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the brotherhood of consolation-第43章

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has walked off just in time。 However; if we can't catch him; his
furniture hasn't taken wings。 You see we know all about it; young

〃Here are the stamped papers your grandpapa didn't choose to take;〃
said Madame Vauthier; thrusting three writs into Auguste's hand。

〃Remain here; madame;〃 said the sheriff; 〃we shall make you legal
guardian of the property。 The law gives you forty sous a day; and
that's not to be sneezed at。〃

〃Ha! now I shall see the inside of that fine bedroom!〃 cried the

〃You shall not go into my mother's room!〃 said the young lad; in a
threatening voice; springing between the door and the three men in

At a sign from the sheriff; two of the men seized Auguste。

〃No resistance; young man; you are not master here;〃 said the sheriff。
〃We shall draw up the proces…verbal; and you will sleep in jail。〃

Hearing that dreadful word; Auguste burst into tears。

〃Ah; how fortunate;〃 he cried; 〃that mamma has gone! It would have
killed her。〃

A conference now took place between the sheriff; the other men; and
Vauthier; by which Auguste discovered; although they spoke in a low
voice; that his grandfather's manuscripts were what they chiefly
wanted。 On that; he opened the door of his mother's bedroom。

〃Go in;〃 he said; 〃but take care to do no injury。 You will be paid
to…morrow morning。〃

Then he went off weeping into the lair; seized his grandfather's
notes and stuck them into the stove; in which; as he knew very well;
there was not a spark of fire。

The thing was done so rapidly that the sheriffa sly; keen fellow;
worthy of his clients Barbet and Metivierfound the lad weeping in
his chair when he entered the wretched room; after assuring himself
that the manuscripts were not in the antechamber。

Though it is not permissible to seize books or manuscripts for debt;
the bill of sale which Monsieur Bernard had made of his work justified
this proceeding。 It was; however; easy to oppose various delays to
this seizure; and Monsieur Bernard; had he been there; would not have
failed to do so。 For that reason the whole affair had been conducted
slyly。 Madame Vauthier had not attempted to give the writs to Monsieur
Bernard; she meant to have flung them into the room on entering behind
the sheriff's men; so to give the appearance of their being in the old
man's possession。

The proces…verbal of the seizure took an hour to write down; the
sheriff omitted nothing; and declared that the value of the property
seized was sufficient to pay the debt。 As soon as he and his men had
departed; Auguste took the writs and rushed to the hospital to find
his grandfather。 The sheriff having told him that Madame Vauthier was
now responsible; under heavy penalties; for the safety of the
property; he could leave the house without fear of robbery。

The idea of his grandfather being dragged to prison for debt drove the
poor lad; if not exactly crazy; at any rate as crazy as youth becomes
under one of those dangerous and fatal excitements in which all powers
ferment at once; and lead as often to evil actions as to heroic deeds。
When he reached the rue Basse…Saint…Pierre; the porter told him that
he did not know what had become of the father of the lady who had
arrived that afternoon; the orders of Monsieur Halpersohn were to
admit no one to see her for the next eight days; under pain of putting
her life in danger。

This answer brought Auguste's exasperation to a crisis。 He returned to
the boulevard du Mont…Parnasse; turning over in his mind the wildest
and most extravagant plans of action。 He reached home at half…past
eight o'clock; half famished; and so exhausted with hunger and
distress that he listened to Madame Vauthier when she asked him to
share her supper; which happened to be a mutton stew with potatoes。
The poor lad fell half dead upon a chair in that atrocious woman's

Persuaded by the wheedling and honeyed words of the old vulture; he
replied to a few questions about Godefroid which she adroitly put to
him; letting her discover that it was really her other lodger who was
to pay his grandfather's debts the next day; and also that it was to
him they owed the improvement in their condition during the past week。
The widow listened to these confidences with a dubious air; plying
Auguste with several glasses of wine meantime。

About ten o'clock a cab stopped before the house; and Madame Vauthier
looking out exclaimed:

〃Oh! it is Monsieur Godefroid。〃

Auguste at once took the key of his apartment and went up to meet the
protector of his family; but he found Godefroid's face and manner so
changed that he hesitated to address him until; generous lad that he
was; the thought of his grandfather's danger came over him and gave
him courage。



The cause of this change and of the sternness in Godefroid's face was
an event which had just taken place in the rue Chanoinesse。 When the
initiate arrived there he found Madame de la Chanterie and her friends
assembled in the salon awaiting dinner; and he instantly took Monsieur
Joseph apart to give him the four volumes on 〃The Spirit of Modern
Laws。〃 Monsieur Joseph took the voluminous manuscript to his room and
returned for dinner; then; after sharing in the conversation for part
of the evening; he went back to his room; intending to begin the
reading of the book that night。

Godefroid was much astonished when Manon came to him soon after
Monsieur Joseph's retirement and asked if he would at once go up and
speak to that gentleman。 He went up; conducted by Manon; and was
unable to pay any heed to the apartment (which he had never before
entered) so amazed was he by the agitated look and manner of a man who
was usually calm and placid。

〃Do you know;〃 asked Monsieur Joseph; once more a judge; 〃who the
author of this work is?〃

〃He is Monsieur Bernard;〃 said Godefroid; 〃I know him only under that
name。 I did not open the package。〃

〃True;〃 said Monsieur Joseph; as if to himself; 〃I broke the seals
myself。 You have not tried to find out anything about his

〃No; I only know that he made a love…match with the daughter of
General Tarlowski; that the daughter is named after the mother; Vanda;
the grandson is called Auguste; and I have seen a portrait of Monsieur
Bernard in the red robes of a president of the Royal Courts。〃

〃Here; read that;〃 said Monsieur Joseph; pointing to the titlepage of
the manuscript; written probably in Auguste's handwriting:



By M。 Bernard…Jean…Baptiste Macloud;
Baron Bourlac。

Formerly attorney…general to the Royal Court of Rouen。
Grand officer of the Legion of honor。

'Aha! Thought so。JB。'

〃Ha! the slayer of Madame's daughter! of the Chevalier du Vissard! the
man who condemned her to twenty years' imprisonment!〃 said Godefroid;
in a feeble voice。 His legs gave way under him; and he dropped into a
chair。 〃What a beginning!〃 he muttered。

〃This matter; my dear Godefroid;〃 resumed Monsieur Joseph; 〃concerns
us all。 You have done your part; leave the rest to us。 I beg you to
have no more to do with it; go and fetch the things you have left
behind you。 Don't say a word of all this。 Practise absolute
discretion。 Tell the Baron de Bourlac to address himself to me。 By
that time we shall have decided how to act under the circumstances。〃

Godefroid left him; took a cab; and went back as fast as he could to
the boulevard du Mont…Parnasse; filled with horror as he remembered
that indictment signed with Bourlac's name; the bloody drama ending on
the scaffold; and Madame de la Chanterie's imprisonment at Bicetre。 He
understood now the abandonment in which this former attorney…general;
another Fourquier…Tinville in the public mind; was ending his days;
and the true reasons for the concealment of his name。

〃May Monsieur Joseph avenge her terribly!〃 he thought。 As he uttered
the wish in his own mind; he saw Auguste。

〃What do you want of me?〃 he asked。

〃My good friend; such a dreadful misfortune has overtaken us that I am
almost mad。 Wretches have come here and seized all my mother's
property; and they are going to put my grandfather in prison。 But it
is not on account of those misfortunes that I come to implore you;〃
said the lad; with Roman pride; 〃it is to ask you to do me a service
such as people do to those who are condemned to die。〃

〃Go on; what is it?〃 said Godefroid。

〃They came here to seize my grandfather's manuscript; and as I think
he gave you the book itself I want you to take the notes; for Madame
Vauthier will not let me carry anything out of the house。 Put them
with the volumes and〃

〃Yes; yes;〃 said Godefroid; 〃go and get them at once。〃

While the lad went back to his own rooms; returning immediately;
Godefroid reflected that the poor child was guilty of no crime; and
that he ought not to put despair into that young heart by speaking of
his grandfather and of the punishment for his savage political actions
that had overtaken his old age。 He therefore took the little package
with a good grace。

〃What is your mother's name?〃 he asked。

〃My mother is the Baronne de Mergi; my father was the son 
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