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to have and to hold-第21章

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 to the temple and the dead kings。 I lead his war parties now; and I came with him。 Opechancanough is within the lodge。 He asks that my brother and Captain Percy come to him there。〃

He lifted the mat for us; and followed us into the lodge。 There was the usual winding entrance; with half a dozen mats to be lifted one after the other; but at last we came to the central chamber and to the man we sought。

He sat beside a small fire burning redly in the twilight of the room。 The light shone now upon the feathers in his scalp lock; now upon the triple row of pearls around his neck; now upon knife and tomahawk in his silk grass belt; now on the otterskin mantle hanging from his shoulder and drawn across his knees。 How old he was no man knew。 Men said that he was older than Powhatan; and Powhatan was very old when he died。 But he looked a man in the prime of life; his frame was vigorous; his skin unwrinkled; his eyes bright and full。 When he rose to welcome us; and Nantauquas stood beside him; there seemed not a score of years between them。

The matter upon which we had come was not one that brooked delay。 We waited with what patience  we might until his long speech of welcome was finished; when; in as few words as possible; Rolfe laid before him our complaint against the Paspaheghs。 The Indian listened; then said; in that voice that always made me think of some cold; still; bottomless pool lying black beneath overhanging rocks: 〃My brothers may go in peace。 The Paspaheghs have washed off the black paint。 If my brothers go to the village; they will find the peace pipe ready for their smoking。〃

Rolfe and I stared at each other。 〃I have sent messengers;〃 continued the Emperor。 〃I have told the Paspaheghs of my love for the white man; and of the goodwill the white man bears the Indian。 I have told them that Nemattanow was a murderer; and that his death was just。 They are satisfied。 Their village is as still as this beast at my feet。〃 He pointed downward to a tame panther crouched against his moccasins。 I thought it an ominous comparison。

Involuntarily we looked at Nantauquas。 〃It is true;〃 he said。 〃I am but come from the village of the Paspaheghs。 I took them the word of Opechancanough。〃

〃Then; since the matter is settled; we may go home;〃 I remarked; rising as I spoke。 〃We could; of course; have put down the Paspaheghs with one hand; giving them besides a lesson which they would not soon forget; but in the kindness of our hearts toward them and to save ourselves trouble we came to Opechancanough。 For his aid in this trifling business the Governor gives him thanks。〃

A smile just lit the features of the Indian。 It was gone in a moment。 〃Does not Opechancanough love the white men?〃 he said。 〃Some day he will do more than this for them。〃

We left the lodge and the dark Emperor within it; got to horse; and quitted the village; with its painted people; yellowing mulberries; and blood…red gum trees。 Nantauquas went with us; keeping pace with Rolfe's horse; and giving us now and then; in his deep musical voice; this or that bit of woodland news。 At the block house we found confirmation of the Emperor's statement。 An embassy from the Paspaheghs had come with presents; and the peace pipe had been smoked。 The spies; too; brought news that all war…like preparations had ceased in the village。 It had sunk once more into a quietude befitting the sleepy; dreamy; hazy weather。

Rolfe and I held a short consultation。 All appeared safe; but there was the possibility of a ruse。 At the last it seemed best that he; who by virtue of his peculiar relations with the Indians was ever our negotiator; should remain with half our troop at the block house; while I reported to the Governor。 So I left him; and Nantauquas with him; and rode back to Jamestown; reaching the town some hours sooner than I was expected。

It was after nooning when I passed through the gates of the palisade; and an hour later when I finished my report to the Governor。 When he at last dismissed me; I rode quickly down the street toward the minister's house。 As I passed the guest house; I glanced up at the window from which; at daybreak; the Italian had looked down upon me。 No one looked out now; the window was closely shuttered; and at the door beneath my lord's French rascals were conspicuously absent。 A few yards further on I met my lord face to face; as he emerged from a lane that led down to the river。 At sight of me he started violently;  and his hand went to his mouth。 I slightly bent my head; and rode on past him。 At the gate of the churchyard; a stone's throw from home; I met Master Jeremy Sparrow。

〃Well met!〃 he exclaimed。 〃Are the Indians quiet?〃

〃For the nonce。 How is your sick man?〃

〃Very well;〃 he answered gravely。 〃I closed his eyes two hours ago。〃

〃He's dead; then;〃 I said。 〃Well; he 's out of his troubles; and hath that advantage over the living。 Have you another call; that you travel from home so fast?〃

〃Why; to tell the truth;〃 he replied; 〃I could not but feel uneasy when I learned just now of this commotion amongst the heathen。 You must know best; but I should not have thought it a day for madam to walk in the woods; so I e'en thought I would cross the neck and bring her home。〃

〃For madam to walk in the woods?〃 I said slowly。 〃So she walks there? With whom?〃

〃With Diccon and Angela;〃 he answered。 〃They went before the sun was an hour high; so Goodwife Allen says。 I thought that you〃 …

〃No;〃 I told him。 〃On the contrary; I left command that she should not venture outside the garden。 There are more than Indians abroad。〃

I was white with anger; but besides anger there was fear in my heart。

〃I will go at once and bring her home;〃 I said。 As I spoke; I happened to glance toward the fort and the shipping in the river beyond。 Something seemed wrong with the prospect。 I looked again; and saw what hated and familiar object was missing。

〃Where is the Santa Teresa?〃 I demanded; the fear at my heart tugging harder。

〃She dropped downstream this morning。 I passed her as I came up from Archer's Hope; awhile ago。 She's anchored in midstream off the big spring。 Why did she go?〃

We looked each other in the eyes; and each read the thought that neither cared to put into words。

〃You can take the brown mare;〃 I said; speaking lightly because my heart was as heavy as lead; 〃and we'll ride to the forest。 It is all right; I dare say。 Doubtless we'll find her garlanding herself with the grape; or playing with the squirrels; or asleep on the red leaves; with her head in Angela's lap。〃

〃Doubtless;〃 he said。 〃Don't lose time。 I'll saddle the mare and overtake you in two minutes。〃


BESIDE the minister and myself; nothing human moved in the crimson woods。 Blue haze was there; and the steady drift of colored leaves; and the sunshine freely falling through bared limbs; but no man or woman。 The fallen leaves rustled as the deer passed; the squirrels chattered and the foxes barked; but we heard no sweet laughter or ringing song。

We found a bank of moss; and lying upon it a chaplet of red…brown oak leaves; further on; the mint beside a crystal streamlet had been trodden underfoot; then; flung down upon the brown earth beneath some pines; we came upon a long trailer of scarlet vine。 Beyond was a fairy hollow; a cuplike depression; curtained from the world by the red vines that hung from the trees upon its brim; and carpeted with the gold of a great maple; and here Fear became a giant with whom it was vain to wrestle。

There had been a struggle in the hollow。 The curtain of vines was torn; the boughs of a sumach bent and broken; the fallen leaves groun underfoot。 In one place there was blood upon the leaves。

The forest seemed suddenly very quiet; … quite soundless save for the beating of our hearts。 On every side opened red and yellow ways; sunny glades; labyrinthine paths; long aisles; all dim with the blue haze like the cloudy incense in stone cathedrals; but  nothing moved in them save the creatures of the forest。 Without the hollow there was no sign。 The leaves looked undisturbed; or others; drifting down; had hidden any marks there might have been; no footprints; no broken branches; no token of those who had left the hollow。 Down which of the painted ways had they gone; and where were they now?

Sparrow and I sat our horses; and stared now down this alley; now down that; into the blue that closed each vista。

〃The Santa Teresa is just off the big spring;〃 he said at last。 〃She must have dropped down there in order to take in water quietly。〃

〃The man that came upon her is still in town; … or was an hour agone;〃 I replied。

〃Then she has n't sailed yet;〃 he said。

In the distance something grew out of the blue mist。 I had not lived thirteen years in the woodland to be dim of sight or dull of hearing。

〃Some one is coming;〃 I announced。 〃Back your horse into this clump of sumach。〃

The sumach grew thick; and was draped; moreover; with some broad…leafed vine。 Within its covert we could see with small danger of being seen; unless the approaching figure should prove to be that of an Indian。 It was not an Indian; it was my Lord Carnal。 He came on slowly; glancing from side to side;
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