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to have and to hold-第7章

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 Ah; do not think that I have not hated myself for the lie I have been。 But these forest creatures that you take; … will they not bite against springe and snare? Are they scrupulous as to how they free themselves? I too was in the toils of the hunter; and I too was not scrupulous。 There was a thing of which I stood in danger that would have been bitterer to me; a thousand times; than death。 I had but one thought; to escape; how; I did not care; … only to escape。 I had a waiting woman named Patience Worth。 One night she came to me; weeping。 She had wearied of service; and had signed to go to Virginia as one of Sir Edwyn Sandys' maids; and at the last moment her heart had failed her。 There had been pressure brought to bear upon me that day; … I had been angered to the very soul。 I sent her away with a heavy bribe; and in her dress and under her name I fled from … I went aboard that ship。 No one guessed that I was  not the Patience Worth to whose name I answered。 No one

knows now; … none but you; none but you。〃

〃And why am I so far honored; madam?〃 I said bluntly。

She crimsoned; then went white again。 She was trembling now through her whole frame。 At last she broke out: 〃I am not of that crew that came to marry! To me you are the veriest stranger; … you are but the hand at which I caught to draw myself from a pit that had been digged for me。 It was my hope that this hour would never come。 When I fled; mad for escape; willing to dare anything but that which I left behind; I thought; 'I may die before that ship with its shameless cargo sets sail。' When the ship set sail; and we met with stormy weather; and there was much sickness aboard; I thought; 'I may drown or I may die of the fever。' When; this afternoon; I lay there in the boat; coming up this dreadful river through the glare of the lightning; and you thought I slept; I was thinking; 'The bolts may strike me yet; and all will be well。' I prayed for that death; but the storm passed。 I am not without shame。 I know that you must think all ill of me; that you must feel yourself gulled and cheated。 I am sorry … that is all I can say … I am sorry。 I am your wife … I was married to you to…day … but I know you not and love you not。 I ask you to hold me as I hold myself; a guest in your house; nothing more。 I am quite at your mercy。 I am entirely friendless; entirely alone。 I appeal to your generosity; to your honor〃 …

Before I could prevent her she was kneeling to me; and she would not rise; though I bade her do so。

I went to the door; unbarred it; and looked out into the night; for the air within the room stifled me。 It  was not much better outside。 The clouds had gathered again; and were now hanging thick and low。 From the distance came a rumble of thunder; and the whole night was dull; heavy; and breathless。 Hot anger possessed me: anger against Rolfe for suggesting this thing to me; anger against myself for that unlucky throw; anger; most of all; against the woman who had so cozened me。 In the servants' huts; a hundred yards away; lights were still burning; against rule; for the hour was late。 Glad that there was something I could rail out against; I strode down upon the men; and caught them assembled in Diccon's cabin; dicing for to…morrow's rum。 When I had struck out the light with my rapier; and had rated the rogues to their several quarters; I went back through the gathering storm to the brightly…lit; flower…decked room; and to Mistress Percy。

She was still kneeling; her hands at her breast; and her eyes; wide and dark; fixed upon the blackness without the open door。 I went up to her and took her by the hand。

〃I am a gentleman; madam;〃 I said。 〃You need have no fear of me。 I pray you to rise。〃

She stood up at that; and her breath came hurriedly through her parted lips; but she did not speak。

〃It grows late; and you must be weary;〃 I continued。 〃Your room is yonder。 I trust that you will sleep well。 Good…night。〃

I bowed low; and she curtsied to me。 〃Good…night;〃 she said。

On her way to the door; she brushed against the rack wherein hung my weapons。 Among them was a small dagger。 Her quick eye caught its gleam; and I saw her press closer to the wall; and with her right  hand strive stealthily to detach the blade from its fastening。 She did not understand the trick。 Her hand dropped to her side; and she was passing on; when I crossed the room; loosened the dagger; and offered it to her; with a smile and a bow。 She flushed scarlet and bit her lips; but she took it。

〃There are bars to the door within;〃 I said。 〃Again; good…night。〃

〃Good…night;〃 she answered; and; entering the room; she shut the door。 A moment more; and I heard the heavy bars drop into place。


TEN days later; Rolfe; going down river in his barge; touched at my wharf; and finding me there walked with me toward the house。

〃I have not seen you since you laughed my advice to scorn … and took it;〃 he said。 〃Where's the farthingale; Benedick the married man?〃

〃In the house。〃

〃Oh; ay!〃 he commented。 〃It's near to supper time。 I trust she's a good cook?〃

〃She does not cook;〃 I said dryly。 〃I have hired old Goody Cotton to do that。〃

He eyed me closely。 〃By all the gods! a new doublet! She is skillful with her needle; then?〃

〃She may be;〃 I answered。 〃Having never seen her with one; I am no judge。 The doublet was made by the tailor at Flowerdieu Hundred。〃

By this we had reached the level sward at the top of the bank。 〃Roses!〃 he exclaimed; … 〃a long row of them new planted! An arbor; too; and a seat beneath the big walnut! Since when hast thou turned gardner; Ralph?〃

〃It's Diccon's doing。 He is anxious to please his mistress。〃

〃Who neither sews; nor cooks; nor plants! What does she do?〃

〃She pulls the roses;〃 I said。 〃Come in。〃

When we had entered the house he stared about him; then cried out; 〃Acrasia's bower! Oh; thou sometime Guyon!〃 and began to laugh。

It was late afternoon; and the slant sunshine streaming in at door and window striped wall and floor with gold。 Floor and wall were no longer logs gnarled and stained: upon the one lay a carpet of delicate ferns and aromatic leaves; and glossy vines; purple…berried; tapestried the other。 Flowers … purple and red and yellow … were everywhere。 As we entered; a figure started up from the hearth。

〃St。 George!〃 exclaimed Rolfe。 〃You have never married a blackamoor?〃

〃It is the negress; Angela;〃 I said。 〃I bought her from William Pierce the other day。 Mistress Percy wished a waiting damsel。〃

The creature; one of the five females of her kind then in Virginia; looked at us with large; rolling eyes。 She knew a little Spanish; and I spoke to her in that tongue; bidding her find her mistress and tell her that company waited。 When she was gone I placed a jack of ale upon the table; and Rolfe and I sat down to discuss it。 Had I been in a mood for laughter; I could have found reason in his puzzled face。 There were flowers upon the table; and beside them a litter of small objects; one of which he now took up。

〃A white glove;〃 he said; 〃perfumed and silver…fringed; and of a size to fit Titania。〃

I spread its mate out upon my palm。 〃A woman's hand。 Too white; too soft; and too small。〃

He touched lightly; one by one; the slender fingers of the glove he held。 〃A woman's hand; … strength in weakness; veiled power; the star in the mist; guiding; beckoning; drawing upward!〃

I laughed and threw the glove from me。 〃The star; a will…of…the…wisp; the goal; a slough;〃 I said。

As he sat opposite me a change came over his face; a change so great that I knew before I turned that she was in the room。

The bundle which I had carried for her from Jamestown was neither small nor light。 Why; when she fled; she chose to burden herself with such toys; or whether she gave a thought to the suspicions that might be raised in Virginia if one of Sir Edwyn's maids bedecked herself in silk and lace and jewels; I do not know; but she had brought to the forest and the tobacco fields the gauds of a maid of honor。 The Puritan dress in which I first saw her was a thing of the past; she clothed herself now like the parrakeets in the forest; … or liker the lilies of the field; for verily she toiled not; neither did she spin。

Rolfe and I rose from our seats。 〃Mistress Percy;〃 I said; 〃let me present to you a right worthy gentleman and my very good friend; Master John Rolfe。〃

She curtsied; and he bowed low。 He was a man of quick wit and had been at court; but for a time he could find no words。 Then: 〃Mistress Percy's face is not one to be forgotten。 I have surely seen it before; though where〃 …

Her color mounted; but she answered him indifferently enough。 〃Probably in London; amongst the spectators of some pageant arranged in honor of the princess; your wife; sir;〃 she said carelessly。 〃I had twice the fortune to see the Lady Rebekah passing through the streets。〃

〃Not in the streets only;〃 he said courteously。 〃I remember now: 't was at my lord bishop's dinner。  A very courtly company it was。 You were laughing with my Lord Rich。 You wore pearls in your hair〃 …

She met his gaze fully and boldly。 〃Memory plays us strange tricks at times;〃 she told him in a clear; slightly ra
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