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arizona nights-第28章

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Wall; I've see things and I've heerd things; some of them ornery;

and some you'd love to believe; they was that gorgeous and

improbable。  Nat'ral history was always my hobby and sportin'

events my special pleasure and this yarn of Windy's reminds me of

the only chanst I ever had to ring in business and pleasure and

hobby all in one grand merry…go…round of joy。  It come about like



One day; a few year back; I was sittin' on the beach at Santa

Barbara watchin' the sky stay up; and wonderin' what to do with

my year's wages; when a little squinch…eye round…face with big

bow spectacles came and plumped down beside me。


〃Did you ever stop to think;〃 says he; shovin' back his hat;

〃that if the horsepower delivered by them waves on this beach in

one single hour could be concentrated behind washin' machines; it

would be enough to wash all the shirts for a city of four hundred

and fifty…one thousand one hundred and thirty…six people?〃

〃Can't say I ever did;〃 says I; squintin' at him sideways。


〃Fact;〃 says he; 〃and did it ever occur to you that if all the

food a man eats in the course of a natural life could be gathered

together at one time; it would fill a wagon…train twelve miles



〃You make me hungry;〃 says I。


〃And ain't it interestin' to reflect;〃 he goes on; 〃that if all

the finger…nail parin's of the human race for one year was to be

collected and subjected to hydraulic pressure it would equal in

size the pyramid of Cheops?〃


〃Look yere;〃 says I; sittin' up; 〃did YOU ever pause to

excogitate that if all the hot air you is dispensin' was to be

collected together it would fill a balloon big enough to waft you

and me over that Bullyvard of Palms to yonder gin mill on the



He didn't say nothin' to thatjust yanked me to my feet; faced

me towards the gin mill above mentioned; and exerted considerable

pressure on my arm in urgin' of me forward。


〃You ain't so much of a dreamer; after all;〃  thinks I。  〃In

important matters you are plumb decisive。〃


We sat down at little tables; and my friend ordered a beer and a

chicken sandwich。


〃Chickens;〃 says he; gazin' at the sandwich; 〃is a dollar apiece

in this country; and plumb scarce。  Did you ever pause to ponder

over the returns chickens would give on a small investment?  Say

you start with ten hens。  Each hatches out thirteen aigs; of

which allow a loss of say six for childish accidents。  At the end

of the year you has eighty chickens。  At the end of two years

that flock has increased to six hundred and twenty。  At the end

of the third year〃

 He had the medicine tongue!  Ten days later him and me was

occupyin' of an old ranch fifty mile from anywhere。  When they

run stage…coaches this joint used to be a roadhouse。  The outlook

was on about a thousand little brown foothills。  A road two miles

four rods two foot eleven inches in sight run by in front of us。 

It come over one foothill and disappeared over another。  I know

just how long it was; for later in the game I measured it。


Out back was about a hundred little wire chicken corrals filled

with chickens。  We had two kinds。  That was the doin's of

Tuscarora。  My pardner called himself Tuscarora Maxillary。  I

asked him once if that was his real name。


〃It's the realest little old name you ever heerd tell of;〃 says

he。  〃I know; for I made it myselfliked the sound of her。 

Parents ain't got no rights to name their children。  Parents

don't have to be called them names。〃


Well; these chickens; as I said; was of two kinds。  The first was

these low…set; heavyweight propositions with feathers on their

laigs; and not much laigs at that; called Cochin Chinys。  The

other was a tall ridiculous outfit made up entire of bulgin'

breast and gangle laigs。  They stood about two foot and a half

tall; and when they went to peck the ground their tail feathers

stuck straight up to the sky。  Tusky called 'em Japanese Games。


〃Which the chief advantage of them chickens is;〃 says he; 〃that

in weight about ninety per cent of 'em is breast meat。  Now my

idee is; that if we can cross 'em with these Cochin Chiny fowls

we'll have a low…hung; heavyweight chicken runnin' strong on

breast meat。  These Jap Games is too small; but if we can bring

'em up in size and shorten their laigs; we'll shore have a



That looked good to me; so we started in on that idee。  The

theery was bully; but she didn't work out。 The first broods we

hatched growed up with big husky Cochin Chiny bodies and little

short necks; perched up on laigs three foot long。  Them chickens 

couldn't reach ground nohow。  We had to build a table for 'em to

eat off; and when they went out rustlin' for themselves they had

to confine themselves to sidehills or flyin' insects。  Their

breasts was all right; though〃And think of them drumsticks for

the boardinghouse trade!〃 says Tusky。


So far things wasn't so bad。  We had a good grubstake。  Tusky and

me used to feed them chickens twict a day; and then used to set

around watchin' the playful critters chase grasshoppers up an'

down the wire corrals; while Tusky figgered out what'd happen if

somebody was dumfool enough to gather up somethin' and fix it in

baskets or wagons or such。  That was where we showed our

ignorance of chickens。


One day in the spring I hitched up; rustled a dozen of the

youngsters into coops; and druv over to the railroad to make our

first sale。  I couldn't fold them chickens up into them coops at

first; but then I stuck the coops up on aidge and they worked all

right; though I will admit they was a comical sight。  At the

railroad one of them towerist trains had just slowed down to a

halt as I come up; and the towerist was paradin' up and down

allowin' they was particular enjoyin' of the warm Californy

sunshine。  One old terrapin; with grey chin whiskers; projected

over; with his wife; and took a peek through the slats of my

coop。  He straightened up like someone had touched him off with a

red…hot poker。


〃Stranger;〃 said he; in a scared kind of whisper; 〃what's them?〃


〃Them's chickens;〃 says I。


He took another long look。


〃Marthy;〃 says he to the old woman; 〃this will be about all!  We

come out from Ioway to see the Wonders of Californy; but I can't

go nothin' stronger than this。  If these is chickens; I don't

want to see no Big Trees。〃


Well; I sold them chickens all right for a dollar and two bits;

which was better than I expected; and got an order for more。 

About ten days later I got a letter from the commission house。


〃We are returnin' a sample of your Arts and Crafts chickens with

the lovin' marks of the teeth still onto him;〃 says they。  〃Don't

send any more till they stops pursuin' of the nimble grasshopper。

Dentist bill will foller。〃

With the letter came the remains of one of the chickens。  Tusky

and I; very indignant; cooked her for supper。  She was tough; all

right。  We thought she might do better biled; so we put her in

the pot over night。  Nary bit。  Well; then we got interested。 

Tusky kep' the fire goin' and I rustled greasewood。  We cooked

her three days and three nights。  At the end of that time she was

sort of pale and frazzled; but still givin' points to

three…year…old jerky on cohesion and other uncompromisin' forces

of Nature。  We buried her then; and went out back to recuperate。


There we could gaze on the smilin' landscape; dotted by about

four hundred long…laigged chickens swoopin' here and there after



〃We got to stop that;〃 says I。


〃We can't;〃 murmured Tusky; inspired。 〃We can't。  It's born in

'em; it's a primal instinct; like the love of a mother for her

young; and it can't be eradicated!  Them chickens is constructed

by a divine providence for the express purpose of chasin'

grasshoppers; jest as the beaver is made for buildin' dams; and

the cow…puncher is made for whisky and faro…games。  We can't

keep 'em from it。  If we was to shut 'em in a dark cellar; they'd

flop after imaginary grasshoppers in their dreams; and die

emaciated in the midst of plenty。  Jimmy; we're up agin the

Cosmos; the oversoul〃  Oh; he had the medicine tongue; Tusky

had; and risin' on the wings of eloquence that way; he had me

faded in ten minutes。  In fifteen I was wedded solid to the

notion that the bottom had dropped out of the chicken business。 

I think now that if we'd shut them hens up; we might havestill;

I don't know; they was a good deal in what Tusky said。

〃Tuscarora Maxillary;〃 says I; 〃did you ever stop to entertain

that beautiful thought that if all the dumfoolishness possessed

now by the human race could be gathered together; and lined up

alongside of us; the first feller to come along would say to it

'Why; hello; Solomon!'〃


We quit the notion of chickens for profit right th
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