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the brotherhood of consolation-第26章

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spotless and without reproach; whose motherhood knew only grief; whose
married love knew only bitterness; on whom life smiled for a brief
time only; but for whom heaven reserves a palm; the reward of
resignation and of loving…kindness under sorrow。 Ah! does she not even
triumph over Job in never murmuring? Can you wonder that her words are
so powerful; her old age so young; her soul so communicative; her
glance so convincing? She has obtained extraordinary powers in dealing
with sufferers; for she has suffered all things。〃

〃She is the living image of Charity!〃 cried Godefroid; fervently。 〃Can
I ever be one of you?〃

〃You must first endure the tests; and above all BELIEVE!〃 said the old
man; gently。 〃So long as you have no faith; so long as you have not
absorbed into your heart and mind the divine meaning of Saint Paul's
epistle upon Charity; you cannot share our work。〃





Like evil; good is contagious。 Therefore when Madame de la Chanterie's
lodger had lived in that old and silent house for some months after
the worthy Alain's last confidence; which gave him the deepest respect
for the religious lives of those among whom his was cast; he
experienced that well…being of the soul which comes of a regulated
existence; gentle customs; and harmony of nature in those who surround
us。 At the end of four months; during which time Godefroid heard
neither a loud voice nor an argument; he could not remember that he
had ever been; if not as happy; at least as tranquil and contented。 He
now judged soundly of the world; seeing it from afar。 At last; the
desire he had felt for months to be a sharer in the work of these
mysterious persons became a passion。 Without being great philosophers
we can all understand the force which passions acquire in solitude。

Thus it happened that one daya day made solemn by the power of the
spirit within himGodefroid again went up to see the good old Alain;
him whom Madame de la Chanterie called her 〃lamb;〃 the member of the
community who seemed to Godefroid the least imposing; the most
approachable member of the fraternity; intending to obtain from him
some definite light on the conditions of the sacred work to which
these brothers of God were dedicated。 The allusions made to a period
of trial seemed to imply an initiation; which he was now desirous of
receiving。 His curiosity had not been satisfied by what the venerable
old man had already told him as to the causes which led to the work of
Madame de la Chanterie; he wanted to know more。

For the third time Godefroid entered Monsieur Alain's room; just as
the old man was beginning his evening reading of the 〃Imitation of
Jesus Christ。〃 This time the kindly soul did not restrain a smile when
he saw the young man; and he said at once; without allowing Godefroid
to speak:

〃Why do you come to me; my dear boy; why not go to Madame? I am the
most ignorant; the most imperfect; the least spiritual of our number。
For the last three days;〃 he added; with a shrewd little glance;
〃Madame and my other friends have read your heart。〃

〃What have they read there?〃 asked Godefroid。

〃Ah!〃 replied the goodman; without evasion; 〃they see in you a rather
artless desire to belong to our little flock。 But this sentiment is
not yet an ardent vocation。 Yes;〃 he continued; replying to a gesture
of Godefroid's; 〃you have more curiosity than fervor。 You are not yet
so detached from your old ideas that you do not look forward to
something adventurous; romantic; as they say; in the incidents of our

Godefroid could not keep himself from blushing。

〃You see a likeness between our occupations and those of the caliphs
of the 'Arabian Nights;' and you are thinking about the satisfaction
you will have in playing the part of the good genii in the tales of
benevolence you are inventing。 Ah; my dear boy! that shame…faced laugh
of yours proves to me that we were quite right in that conjecture。 How
do you expect to conceal any feeling from persons whose business it is
to divine the most hidden motion of souls; the tricks of poverty; the
calculations of indigence;honest spies; the police of the good God;
old judges; whose code contains nothing but absolutions; doctors of
suffering; whose only remedy is oftentimes the wise application of
money? But; you see; my child; we don't wish to quarrel with the
motives which bring us a neophyte; provided he will really stay and
become a brother of the order。 We shall judge you by your work。 There
are two kinds of curiosity;that of good and that of evil; just at
this moment you have that of good。 If you should work in our vineyard;
the juice of our grapes will make you perpetually thirsty for the
divine fruit。 The initiation is; as in that of all natural knowledge;
easy in appearance; difficult in reality。 Benevolence is like poesy;
nothing is easier than to catch the appearance of it。 But here; as in
Parnassus; nothing contents us but perfection。 To become one to us;
you must acquire a great knowledge of life。 And what a life;good
God! Parisian life; which defies the sagacity of the minister of
police and all his agents! We have to circumvent the perpetual
conspiracy of Evil; master it in all its forms; while it changes so
often as to seem infinite。 Charity in Paris must know as much as vice;
just as a policeman must know all the tricks of thieves。 We must each
be frank and each distrustful; we must have quick perception and a
sure and rapid judgment。 And then; my child; we are old and getting
older; but we are so content with the results we have now obtained;
that we do not want to die without leaving successors in the work。 If
you persist in your desire; you will be our first pupil; and all the
dearer to us on that account。 There is no risk for us; because God
brought you to us。 Yours is a good nature soured; since you have been
here the evil leaven has weakened。 The divine nature of Madame has
acted upon yours。 Yesterday we took counsel together; and inasmuch as
I have your confidence; my good brothers resolved to give me to you as
guardian and teacher。 Does that please you?〃

〃Ah! my kind Monsieur Alain; your eloquence awakens〃

〃No; my child; it is not I who speak well; it is things that are
eloquent。 We can be sure of being great; even sublime; in obeying God;
in imitating Jesus Christ;imitating him; I mean; as much as men are
able to do so; aided by faith。〃

〃This moment; then; decides my life!〃 cried Godefroid。 〃I feel within
me the fervor of a neophyte; I wish to spend my life in doing good。〃

〃That is the secret of remaining in God;〃 replied Alain。 〃Have you
studied our motto;/Transire benefaciendo/? /Transire/ means to go
beyond this world; leaving benefits on our way。〃

〃Yes; I have understood it; I have put the motto of the order before
my bed。〃

〃That is well; it is a trifling action; but it counts for much in my
eyes。 And now I have your first affair; your first duel with misery;
prepared for you; I'll put your foot in the stirrup。 We are about to
part。 Yes; I myself am detached from the convent; to live for a time
in the crater of a volcano。 I am to be a clerk in a great manufactory;
where the workmen are infected with communistic doctrines; and dream
of social destruction; the abolishment of masters;not knowing that
that would be the death of industry; of commerce; of manufactures。 I
shall stay there goodness knows how long;perhaps a year;keeping
the books and paying the wages。 This will give me an entrance into a
hundred or a hundred and twenty homes of working…men; misled; no
doubt; by poverty; even before the pamphlets of the day misled them。
But you and I can see each other on Sundays and fete…days。 We shall be
in the same quarter; and if you come to the church of Saint…Jacques du
Haut…Pas; you will find me there any day at half…past seven; when I
hear mass。 If you meet me elsewhere don't recognize me; unless you see
me rub my hands like a man who is pleased at something。 That is one of
our signs。 We have a language of signs; like the deaf and dumb; you'll
soon find out the absolute necessity of it。〃

Godefroid made a gesture which the goodman Alain interpreted; for he
laughed; and immediately went on to say:

〃Now for your affair。 We do not practise either the benevolence or the
philanthropy that you know about; which are really divided into
several branches; all taken advantage of by sharpers in charity as a
business。 We practise charity as our great and sublime Saint Paul
defines it; for; my dear lad; we think that charity; and charity
alone; which is Love; can heal the wounds of Paris。 In our eyes;
misery; of whatever kind; poverty; suffering; misfortune; grief; evil;
no matter how produced; or in what social class they show themselves;
have equal rights。 Whatever his opinions or beliefs; an unhappy man
is; before all else; an unhappy man; and we ought not to attempt to
turn his face to our holy mother Church until we have saved him from
despair or hunger。 Moreover; we ought to convert him to goodness more
by example and by gentleness than by any other means; and we believe
that God will specially help us in 
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