the commonwealth of oceana-第32章
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ia in a commonwealth; where the people are sovereign; is not lawful to be touched injussu populi。 The Romans were so curious that; though their consuls were elected in the centuriate assemblies; they might not touch the militia; except they were confirmed in the parochial assemblies; for a magistrate not receiving his power from the people; takes it from them; and to take away their power is to take away their liberty。 As to the election by the scrutiny; it is easily perceived to be Venetian; there being no such way to take in the knowledge; which in all reason must be best in every council of such men as are most fit for their turns; and yet to keep them from the bias of particular affection or interest under that pretence; for the cause why the great Council in Venice scarce ever elects any other than the name that is brought in by the scrutiny; is very probable to be; that they may。。。 This election is the last of those appertaining to the Senate。 The councils being chosen by the orders already shown; it remains that we come to those whereby they are instructed and the orders of instruction to the councils are two: the first for the matter whereupon they are to proceed; and the second for the manner of their proceeding。 The matter of the councils is distributed to them by The nineteenth order 〃Distributing to every council such businesses as are properly to belong to their cognizance; whereof some they shall receive and determine; and others they shall receive; prepare; and introduce into the house: as; first; 〃The Council of State is to receive all addresses; intelligences; and letters of negotiation; to give audience to ambassadors sent to; and to draw up instructions for such as shall be sent by; this commonwealth; to receive propositions from; and hold intelligence with; the provincial councils; to consider upon all laws to be enacted; amended; or repealed; and upon all levies of men or money; war or peace; leagues or associations to be made by this commonwealth; so far forth as is conducible to the orderly preparation of the same to be introduced by them into the Senate; provided; that all such affairs; as otherwise appertaining to the Council of State; are; for the good of the commonwealth; to be carried with greater secrecy; be managed by the Council of War; with power to receive and send forth agents; spies; emissaries; intelligencers; frigots; and to manage affairs of that nature; if it be necessary without communication to the Senate; till such time as it may be had without detriment to the business。 But they shall have no power to engage the commonwealth in a war without the consent of the Senate and the people。 It appertains also to this council to take charge of the fleet as admiral; and of all storehouses; armories; arsenals; and magazines appertaining to this commonwealth。 They shall keep a diligent record of the military expeditions from time to time reported by him that was strategus or general; or one of the polemarchs in that action; or at least so far as the experience of such commanders may tend to the improvement of the military discipline; which they shall digest and introduce into the Senate; and if the Senate shall thereupon frame any article; they shall see that it be observed; in the musters or education of the youth。 And whereas the Council of War is the sentinel or scout of this commonwealth; if any person or persons shall go about to introduce debate into any popular assembly of the same; or otherwise to alter the present government; or strike at the root of it; they shall apprehend; or cause to be apprehended; seized; imprisoned; and examine; arraign; acquit; or condemn; and cause to be executed any such person or persons; by their proper power and authority and without appeal。 The Council of Religion; as the arbiter of this commonwealth in cases of conscience more peculiarly appertaining to religion; Christian charity; and a pious life; shall have the care of the national religion; and the protection of the liberty of conscience with the cognizance of all causes relating to either of them。 And first as to the national religion: they shall cause all places or preferments of the best revenue in either of the universities to be conferred upon no other than such of the most learned and pious men as have dedicated themselves to the study of theology。 They shall also take a special care that; by such augmentations as be or shall hereafter be appointed by the Senate; every benefice in this nation be improved at least to the value of ?00 a year。 And to the end that there be no interest at all; whereby the divines or teachers of the national religion may be corrupted; or corrupt religion; they shall be capable of no other kind of employment or preferment in this commonwealth。 And whereas a directory for the administration of the national religion is to be prepared by this council; they shall in this and other debates of this nature proceed in manner following: a question arising in matter of religion shall be put and stated by the council in writing; which writing the censors shall send by their beadles (being proctors chosen to attend them) each to the university whereof he is chancellor; and the vice…chancellor of the same receiving the writing; shall call a convocation of all the divines of that university being above forty years of age。 And the universities; upon a point so proposed; shall have no manner of intelligence or correspondence one with another; till their debates be ended; and they have made return of their answers to the Council of Religion by two or three of their own members; that they may clear their sense; if any doubt should arise; to the council; which done; they shall return; and the council; having received such information; shall proceed according to their own judgments; in the preparation of the whole matter for the Senate: that so the interest of the learned being removed; there may be a right application of reason to Scripture; which is the foundation of the national religion。 〃Secondly; this council; as to the protection of the liberty of conscience; shall suffer no coercive power in the matter of religion to be exercised in this nation; the teachers of the natural religion being no other than such as voluntarily undertake that calling; and their auditors or hearers no other than are also voluntary。 Nor shall any gathered congregation be molested or interrupted in their way of worship (being neither Jewish nor idolatrous); but vigilantly and vigorously protected and defended in the enjoyment; practice; and profession of the same。 And if there be officers or auditors appointed by any such congregation for the introduction of causes into the Council of Religion; all such causes so introduced shall be received; heard; and determined by the same; with recourse had; if need be; to the Senate。 〃Thirdly; every petition addressed to the Senate; except that of a tribe; shall be received; examined; and debated by this council; and such only as they; upon such examination and debate had; shall think fit; may be introduced into the Senate。 〃The Council of Trade being the vena porta of this nation; shall hereafter receive instructions more at large。 For the present; their experience; attaining to a right understanding of those trades and mysteries that feed the veins of this commonwealth; and a true distinction of them from those that suck or exhaust the same; they shall acquaint the Senate with the conveniences and inconveniences; to the end that encouragement may be applied to the one; and remedy to the other。 〃The Academy of the provosts; being the affability of the commonwealth; shall assemble every day toward the evening in a fair room; having certain withdrawing…rooms thereto belonging; and all sorts of company that will repair thither for conversation or discourse; so it be upon matters of government; news; or intelligence; or to propose anything to the councils; shall be freely and affably received in the outer chamber; and heard in the way of civil conversation; which is to be managed without any other awe or ceremony than is thereto usually appertaining; to the end that every man may be free; and that what is proposed by one; may be argued or discoursed by the rest; except the matter be of secrecy; in which case the provosts; or some of them; shall take such as desire audience into one of the withdrawing…rooms。 And the provosts are to give their minds that this academy be so governed; adorned; and preserved; as may be most attractive to men of parts and good affections to the commonwealth; for the excellency of the conversation。 〃Furthermore; if any man; not being able or willing to come in person; has any advice to give which he judges may be for the good of the commonwealth; he may write his mind to the Academy of the provosts; in a letter signed or not signed; which letter shall be left with the doorkeeper of the Academy。 Nor shall any person delivering such a letter be seized; molested; or detained; though it should prove to be a libel。 But the letters so delivered shall be presented to the provosts; and in case they be so many that they cannot well be perused by the provosts themselves; they shall distribute them as they please to be read by the g
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