainder is only a question of arithmetic;
requiring merely the knowledge of the four rules。〃

〃That is something!〃 replied Michel Ardan; who for his life
could not do addition right; and who defined the rule as a
Chinese puzzle; which allowed one to obtain all sorts of totals。

〃The expression _v_ zero; which you see in that equation; is the
speed which the projectile will have on leaving the atmosphere。〃

〃Just so;〃 said Nicholl; 〃it is from that point that we must
calculate the velocity; since we know already that the velocity
at departure was exactly one and a half times more than on
leaving the atmosphere。〃

〃I understand no more;〃 said Michel。

〃It is a very simple calculation;〃 said Barbicane。

〃Not as simple as I am;〃 retorted Michel。

〃That means; that when our projectile reached the limits of the
terrestrial atmosphere it had already lost one…third of its
initiatory speed。〃

〃As much as that?〃

〃Yes; my friend; merely by friction against the atmospheric strata。
You understand that the faster it goes the more resistance it meets
with from the air。〃

〃That I admit;〃 answered Michel; 〃and I understand it;
although your x's and zero's; and algebraic formula; are
rattling in my head like nails in a bag。〃

〃First effects of algebra;〃 replied Barbicane; 〃and now; to
finish; we are going to prove the given number of these
different expressions; that is; work out their value。〃

〃Finish me!〃 replied Michel。

Barbicane took the paper; and began to make his calculations
with great rapidity。  Nicholl looked over and greedily read the
work as it proceeded。

〃That's it! that's it!〃 at last he cried。

〃Is it clear?〃 asked Barbicane。

〃It is written in letters of fire;〃 said Nicholl。

〃Wonderful fellows!〃 muttered Ardan。

〃Do you understand it at last?〃 asked Barbicane。

〃Do I understand it?〃 cried Ardan; 〃my head is splitting with it。〃

〃And now;〃 said Nicholl; 〃to find out the speed of the
projectile when it leaves the atmosphere; we have only to
calculate that。〃

The captain; as a practical man equal to all difficulties; began
to write with frightful rapidity。  Divisions and multiplications
grew under his fingers; the figures were like hail on the white page。
Barbicane watched him; while Michel Ardan nursed a growing headache
with both hands。

〃Very well?〃 asked Barbicane; after some minutes' silence。

〃Well!〃 replied Nicholl; every calculation made; _v_ zero; that
is to say; the speed necessary for the projectile on leaving the
atmosphere; to enable it to reach the equal point of attraction;
ought to be〃

〃Yes?〃 said Barbicane。

〃Twelve thousand yards。〃

〃What!〃 exclaimed Barbicane; starting; 〃you say〃

〃Twelve thousand yards。〃

〃The devil!〃 cried the president; making a gesture of despair。

〃What is the matter?〃 asked Michel Ardan; much surprised。

〃What is the matter! why; if at this moment our speed had
already diminished one…third by friction; the initiatory speed
ought to have been〃

〃Seventeen thousand yards。〃

〃And the Cambridge Observatory declared that twelve thousand
yards was enough at starting; and our projectile; which only
started with that speed〃

〃Well?〃 asked Nicholl。

〃Well; it will not be enough。〃


〃We shall not be able to reach the neutral point。〃

〃The deuce!〃

〃We shall not even get halfway。〃

〃In the name of the projectile!〃 exclaimed Michel Ardan; jumping
as if it was already on the point of striking the terrestrial globe。

〃And we shall fall back upon the earth!〃



This revelation came like a thunderbolt。  Who could have
expected such an error in calculation?  Barbicane would not
believe it。  Nicholl revised his figures: they were exact。
As to the formula which had determined them; they could not
suspect its truth; it was evident that an initiatory velocity of
seventeen thousand yards in the first second was necessary to
enable them to reach the neutral point。

The three friends looked at each other silently。  There was no
thought of breakfast。  Barbicane; with clenched teeth; knitted
brows; and hands clasped convulsively; was watching through
the window。  Nicholl had crossed his arms; and was examining
his calculations。  Michel Ardan was muttering:

〃That is just like these scientific men:  they never do anything else。
I would give twenty pistoles if we could fall upon the Cambridge
Observatory and crush it; together with the whole lot of dabblers
in figures which it contains。〃

Suddenly a thought struck the captain; which he at once
communicated to Barbicane。

〃Ah!〃 said he; 〃it is seven o'clock in the morning; we have
already been gone thirty…two hours; more than half our passage
is over; and we are not falling that I am aware of。〃

Barbicane did not answer; but after a rapid glance at the
captain; took a pair of compasses wherewith to measure the
angular distance of the terrestrial globe; then from the lower
window he took an exact observation; and noticed that the
projectile was apparently stationary。  Then rising and wiping
his forehead; on which large drops of perspiration were
standing; he put some figures on paper。  Nicholl understood that
the president was deducting from the terrestrial diameter the
projectile's distance from the earth。  He watched him anxiously。

〃No;〃 exclaimed Barbicane; after some moments; 〃no; we are not
falling! no; we are already more than 50;000 leagues from the earth。
We have passed the point at which the projectile would have stopped
if its speed had only been 12;000 yards at starting。  We are still
going up。〃

〃That is evident;〃 replied Nicholl; 〃and we must conclude that
our initial speed; under the power of the 400;000 pounds of
gun…cotton; must have exceeded the required 12;000 yards。
Now I can understand how; after thirteen minutes only; we met the
second satellite; which gravitates round the earth at more than
2;000 leagues' distance。〃

〃And this explanation is the more probable;〃 added Barbicane;
〃Because; in throwing off the water enclosed between its
partition…breaks; the projectile found itself lightened of a
considerable weight。〃

〃Just so;〃 said Nicholl。

〃Ah; my brave Nicholl; we are saved!〃

〃Very well then;〃 said Michel Ardan quietly; 〃as we are safe;
let us have breakfast。〃

Nicholl was not mistaken。  The initial speed had been; very
fortunately; much above that estimated by the Cambridge
Observatory; but the Cambridge Observatory had nevertheless made
a mistake。

The travelers; recovered from this false alarm; breakfasted merrily。
If they ate a good deal; they talked more。  Their confidence was
greater after than before 〃the incident of the algebra。〃

〃Why should we not succeed?〃 said Michel Ardan; 〃why should we
not arrive safely?  We are launched; we have no obstacle before
us; no stones in the way; the road is open; more so than that of
a ship battling with the sea; more open than that of a balloon
battling with the wind; and if a ship can reach its destination;
a balloon go where it pleases; why cannot our projectile attain
its end and aim?〃

〃It _will_ attain it;〃 said Barbicane。

〃If only to do honor to the Americans;〃 added Michel Ardan; 〃the
only people who could bring such an enterprise to a happy termination;
and the only one which could produce a President Barbicane。  Ah; now
we are no longer uneasy; I begin to think; What will become of us?
We shall get right royally weary。〃

Barbicane and Nicholl made a gesture of denial。

〃But I have provided for the contingency; my friends;〃 replied
Michel; 〃you have only to speak; and I have chess; draughts;
cards; and dominoes at your disposal; nothing is wanting but a

〃What!〃 exclaimed Barbicane; 〃you brought away such trifles?〃

〃Certainly;〃 replied Michel; 〃and not only to distract
ourselves; but also with the laudable intention of endowing the
Selenite smoking divans with them。〃

〃My friend;〃 said Barbicane; 〃if the moon is inhabited; its
inhabitants must have appeared some thousands of years before
those of the earth; for we cannot doubt that their star is much
older than ours。  If then these Selenites have existed their
hundreds of thousands of years; and if their brain is of the same
organization of the human brain; they have already invented all
that we have invented; and even what we may invent in future ages。
They have nothing to learn from _us_; and we have everything to
learn from _them_。〃

〃What!〃 said Michel; 〃you believe that they have artists like
Phidias; Michael Angelo; or Rap
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